Posts tagged "sharon mcerlane"
Occupy your center~
"Tune in to the core of your body," the Grandmothers said. "Whenever you occupy your center, everyone and everything connected to you lifts..."
Feel that low hum inside you~
"The earth will help you open to who you are. The earth will help you to go deep; it will help you to go slow. When your mind wants to rush away with worry, with projects, lists, or anxiety, touch...
Power is beauty, Beauty is power~
"Power/Beauty is the living out of one's essence. It is not power 'over' or power 'in order to,' but being 100% oneself, and living in the truth of who you are. Since beauty is the outward manifestation of one's essence,...
Call forth the sacredness of the Earth~
"There is a partnership, a communion between you and the land, between the land and you. This runs deep beneath the streets, deep beneath the buildings, deep throughout and beneath the seas. The earth is sacred....