Posts tagged "waking up"

Everything has the potential to transform us~
"Everything within our life structure has the potential to transform us when we know how to properly relate to it....

We have guardian angels and thousands of teachers~
"The sun and the moon and the stars remember our real names, and our ancestors pray for us while we're dreaming. We have guardian angels and thousands of teachers...

The time is now~
"You are being called into wakefulness...Ancient Skywalkers rise up. Stand in the beauty and power of your true identity. Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun!"

Start to see the light that you really are~
“When you start to see the light that you really are, the light waking up in you, the radiance, you realize it has no intention to change you. It has no intention to harmonize. It has no agenda. It just...

Unity Consciousness~
We are collectively moving into what the Mayans called the wave of “unity consciousness.” What this means is that within the collective mind, the idea of us as one “planet” is going to be pervasive. Before this time, we...