Posts tagged "inner voice"
Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

Your inner wisdom knows the answers~

"Support yourself in making the right choices for yourself. When you are in doubt, ask yourself: 'Am I coming from the loving space of the heart? Is this a decision that is loving for me? Is this right for me...
Be the way~

Be the way~

"I live to be the message that I long to hear. I long to be the way I'm looking for. I need to shine the light that I want to see... We all have a spectrum of attributes that are...
Great currents flow through us~

Great currents flow through us~

"We are not cut off, we are not isolated points; the great currents flow through us and over us and around us, and unite us to the whole of nature...
Transformation is the work of the contemplative in all of us~

Transformation is the work of the contemplative in all of us~

“This labor of transformation is the work of the contemplative in all of us, and generously accepting that work permits us to cultivate our own mystic character. The mystic character grows out of humility of heart and simplicity of spirit,...
Message from Mayan Master teacher Don Miguel Angel~

Message from Mayan Master teacher Don Miguel Angel~

"Increase the life and love inside yourself" he advised and with complete relaxation, have faith and be inspired. "We are the children of the Earth. We are Beings of the Sun. We are light...We are the center points between the...
Pierce the space of joy, appreciation and oneness~

Pierce the space of joy, appreciation and oneness~

"Listen to the beautiful, subtle voice of your own soul and open yourself up in a way that can receive Spirit in all ways, at all times. Pierce the space of joy, appreciation, and oneness that resides deep inside of...
When anger arises, take care of yourself~

When anger arises, take care of yourself~

"Anger is like a howling baby, suffering and crying. Your anger is your baby. The baby needs his mother to embrace him. You are the mother. Embrace your baby..."
Listen to the messages you are receiving~

Listen to the messages you are receiving~

"The parallel Dreamtime reality is where your soul or spirit is operating on a continual basis to send you information that will allow you to be aware of all things that are happening in your physical life...
Practice intentional solitude~

Practice intentional solitude~

"Solitude is not an absence of energy or action, as some believe, but is rather a boon of wild provisions transmitted to us from the soul....
Listen and hear the still voice within~

Listen and hear the still voice within~

"When we listen and hear the small, still voice within our hearts, we can access our greatest potential, joy and desire. This is the heart's vision-the personal dream...
There is no other voice like yours~

There is no other voice like yours~

"Every person, every soul must know that there is no other voice like his....