Welcome to this truth bearing *FULL MOON* BLUE MOON, the first of two consecutive Full Moons in Sagittarius.
As the Moon rises to her fullness, it’s likely we’ll feel the pull and tug of our hearts calling us to align with our deepest truth and encouraging us to bring forth the balance needed to embody it.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from SARAH VARCAS from her
“Occurring less than 24 hours prior to the end of Mercury retrograde, this Moon signals a shift of perspective.
“Events of the past three weeks begin to reveal a deeper significance now and through the coming month…”
“This is a positive Moon with an uplifting tone and encouraging demeanor. That said, she poses a challenge too, our response to which will color the weeks to come.
“Conjunct retrograde Mars she calls forth courage and appeals especially to those who identify as spiritual warriors, seeing through the seductions of an unconscious world, whilst living in that world full-blooded and passionate: engaged, enlivened and entranced by its paradoxical beauty.
“There exists an innocence about this Moon, even as she radiates timeless wisdom passed down through ages. Burning away the jaded half-truths of dogma and obedience to belief and form, she illuminates the vitality at the heart of a soul on fire for truth…”
“Currently in Scorpio, Black Moon Lilith also speaks, reminding us that without the darkness of inky skies we could never appreciate a magnificent moon.
“We cannot have light without darkness. To deny the shadows renders life uni-dimensional, robbed of its guts and gumption.
“Those feelings we judge as wrong or negative, the ones we’re told aren’t spiritual or ‘of the light’, they are part of us too, an expression of our wild nature which rages against obstacles, suffers when suppressed and challenges the narrative that nice is more important than true.
“Lilith embraces everything and everyone, resplendent in her power and alive in her fullness. She stands beside every person torn apart by grief, ground down by depression, fractured by rage or broken by guilt.
“She looks into our eyes and sees our soul aflame with both divine love and sacred wrath, united in one ecstatic expression of Life…”
“She reminds us the most effective response to life is born of an open mind and heart, not one resistant to the very conditions it struggles to confront.”
© Copyright 2016 SARAH VARCAS
“This Full Moon is in a grand square….The test will be to balance your need for freedom with your duties. There will be a tug of war between keeping the status quo verses your risk taking…”
“This is a dynamic Full Moon. It effects many areas of your life. This is where the action is this year. We have been building towards this time.
“(With) the Saturn Neptune aspect…You can feel pulled in numerous directions…”
“Less is more. Make friends with the word no. No is your friend. No, I am not available. No, I cannot do that for you…”
“This Moon requires you to be who you really are…Be true to yourself. Yes, consider the needs of others. But do not let others needs trump what is right for you.
“Come from your soul desires. Your soul knows what you need. Saturn requires you to be realistic. Be practical. Be grounded.
“If you are tired rest. Take plenty of catnaps. These energies can be exhausting at times. It will take time to get used to the higher vibrations. It is not the time to push yourself. Focus your energy.
“Work while you are strong. Rest when you need it. Listen to your body. It is your messenger. What is it telling you?
“Saturn restricts the energy of the Sun. This is so you prioritize what is important for you and what is a distraction…”
“Do what makes you happy. Make sure you are including you in your life. Where are you out of balance?
“…You are here to be happy. You are not here just to serve. You are here to live your Best Life…”
“Make sure that what you are doing is right for you. That you are not in denial of the truth. What is real? What is an illusion? This will be your challenge. Discernment and patience will guide your way.”
© Copyright 2016 KELLEY ROSANO
From ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“This is an extremely important Lunation that will open a certain type of Wisdom for the next year. This Lunation bridges what has been, and what is just now beginning to unfold…”
“Be willing to find techniques that help you know what is core and what is peripheral.
“Take another look at what is more important and what is less important, and find ways to experience life and power more deeply that open a cultural sensitivity and/or your understanding of the importance of your cultural background.”
He also says:
“This distributive, communicative, activating, and truth-focused Full Moon at 2 Gemini-Sagittarius will allow us to see and express truth and wisdom demonstrating a determination to live a greater freedom in all our lives…”
“This Full Moon falls at 2 Gemini and Sagittarius…The Solar degree symbol for the 2nd degree of Gemini is ‘Santa Claus filling stockings furtively.’
“…We are told in the Astrological Mandala that this symbolizes ‘a rewarded faith in spiritual blessings,’ relating to our purity of heart and our willingness to accept gifts from the invisible world.
“He says this is about us getting beyond ‘ego and rationalistic arguments’ so we can experience the manifestation of what we have imagined.
“He goes on to state we should not examine the gifts from the invisible world too closely, and we need to build an attitude that will help us receive gifts and blessings from the spiritual realm.
“He says we need ‘faith, purity of heart, and a common type of understanding,’ as well as innocence…”
“He says this is about a need for appreciation when encountering ‘nature’s largess and society’s favors,’ where we keep spiritual values alive in the hearts of all…”
“The Lunar degree symbol for the 2nd degree of Sagittarius is ‘The ocean covered with whitecaps.’
“…According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find this degree symbolizes ‘the unending availability of everything ever needed for life and experience’ which we discover via the ‘tireless anticipations of the human soul.’
“He speaks of a need to give focus ‘to the restlessness of an over-all consciousness‘ in which our ‘immortal being is cradled, and for channeling this into a manifestation of personal energy.’
“He states we prosper as we are ‘self-quickened to (our) own potentialities.’
“…So the Lunar degree should help us express the Light through whatever intensifies us, or where we hear a call to some form of ‘vital activity.’
“This will help us express whatever we’ve been anticipating, and channel our ‘immortal self’ into some personally relevant ‘manifestation of personal energy.’
“This implies that part of the wisdom this year is about allowing ourselves to be quickened, intensified, or become more resourceful, and find a greater way to view our attack on the problems of life.”
© Copyright 2016 ROBERT WILKINSON
“At this Sagittarius Full Moon, there can be flash sightings of a new big picture. Sagittarius is mutable fire, the sign of broad knowledge — the kind that connects the dots. This is very, very empowering, and allows you to consider new and surprising possibilities.
“…Sagittarius is the sign of truth and high ideals. Gandhi said, ‘Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.’ With the clarity, unveiling and burning off of what’s false, a new path forward is realized.”
© Copyright 2016 MOLLY HALL
“Gemini sees the small picture while Sadge sees the Big Picture- but they both can be overly mental and at times overly stuck in their version of the truth.
“With Saturn in Sadge we all have lessons right now about discerning Truth from fiction, fantasy, illusion or lies (ones we tell ourselves, ones we tell others and ones we absorb from the world around us)…”
“Being able to discern truth from Truth, ego from Soul/Spirit and self from Self is the lesson right now. To truly surrender self serving notions we have to be willing to stop serving the ego self- and this can be very hard at times particularly when we are invested in being right or being seen in a particular way.
“But letting go of self-serving notions we must- as they keep us back, and we are not here to stay back. We are here to wake up! And every present moment is the perfect moment to awaken :) “
© Copyright 2016 DIVINE HARMONY
“…for every situation that really demands stark truth-telling, there’s one that calls for a little more restraint and judgment.
“At those moments, this piece of advice, attributed to Indian spiritual master Sai Baba, can be helpful:
“Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve upon the silence?
“Oh, self-righteousness can feel so good. Setting someone straight. Telling it like it is. Few things offer the delicious jolt of freedom, of agency, of utter indifference to consequence that comes with letting fly a self-righteous screed.
“But even if what you say is true, and even if you can argue for its necessity, that kind of truth-telling is never kind and almost never improves upon the silence…”
“The next time you feel the itch to really let loose and try to convince someone that you’re by-God right about something, try for a moment to close your eyes and pretend you’re in some beautiful natural spot that’s sacred to you. Put yourself in the silence. Wait awhile.
“You may find, to your surprise, that the real truth that needs to be told is a little different than you’d imagined. Sometimes, it’s not a truth about someone else at all, but rather about yourself— something you’re a little ashamed of, embarrassed by, and have been only dimly aware of.
“Let the silence stretch on, holding your truth gently aloft. Could your words improve this moment, this silence?
“…Truth shouldn’t be something we use to shame one another, but rather a way of revealing us more completely so that we can better love one another.”
“…when you’re looking around you to total up the hypocrisies and dishonesties that need to be called out, remember, as Mercury and Mars are still retrograde, to look inside yourself, first, for frailties.
“Then, if you find you still have something to say that’s big and truthful and heart-opening, open up your throat and sing out loud and strong, with love and without judgment. Make your truth as beautiful as you can. Improve the silence.”
© Copyright 2016 APRIL ELLIOTT KENT
*FULL MOON* Blessings to all!
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TO SHARE >>> You may use the links below or quote a small paragraph from the report by using quotations (” “) and fully crediting 1) the person whose words you are sharing + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link to this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
Lorraine Perez says:
May 20, 2016
Wow. Powerful. So many gems this month. Sipping it in slowly.. Thank you
CD says:
May 20, 2016
Thank you!
jean lumsden says:
May 20, 2016
As always, so insightful and I loved the Sai Baba quote.
It was he who also said ” Shopping Malls a re the cathedrals of the people.” Discuss.
Love is all. All is well.
Triumvirate of God says:
May 20, 2016
In my youth, I saw a vision that told me to embrace her. She is all powerful. And all knowing. This body that houses her soul is barely alive but by her will.
You are all her children and she loves you each, no matter your faults. Her patence is countered by the patriarchal desires of sons who turn the world around and around.
She is loving and open hearted. Trusting. She is giving.
The truth is irrelevant to her because sheis the truth. She is the mother who gives birth to all the truths….she asks that there be more respect given to her position, more care, more ritual.
Please don’t neglect her, because there are two sides to the Mother, and if the world chooses to neglect their existence then she will turn dark and the darkness is difficult to soothe…
Compassion and bliss arelost in the sea of chemicals an waves and phonics….let our hearts speakand out minds tame.
Samira says:
May 21, 2016
Beautiful, I appreciate this so much! So clear and feeling it completely~ Sending love and infinite gratitude~
Kaye says:
May 21, 2016
💙💙💙🌙 much love
Andrew Ross says:
May 21, 2016
Goodness whole and beautiful
How often the silence is what lifts
How often ego creeps with its bedfellow
What joy to know that in silence we cultivate
In strength we share unbridled true love
And that in this tremendous age we can
Mystical truths that are so very grounded in
Science Fact not science fiction
In the word Spiritual is the word Ritual
Hence to improve my condition
I shall
Re read this gathering of insights
Thank You
May 21, 2016
May 21, 2016
Hi Andrew,
I am so HAPPY that you found Mystic Mamma!!!
Laura says:
May 21, 2016
The best: “…Truth shouldn’t be something we use to shame one another, but rather a way of revealing us more completely so that we can better love one another.” Incredible.
Deborah says:
May 21, 2016
What a gift…exquisite words of wisdom and sharing…thank you so much. Wonderful way to set my day. Xx
Marika says:
May 21, 2016
Thank you!!
Terranova says:
May 21, 2016
I want to tell you how much I appreciate these insights. They really guide me and are always on track. Thank you.
Kristin says:
May 21, 2016
Rocky says:
Mar 31, 2017
Lot of smarts in that poigtns!
Mamaste says:
May 21, 2016
Hoping my baby boy decides to arrive today- with such a significant cycle as this full moon. Thank you all for sharing your words. Xo
Pennye says:
May 21, 2016
Thank you
wren says:
May 21, 2016
wow. amazing insights, all of them. perfect timing and beautifuly relevent, like an arrow shot staight into my soul. thank you MM !! blessings love + light to every beating heart in the universe. ✨🙏🏻✨💗✨🦄✨🌕✨
Daliloushka says:
May 21, 2016
Thank you … Love to all and inhale all that good energies this Blue Moon has for us. Loved this: Do what makes you happy. Make sure you are including you in your life. Where are you out of balance? You are here to be happy. You are not here just to serve. You are here to live your Best Life…”
“Make sure that what you are doing is right for you. That you are not in denial of the truth. What is real? What is an illusion? This will be your challenge. Discernment and patience will guide your way.
One Love to All ❤️
davey says:
May 22, 2016
Thankyou, thankyou, guided here, love to all.
Tyrus says:
May 22, 2016
Holy moly- so many beautiful questions to ask myself came from that- gunna do some journaling! Full moon blessings- spending some time alone this full moon – so I can hear my own internal rhythm.
Lava says:
May 22, 2016
Miscarried today, a tiny embryo made by me and my Sagittarius husband, on what is my 31st birthday and full moon. Not sure what is all means, but I am feeling calm and hopeful despite this.
)) says:
May 22, 2016
Your inspiration is a blessing to us….May you find all the room you need to exhale. Selah
mm says:
May 23, 2016
Sending you and you husband so much love~~~
Egypt says:
Mar 31, 2017
I get pleasure from, result in I discovered exactly what I was taking a look for. Yo#v8u217;&e ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye
Nadine Lee says:
May 22, 2016
This has been the most intense full moon of the year !
I couldn’t sleep at all on the night ,!
Deep deep inner purging !
Thank you for the guidance as Always xx
Jeff S says:
May 22, 2016
Thank you very much for a truth so beautifully put. I appreciate the many other wise sources you included… it was effective as a teachable moment.
I couldn’t sleep until 3am last night (the time the Higher State Souls are closer to us) and am wondering about a person who I just diplomatically turned down after a month of casual conversation. I see now this morning why doing so was important…
I hope we all find the clarity we need from the silence and have faith in the Oneness.
Zachariah says:
May 22, 2016
Hey!! The moon is in front of the sign of Scorpio!! Use a star app like “star walk” on the iPhone and point it where the moon is and you will see the constellation behind it !!
Western astrology calculations are based on math and it doesn’t account for the procession of the equinoxes ( 1 degree about every 72 years ) – western astrology is about 3 weeks off.
I know all this because I’m getting married to a Vedic astrologer !
Much Love and Light to you all!!
Van says:
May 29, 2016
Something extraudinary has happened since the 1st of Jan 2016. I was seeing a lot of deaths around me and my eyes opened up to something that I was actually afraid of. But believing in myself believing in the moon in the Goddess is something that I have learned on this journey of mine. My old soul had died on Dec 31 and I had told my x that things will be different and indeed they were. I have been on an extraudinary spiritual journey which Some people may think of me insane. But to be me and go through the things that I have been through has been something special. Even if I did turn to the dark it had showed me the way and I had brought myself back to the light. The signs were all there I was just blinded.. My Ephiphany, my name, my date of birth, my horoscopes my blueprint of my entire life brought me an understanding of who I really am. After all these encounters with these different people from different cultures I relised that my cultural background of Vietnamese and Greek played a significant role. In the end I think the lines aligned in the stars and the moon was very important to me as in something very special happening to me. In my life I was the 2nd eldest of 5 sisters but I was the black sheep: I had chosen to live through the pain and misery of our troublesome childhood as I didn’t want my 3 younger sisters to go through this. (we were the 5 dragon daughters in Viet culture) which I am still not sure is about but I do know plays a significant role.
. The day I turned 30. I was ironically born on Fri 13th Dec 1985, that was when I could feel myself changing as a woman. On the 1st day of Jan 2016 an Ephiphany had come to me and a friend had led me to a grave of our friend that has committed suicide. Since that day u usual events have happened. Unbelievable events and things have changed.
To learn everything in this amount of time about all sorts of beliefs and religion it all came to an understanding of the Truth.. The truth lies within you and it is up to you whether you open your heart up and relise it. My spiritual journey is still happening and what to come of next I am not 100% sure but I know with the love of the moon, heart, soul and spirit I am sure I will find a way. Everything happens for a reason in life and it’s all about how we interpret it.
May the light cover the darkness and lead you to your full potential..May the Gods and the Goddess be with you.
karl says:
May 30, 2016
Thank You Thank You Thank YOU! <3
Sasha says:
Jun 16, 2016
So grateful!!!!
Truth. Sadgey myself…
There’s the truth, and than the Truth.
I appreciated everyones contributions.
Especially the truth of yourself must be exposed the part that you need to let go of ,the part that you’ve been holding on to, that you may be ashamed of.
Feeling like crying, that has been a great release with today’s scorpio moon.
blessed to have the tears, bless to feel one’s truth, even if it’s not articulated.
Thank you all who contributed and Mystic Mama for compiling, Blessings to all this year and this blue moon! SHARE YOUR TRUTH!:)
Jàx Mill says:
Jan 18, 2018
My baby girl did come on this day .. May 21, 2016… Three weeks early.. But not early at all.. Healthy and full grown, ready to meet the world! So ready, mom, myself wasn’t… Early morning of a camping trip I thought may of been the last camping event with two boys already, Francis, little Frankie I call her… Decided she wanted to make her debut with excitement.. Left the entire ( popular) campground d with so much excitement she gave no time for a hospital delivery.. She had everyone surrounding the vehicle I gave birth to her in.. Trying to three point turn around to get to the emergency room in! Thank goodness for dad, ànd his quick çalm reaction.. Part ‘er into park, and got to the passenger side 2ith çleàn towel to be the fat to hold our beautiful baby girl! Just like the medium told me I’d hàve.. Almoßt 2 yrs before. Àn INDIGLO baby… Thàt 2ould meàn so much to me.. she was right.. I tried telling her I didn’t want ànymore kids.. So glad I do hàve her!!! Approximately 8:30 àm Ontario Canada time.. Mày 21st ²0¹6. Thank you world for my beàutiful blessing! Xoxo