Posts tagged "vulnerability"
Have the courage to ask~

Have the courage to ask~

"For many people, asking is the most difficult form of speaking out...Asking ---for the words, touches, reactions, gifts, responses, things to be done, ways to behave toward you, that you need--- can be a very scary thing...
Hold no reservations~

Hold no reservations~

"When you hold some part of yourself in reserve you deny it exposure to life; you repress its energy and keep it from understanding what it needs to know...
Let the walls come down~

Let the walls come down~

"When you humbly acknowledge, and allow yourself to be aware of your doubts and your fears, the walls come down. You are open and vulnerable. You are imperfect...
Vulnerability is strength, not a weakness

Vulnerability is strength, not a weakness

"Allowing the tears to flow is the first step in transformation. Making mistakes is the way skills are honed to precision. You have mastered perseverance, you have mastered innovation, you have mastered taking action; now it is time you...