Posts tagged "parenting inspiration"

Mothers sow the seeds of love~
"Woman is the creator of the human race. She is the first Guru, the first guide and mentor of humanity..."

Nurture your own soul~
"In the present world of time, woman has come to take the role of nurturing others. A balance must be found. The Earth Mother is ready and willing to nurture her daughters but her daughters must insist on taking the...

Creating the Container~
"When we create firm structures, regular and rhythmic life habits, we give our child a sense of safety. Out of safety grows an inner sense of freedom. We can foster the openess of freedom when we give our children multifaceted...

State of Play~
"Play is fundamentally transcendent. Through play we open doors of the known to the unknown...The secret of our success in terms of our own development, our personal spiritual journey, is to be in a state of play."