*FULL MOON* in Pisces is calling us from her watery depths urging us to take the time to go within and bathe in the sacred waters of our Soul.
We need time to be with our Soul to listen and discern all that we are moving through.
The triad of summer eclipses have washed over us transforming our inner landscapes.
Now we turn within to forage these changes and make the choices that will nourish us to the depths.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our featured guiding lights.
The wonderful CATHY PAGANO shares:
“It’s a time to rest in the arms of the watery womb of life, rocking gently on calm tidal flows…
“The Pisces Moon asks us to walk with Spirit as our most intimate companion and to use our creative imagination to discover what has been awakened in us by all the changes and challenges we’ve gone through this year…
“The ruling planets of this Full Moon, Mercury/Virgo and Jupiter/Pisces, are squaring each other. So in the midst of the calm, we are challenged to speak to the heart of things…
“Let’s choose our words and expand our vocabularies. We are called to embrace what has been dark within us and bring it into the light.
“It’s important that we put our creative thoughts into language that engenders original thinking in ourselves and others.
“When we don’t put effort into creating our original thoughts, then pseudo-thoughts, trite words and phrases, come automatically to mind and carry us along with them, resulting in not really thinking at all. We just get carried away in a collective mind-dump.
“So use these energies to bring clarity to your thoughts and wisdom to your actions.”
© Copyright 2018 CATHY PAGANO~ All Rights Reserved
ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“This Full Moon brings forth lessons of learning to trust ‘the god within,’ and go deeper into the transformational process.
“We have had about 9 weeks of withdrawing from old projections, so that many things we used to like are no longer near the top of our list…
“This Full Moon will help us become perfectly clear about what works and what doesn’t, what we need to do quickly to move into new effective realms of activity, and tunes us into the larger ‘feeling field’ in which we all live, even when we’re unaware of the soupy quality of the collective unconscious.
“There’s a lot of ‘cutting, grinding, and polishing’ energies in the air at present, and any sense of unfairness, inequality, or exaggerated vanities will be obvious for all to see.
“Beware of dishonest comparisons, and false equivalents. The dysfunction of Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn is self-justifying superficial statements, falsely juxtaposing things that have no relationship to each other, and dishonest people who may be preventing certain natural results from taking their course…
“Be direct, stay on point, focus on the heart of the matter, and ignore the rationalizations and superficial distractions…
“What this Lunation requires is for us to remember our integrity, and evaluate the integrity in situations we find ourselves in.
“Reference your integrity, don’t throw up unnecessary roadblocks, and remember that after all the cutting, grinding, and polishing, stones become things of great beauty.”
© Copyright 2018 ROBERT WILKINSON~ All Rights Reserved
LEAH WHITEHORSE from her LUA Astrology:
“We sleep, we dream. And half the time we consign those long night -time conversations with ourselves to the lost sock cupboard, never to be seen again.
“But now the cosmos is asking us to remember.
“The Full Moon is a time of culmination as well as reflection.
“It’s about getting underneath the wants of the ego and uncovering the needs of the inner child. Perhaps we all feel a little more sensitive during this time but that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with getting emotional or shedding a quiet tear…
“The Moon’s sextile to Saturn suggests that we can drop anchor here for a while. It’s just enough time to reconnect with our soul.
“We have an opportunity to create something tangible from our dreams. The Moon’s sextile to Uranus invites new perspectives.
“The more comfortable we are being alone with ourselves, the easier it is to receive flashes of cosmic knowing.”
© Copyright 2018 LEAH WHITEHORSE ~ All Rights Reserved
PAT LILES from the Power Path.com:
“Lean in to Pisces’ love of contemplation, poetry, music, the mystical arts ~ these are gateways to the invisible world of dreams, visions and guidance that are the playing fields of the Neptune-ruled sign of the Fishes.
“Seek out the watery places near you and make an offering for the ‘flow’ in your life.
“As this is a Moon of great compassion, you can offer her your burdens and sorrows and ask her to use her strong power of the night to turn them into love and kindness for all.”
© Copyright 2018 PAT LILES ~ All Rights Reserved
And ELLIAS LONSDALE‘s interpretation of the Chandra symbol for the Degree of this FULL MOON at 4 Pisces:
“PISCES 4 :Mushrooms springing up everywhere.
“You’re being engulfed by external and internal factors and facets that suddenly are there everywhere and come right in–no boundaries, no separate container. The universal life-force carrier and representative, incapable of pulling away from the collective call of life, is intoxicated with it all. Massively taken over by emergent currents and whatever feels vitally important. Impressionable and suggestible with an unbelievable depth and intensity. Absorbing the shock of all that is happening here raw, and impelled to rally people around to bring everybody alive, to make it happen. You ooze conviction and resonance with the basic core spirit in each and all–three hundred percent all the way.”
© Copyright 2018 ~ELLIAS LONSDALE All Rights Reserved
Dr. E. Lemanzer says:
Aug 25, 2018
Is the next full moon in Aquarius?
Lady Shamla Rose says:
Aug 26, 2018
Dear Dr. E. Lemanzer
No. The next Full Moon will be in Aries, the sign that follows Pisces…
In divine friendship
Lady Shamla Rose
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Yes, thank you dear Lady!
ZaZa says:
Aug 25, 2018
sashirose says:
Aug 25, 2018
thank you so deeply much. so much juicy wisdom to reflect on, deep watery wisdom to bathe in. i really like the suggestion of making an offering to water! how lovely.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Karen says:
Aug 25, 2018
“Reference your integrity, don’t throw up unnecessary roadblocks, and remember that after all the cutting, grinding, and polishing, stones become things of great beauty.”
This phrase made me realize it’s never for nothing it’s always for something! Never give up what you believe in or who you believe in even when it seems hopeless. It never is!
Yours truly,
A Pisces thru and thru
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
So true, thanks for sharing ♥︎
Sharon says:
Aug 25, 2018
Please help me break away from the one that has hrld me down, i want to be free to be with the man that feeds my soul snd has breathed life into me. I am no longer sn empty shell. I am me, I am truth. I want to move forward. Please
Laude says:
Aug 25, 2018
I could have written exactly the same thing… Time to act according to your feelings. Time to give heart its chance to show the way.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Wise words ♥︎ Sending you both love and courage~
Loretta says:
Aug 25, 2018
Thank you MM and all the wise astrologers for helping us navigate. 🐬🐬🐬🐬 💛
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Maureen says:
Aug 25, 2018
I so look forward to your beautiful messages, thank you Mystic Mama!
In Gratitude…
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Laude says:
Aug 25, 2018
Dear mystic mamma
Thank you for everything.
I just really need to read the last part of Ellias again. Its so enigmatic… Haven’t really figured it out or my english doesn’t help…But thank you anyway. Fantastic times we live in.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Thank you Laude!
Terry says:
Aug 25, 2018
Beautiful messages for this full moon in Pisces 🙏🏻🌙💫
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Claudia says:
Aug 25, 2018
Dear Mystic Mama,
Your message is so powerful and so true!
With gratitude for your gift,
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Thank you Claudia! ♥︎
Margie says:
Aug 26, 2018
Bathing in a lake, surrounded by mushrooms…its magic after all
Thank you All~ 300 percent…much love and blessings
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Sounds outstanding! Enjoy the magic! ♥︎
AB says:
Aug 26, 2018
Beautiful and spot on <3
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Emery says:
Aug 26, 2018
Boom! Synchronicity has been so high lately. Thank you for sharing your gifts and those of all these incredible readers. It’s a beautiful service and has continued to bless. I always look forward to this time of reflection, challenge, and call to action.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
yes and thank you so much ♥︎
Morgan says:
Aug 26, 2018
Piscean sun sign here temporarily residing by a river & a waterfall with wild mushrooms growing and near continual rain! Couldn’t be more apt. Have been feeling the ecstacy, gratitude and deep life connection since yesterday. What an intense time it’s been lately with the eclipses. This feels like dropping into a deep, refreshing, cleansing well. Thank you Mystic Mamma and all the insightful astrologers.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
love. thanks for sharing!
clare says:
Aug 26, 2018
Have you found that place yet?
Has it shone bright?
Warmed your bones
Loosened your shoulders?
That special place
With arms wide open
Glowing and welcoming
Renewed fantasticalities
Golden emittance
Pulsating with smiles.
A fresh breeze flows and cleans your insides
Washing away the struggles that stuck.
Flowing, flowing, blue and gold.
Green diamonds divide,
Expanding their beauty.
Roots in the muck.
A poem I wrote this morning before coming onto your site. I feel it is quite fitting with the writings above, thought I would share :)
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
This is so beautifully resonant Clare! Thank you ♥︎♥︎♥︎
TheWireScarf™️ says:
Aug 26, 2018
This was so on time as a Pisces I can relate. At least I know I’m not the only one as if waiting to hatch and be and then this just came and gave permission to just go and go now because the world needs what you have to give.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
Moonbeam says:
Aug 26, 2018
I have lost my first lover to suicide and a dear friend 18 months prior. So much has been brought to the surface in this past year with such synchronicity to the skies that it has left me in awe and complete surrender, I have no other choice but to let the universe do it’s bidding and wash my grief and soul clean. This site and my cycle have been the only guidance or map that I have had. I am grateful for these insights I can turn to. Thank you thank you thank you.
mm says:
Aug 26, 2018
So sorry about your dear losses. Sending so much embracing love and peace to your heart. ♥︎♥︎♥︎
RMC says:
Aug 26, 2018
Thank you MysticMama for these Transformtive and Healing Words.As a Pisces Double Aries w Taurus in my Venus I Relate to these Divine Messages, Wisdom and Energies of this Full Moon.
Blessings and Blissings to All. Namaste.
-Rita of Green Dragon Healing
Norma says:
Aug 27, 2018
Thank you mystic mama , clarity an light is what I need for me an my sons, visions of the Goddess touching my throat as I ask her to heal me clear me from false friends an bring true love near me once again . As an Aries , Pisces An liibra are around me an distinct. Love Pisces as well…… blessing for all light an ❤️