Posts tagged "the mayan oracle"

Look for the gifts within your relationships~
"Discover the loom of reality that is intricately woven in relationship...Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliance...

Live in a more mythic way~
"You are being called to create your life in a more mythic way. Spent time coming to clarity about what your personal myth actually is. Remember: you are the creator. Life does not just happen to you!

The time is now~
"You are being called into wakefulness...Ancient Skywalkers rise up. Stand in the beauty and power of your true identity. Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun!"

Find your Galactic Dreamspell (Mayan)
Dr. Jose Arguelles reinterpreted the Mayan cycles in a modern context and named it the Dreamspell Calendar. Think of it as an energetic map of the self offering a living language of symbols and mythology. To find your "Galactic Dreamspell...