Posts tagged "Aries archetype Fire starter"
EQUINOX March 20th > NEW MOON in ARIES March 21st 2023~

EQUINOX March 20th > NEW MOON in ARIES March 21st 2023~

Crossing over the EQUINOX threshold, we are feeling the evolutionary shifts. No matter what our coordinates (southern/northern hems), we can feel the momentum pushing us forward...
NEW MOON in Aries April 5th 2019~

NEW MOON in Aries April 5th 2019~

There have been so many powerful planetary placements recently pushing us through the birthing canal. We are in the midst of birthing our truest selves more than ever before, but this journey is something!
NEW MOON in Aries April 15th 16th 2018~

NEW MOON in Aries April 15th 16th 2018~

NEW MOON* in Aries + Mercury going Direct marks a turning point for us all. As a new cycle begins, we set forth with new understanding and are ready to seed our actions with our newfound inspiration...
NEW MOON in Aries March 27/28th 2017~

NEW MOON in Aries March 27/28th 2017~

Aries is the fire starter within each of us who creates fire by friction, and blows forth the flame that sparks the beginning of something wild, elemental, essential and new...