The wisdom of timing attunes to the larger matrix~

“The wisdom of timing attunes to the larger matrix. The more in touch you are with the strands of cause and condition, the more you can choose actions (or nonactions) commensurate with the best interests of the whole.
“Attuning to this larger context requires a far-reaching perspective. This capacity grows with experience, if you have patience and discernment.
“Good timing can sometimes be instinctual, as with the leaping predator, but even successful instinct requires honing of other qualities…”
“The I Ching centers on right timing. This is a t’ai chi perspective, a dance of force and receptivity, a finding of balance in motion. ‘Perseverance furthers.’ it will say. Or it might indicate the equivalent of ‘Chill out, don’t push…'”
“The beauty of right timing can be appreciated when seeing the butterfly emerge just as its food source becomes available, or when hearing the youth’s bat and ball intersect with a satisfying ‘whack!’ or when the letter from a friend arrives on the day you are feeling so blue.
“There is so much good timing in the world. It is part of our natural communalness, and as you become more in touch with that web, you own timing will come into synch.”
Natalia says:
Dec 13, 2013
I see my mother’s face in the owl, oh how I love to see her! She is watching quiet listening when I sing, Oh how she loves it when I sing! You silent flyer, guide me through the most chaotic times with swift silent grace and wisdom, and I will never loose you as long as the music comes from within my heart.
I Love you my soul mother.
mm says:
Dec 15, 2013
Claire says:
Dec 22, 2013
Monique says:
Dec 21, 2013
Last night speaking with customers just met, the daughter was telling me excitedly she has had to stop twice to allow a White Owl to get off the road, i too have seen this owl we had to swerve to miss. This Lady mentioned White Owls were thought non existent Coastal Queensland, hehehe we both saw him. He reflected her past Dad…
Catie says:
Feb 13, 2014
THIS is what i read today AFTER RECORDING THE NUMBER OF IRONIC INCIDENCES IVE BEEN HAVING THE PAST FEW DAYS WITH TIMING !!! I mean – On the Dot my intution i suppose has been delivered to immidate connections i will make w one i will literally be talking about –IN THAT MOMENT ! Magic. Recognition of my progress being disclosed ,now by this face which i feel oddly overwhelmed by ,looking at- Owls in my life -as reoccurring in their revealence- have recently become as common an occurrence as the night sky. Everywhere , always i see the Owl , but never one so angelic a-force as the image of This one!
I first inquired about angels on the site. .. Led me to this . No coincidences and thank you for the power-boost of the soul!!! LOVE!!
McKenna says:
Oct 10, 2014
I love reading this and I love reading the comments…the synchronicity is all around me as well! It’s like deja vu times ten. I like to believe there’s no such thing as coincidence, especially on days like these! So much love!!!!
Denise says:
Feb 2, 2015
Just thank you, these words blossom and grow a garden of wisdom within my mindscape. Namaste <3
Victoria says:
Oct 18, 2016
Upon deep reflection, I have taken on the perspective that coincidence reflects the beauty of right timing.