Posts tagged "stillness"

Find a form of sacred reason~
"Perhaps there are events and things that work as a doorway into the mythical world, the world of first people, all the way back to the creation of the universe...

Stillness is a pleasure~
"Stillness is a pleasure. Let it become a pleasure and a privilege. And if in that stillness, you knew that tomorrow was your last day to be alive, what would today be like for you? Would you do anything differently?...

Great currents flow through us~
"We are not cut off, we are not isolated points; the great currents flow through us and over us and around us, and unite us to the whole of nature...

Find happiness in the little things~
"Most people, in their restless search for something significant to happen to them, continuously miss the insignificant, which may not be insignificant at all...

We are amidst a great transformation…
In our quest to evolve and in turn affect the collective, we need to remember that the process requires the amalgamation of the opposites within and without us. We can't just try to hold on to the light, we must...

We must assume our existence as broadly as we can~
"We must assume our existence as broadly as we in any way can; everything, even the unheard-of, must be possible in it. That is at the bottom the only courage that is demanded of us...

Find a balance between human and Being~
"Mastery of life is not a question of control, but of finding a balance between human and Being. Mother, father, husband, wife, young, old, the roles you play, the functions you fulfill..."

Sadness signals something new arising~
"Perhaps we would endure our sadnesses with greater confidence than our joys. For they are moments when something new has entered into us, something unknown...