Solar Eclipse and NEW MOON in Virgo opening up a portal with potentiality for great healing. This is a time of seeing clearly, of trusting, of connecting deeply with Source and stepping forth gracefully on ground that previously might have tripped us up. Time to activate our knowing and trust it will guide us through…
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the wonderful KELLEY ROSANO:
“The Virgo New Moon on September 13 is a partial Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are the most powerful transits that you can experience.
“They herald major beginnings and completions. There is a cosmic download of new information into your DNA.
“You are being re-calibrated. Reset and readjusted to a higher vibration. Take it easy. You may feel eclipsed…”
“Chiron the wounded healer is opposing the New Moon. He acts like a planet in your astrology. Chiron is an asteroid. He is a bridge between Saturn (the past) and Uranus (the future).
“Your healing is important. Your wealth is in your health. The stronger you are the more you can accomplish. The better you will feel. The wealthier you are.
“You are to move from criticism to compassion for yourself and others. This empowers you to heal yourself. Be a healing influence on others…
“When you are needless, you are free. When you meet your own needs, you are free to self-actualize. You can reach your fullest potential/power. You can meet your own needs. You can to be needless. This creates wholeness in you. Do what supports your balance. Do what makes you strong.
“There is an awkward aspect between Uranus and the New Moon. Asking you to make adjustments in your thinking. Do not limit yourself. The past does not equal the future…”
“Do what heals you. Do what empowers you. Let go of what is not serving you…”
© Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO All Rights Reserved
From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Virgo is exact on Saturday September 12th, 2015 at 11:41pm PDT (the midpoint of the actual eclipse itself is 11:55pm)- initiating us into the Eclipse portal of profound change, transformation, endings and new beginnings…”
“This solar eclipse is about healing karmic patterns that have been with us for lifetimes and which have become crutches and roadblocks to our Soul’s evolution and growth. Each of us is up against our biggest stuff right now- I am hearing this from all around (myself included).
“When we come up against our biggest stuff- the stuff that brings you to your knees- the desire is to check out, deny, ignore and/or over focus on living in our Light so we don’t have to see and address our darkest shadows.
“This is the ego’s reaction to being shown the Truth about the self- which can be quite a shocking experience (particularly if we have invested a lot of our time and energy in NOT seeing the Truth about ourselves).
“Yet the opportunity for profound healing and MAJOR SHIFTS in our evolution are absolutely profound when we choose to face the self in such a way…”
“The Universe has conspired to bring us a pure Eclipse energy that is focused precisely like a surgeon’s blade. The capacity to use this blade wisely to cut out the carcinogenic karmic patterns that have been suffocating our Soul’s growth like a tumor overtaking the health and balance of the body is possible right now.
“Yet it takes courage, humility, compassion for self and other and deep commitment to go all the way and see this through to the end.”
“…opportunities for sudden and complete revelation of our deepest wounds and pain with the capacity to move through them fully, see them for what they are, heal them and move further down the path of our evolutionary journey.
“The potential of this Eclipse is to catalyze our healing and awakening in super galactic ways. It is no coincidence that Saturn is in the last degree of Scorpio- dredging up the last bit of shadow and facing us with our absolute deepest fears and karmic bonds…”
“It’s also not happenstance that the evolutionary North Node is on the super galactic center- beaming us with high frequency energy to help us initiate the radical changes, evolutions and shifts our Souls truly seek (and that our egos are running away from).
“We are in a confluence of energies right now that any single one of them would be huge- but what we have is all of them happening AT THE SAME TIME.
“Many people have been speaking to this feeling like life is full on right now and that shit is getting real. That is putting it mildly- and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to harness this energy and make it work for you in your life.
“The potential for karmic completion on a massive level and moving into a new frequency and dimension of evolution in your life is there and yet it is like a seed you have to choose to plant and water with intention and conscious action to make this portal of time work for you.
“…This time right now is so huge and we all have this opportunity to make major evolutionary shifts that will catapult us to a whole new level.
“The image that came with this download was of the video game ‘Mario Brothers’…if you ever played this game you probably at some point found out about warp zones where you could accidentally find a portal that would take you out of the level you were in and allow you to skip levels and move far ahead…”
“Well this time right now with this Eclipse portal, Saturn at 29 Scorpio and the North Node on the SGC (super galactic center) is such a warp zone. We all have the potential to find the portal that can take us rapidly from one level of experience to another.
“For each of us this may play out differently- although I will tell you the means to finding it is the same for everyone: INNER WORK.
“This is the Solar Eclipse in Virgo in action: commitment to one’s inner work, staying humble, showing up, facing shadow, healing splits and making the necessary self-adjustments so that our Higher Self and lower self are more energetically resonant.
“We cannot pass through this portal if we cling to the old karmic patterns…We have to raise our frequency to enter the portal- and the portal is only open for so long. This was the biggest part of the download I got…”
“Yes we will all eventually get there- and yes we will all ultimately wake up. But the opportunity to find your own personal warp zone and skip levels (because of your commitment to inner work- not because you are cheating) is a rare one that is here right now and won’t be here for long. You can choose to commit to your path and find this portal and walk through it…”
“As you can see this is a potent Eclipse portal and perhaps an intense one as well. The alchemical fires of transformation are hot and not for the faint of heart.
“If you want to become a diamond you must withstand much pressure. If you want to turn base metal (ego) into gold (Higher Self) you must submit to the fire.
“The seed potential of this Eclipse is massive- and yet it is up to each of us to choose our destiny and the journey we will each individually navigate to get there.
“There’s a fork in the road that is a-coming. and one path will take you on the fast track to evolution. Enter at your own risk- and also at your own immense benefit!”
© Copyright 2015 ~DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
And from DIPALI DESAI from her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Solar Eclipses tend to be turbo-charged and supportive for new beginnings and or major transitions in life…”
“There is not one thing to fear with eclipses unless you are giving your power away to superstition or fear of what’s to happen. Stay empowered and trust each will be guided through this process.
“The New Moon in Virgo makes a ‘opposition’ to transiting Chiron in Pisces suggesting the importance of healing an emotional wound, wholeness or perception which promote the conflict of inferiority or superiority. Being in balance or middle point, at the Soul level, all is equal.
“There may also be some insight and understanding about where hyper-criticism has taken a hold creating self-sabotage or instills self-doubt. Someone or something in the outer physical world will be the trigger for the opportunity to heal.
“At first it may feel uncomfortable or perhaps sensitive. Through an interaction, a deeper realization appears of where we may need to address the issue(s).
“By surrendering the illusion of separation or abandonment by the Divine, one returns to the state of grace and effortlessly feels the innate wholeness as a Soul expressing through the physical form…”
“With Jupiter/Neptune transit, through real life interactions with others and situations, each gets to apply greater compassion, forgiveness and acceptance of the bigger picture that is unfolding…”
“There may be wonderful synchronicity in expansion of healing and reaching out into the community to be of service. Maintain integrity and high standards of excellence in whatever you provide…”
“The best way to work with the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo is to be precise in your intention with a efficient plan of action. The key now is to be very grounded and organized.
“The energy has the potential to be revitalizing and helping each person to get into the groove of a new daily schedule and rhythm. Being loving and attentive to the details is a practical service to the Divine.”
© Copyright 2015 ~DIPALI DESAI All Rights Reserved
*NEW MOON* ECLIPSE Blessings to all!
>>> Please do not copy or replicate this entire report for your Websites, Blogs, FB Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram. This report was lovingly curated as content for MYSTICMAMMA.COM for your personal use and helpful guidance only~
TO SHARE >>> You may quote a small paragraph and please quote (” “) and fully credit 1) the astrologer whom you are quoting + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link for this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
10000canoes says:
Sep 9, 2015
loving your own artworks MM <3
mm says:
Sep 13, 2015
Thank you!
Amber says:
Sep 9, 2015
I had been feeling fearful of all the energy shifts, as I feel them expanding. In addition I feel like an extra veil has been pulled down, so I can’t readily see or feel into it, or beyond it, which tends to be frightening. This post is empowering, and has left me with the courage to surrender; to trust; to embrace the energy and the magic, taking it ALL in, and to flow with grace and joy. Thank you! xo
Rita Jo Broussard says:
Sep 9, 2015
Thank you! I’m ready to let go of the old and to welcome the new which may soon be visible to me. I welcome a new and better me.
Delfina says:
Sep 9, 2015
sounds really nice! thanks for the insight.
Tan says:
Sep 9, 2015
I’ve been so confused about quitting my job or staying here with all of this hard environment.
Needed this words, and need more to hear to keep me focused and clear my thoughts to see what’s the best for me.
arman says:
Sep 9, 2015
I do not know, but thank you kindly
March and I thank all of you diminish post as the hope of God
Elia says:
Sep 9, 2015
Thank you so much always for these Astral insights. They help understand the energy that is occurring at this time and I have to say that it is so exciting to hear what we have to work with during this window of time! I release all my fears and allow divine to guide me in my highest good. I now let go of any lower vibrational beliefs and ways of thinking and allow in the new that is to come into my being and make me see the world in a new and more positive light so that all that I want to manifest into my life will come now. :) I am grateful to you prime creator for blessing me with this journey with all the help that you have provided me with.
Love and Light,
AC says:
Sep 9, 2015
Oh wow! And my birthday is on the 12th. :D
rosa says:
Sep 11, 2015
same 12th here as well.
Happy birthday to us,..
Nan says:
Sep 12, 2015
Happy new-birthday!!
mm says:
Sep 13, 2015
Solar Returns Blessings!
Monica says:
Sep 9, 2015
I’m hoping I can tackle a lifelong battle with jealousy during this eclipse. I have been dreading going to a concert with my boyfriend Empire of the Sun, where I know there will be opportunities for me to work through this destructive emotion. I’m really trying to wrap my mind around how I can resolve this great weakness of mine that doesn’t serve me. If anyone has any advice, I am all ears!
We can work through this time together.
Rochelle says:
Sep 9, 2015
Do you know where the jealousy comes from?
Swissmexms says:
Sep 11, 2015
Yes, jealousy is a feeling of distrust. Someone in your past made you, or you interpreted their behavior as distrustful. That is why you distrust now. When you learn to sit with the emotion “distrust” ask you’re higher self to give you images, or a knowing, or a smelling of what distrust is., then you can begin to heal. Please look up Teal Swan on YouTube for healing issues through embracing our shadows. By the way, the shadow will NEVER GO AWAY. We can learn how to derive strength from it though. Rather we must learn how to go to the heart of the shadow and find balance as the previous posting suggests. Whew! A lot of words. Go for it! I know we ALL can heal! Peace!
Lasare says:
Sep 11, 2015
Bless you for your courage and determination! There’s a wonderful quote from Michael Beckwith, which says that jealousy is the great lie… In that we momentarily allow ourselves to believe that anyone can be ‘better’ than us…that as individualised expressions of source energy, our value is assured, our uniqueness our gift and our only need in those moments is to take our attention of what is outside ourselves and turn within to reconnect. The feeling of worthiness will reestablish as we reconnect within.. Looking outside ourselves for affirmation will always cause a negative feeling as we negate our true being….
Big love, am with you in this practise 💖💐💜
Eliana says:
Sep 13, 2015
I’ve been through releasing the jealousy monster! It was intense as I allowed the energy of that intense emotion to stay with me, rather than act it out. It felt like a huge inner purging. That was 20 years ago. I’ve been free of that one ever since.
Tanya LaMothe says:
Sep 10, 2015
I knew I picked this day to teach a Reiki Level I class on this day for a reason :-) Thanks so much for this post
Markandeya says:
Sep 10, 2015
Spiritual and economic euthanasia is coming up buckle up
Swissmexms says:
Sep 11, 2015
Can you elaborate on this further markandeya?
AdulariaMoon says:
Sep 10, 2015
Taking a leap of faith right now, quit my job (against all logic and with no other job lined up) to follow my passion for crystals and energy work. Will be cleaning and organizing all areas of my home the next two days in order to make space for new opportunities.
swissmexms says:
Sep 11, 2015
Wonderful! May I suggest a FB page? Spiritual women’s empowerment.
Honey says:
Sep 10, 2015
I have never experienced such a surge of energies within myself more than I have this week. I feel as though my chest is being torn open and it is testing me in such intricate and personal ways, I am falling down into darkness one moment to a knowingness the next. Thank you MM for always acknowledging the universal energies so gracefully and timely
tessa says:
Sep 10, 2015
My baby is due on the 13th, maybe she’ll come on time?
Shanti says:
Sep 10, 2015
Very excited, since this one will align with my Grand Earth Trine. After a few hefty years these past weeks have been a rollar-coaster ride of emotions. Bliss, unity, deep sorrow, anxiety… I have felt the portal opening and I am willing to step through. Thank you for this message <3
Kristi says:
Sep 11, 2015
And so it is. Blessings.
Joy says:
Sep 11, 2015
On my way to Guatemala to be presented to the sacred fire and begin walking the path I have chosen or that chose me over a year ago. To spend time with my teacher and the Mayan grandmothers so I can help bring their wisdom of woman power and connection to the western world.
In order to so this I sold almost everything I had, rented my house, sold my car, quit fighting with my sons father and realized that he needs to be with his dad for his own growth as well as give me the space and freedom to move forward for both of our futures. I am at peace with everything and open to this amazing shift that will be taking place within me. I know on such a deep internal level that when I return a month from now I will be changed. I can already feel the shifts occurring. And stand with an open heart to whatever spirit brings.
swissmexms says:
Sep 11, 2015
Wow Joy!!!! Absolutely soul growth empowering. The BEST to you!!! Enjoy!!!!
Terry says:
Sep 11, 2015
Thanks for all the astrologers insights. Love Kelley follow her on YouTube. Feeling the magical energy.
Love and light <3
Vanesa says:
Sep 11, 2015
I feel soo excited and ready to move out of my karmic state of repetition and reach that portal to rapidly move me to a new state of consciousness. Thank you for your wonderful insights of whats to come and the powers of the eclipse. Let us all readjust to that higher vibration to be another step to healing Mother Earth <3 Peace and love
Asha says:
Sep 11, 2015
55 years of my life have gone by searching for happiness. I am ready and open my arms to receive the change. i have been walking the path shown to me by the Angels…i am praying to the Angels day in and dayout. i leave behiind all that did not serve me all these years and am ready to embrace love, and abundance in fianace and work. Amen!
Mandy says:
Sep 12, 2015
Thank you I needed to know change and improvement are coming after 2.5 of the most difficult years of my
Life in every single aspect. Let’s hope decisions can be made confidently now. I’ve been having the strangest, most hectic dreams the past week, could this be a contribution? It is also ironically the anniversary of my dads passing on the 13th. So much going on
Angela says:
Sep 12, 2015
I just don’t know.
rithika naik says:
Sep 12, 2015
Many thanks for guiding us through!!
Carol says:
Sep 12, 2015
Wow, Thank you for putting this report together. I am changing my plans for today/tonight and will be thinking about what I,really want to do,so I can be ready for this shift. Thank you!
Butterflygerman says:
Sep 12, 2015
Hello all and thank you for these beautiful words. One question: What if I can’t see it from the Country I live in (Germany)? Would I still feel the power of this unique moment ? Thanks for letting me know and thank you for everything.
mm says:
Sep 13, 2015
Yes, it’s all energy. This report is a reading of the collective energy coming in with the eclipse. It’s on a feeling level, it’s not necessary to see it. But just tune in to how you are feeling and see if the information is helpfu, if not let it be and go with what resonates with you! Blessings~
DaRia says:
Sep 13, 2015
Exactly where I am in my Cosmic World! xo Doing alot of inner wellness and warrior goddess work right now (candles, beading, meditation, qigong, breathing, listening to spiritual lectures, affirming my I AM…empowerment tools!) So much is coming up (surfacing) some old wounded child issues have been resolved simply by my acceptance and surrender to higher levels of innerstanding Self Higher Purpose and Infinite Soul even in the lower realms of this planet Earth. I went from feeling resentment and pain to loving, compassionate liberation and empowerment! When I read your astrological reading it was only confirmation and cosmic smiles!!! xo Infinite Love, Wellness and Creative Empowerment to All ;-)
Deborah says:
Sep 13, 2015
I wish someone would explain this process in easier words. I’m getting confused and I just wish someone would say how to prepare. I mean words like portals and Spiritual and economic euthanasia can cause one to be afraid. I am following what is being said to a point but what about all the people who don’t have a clue?
mm says:
Sep 13, 2015
Hi Deborah! There’s nothing to fear~ And there’s nothing to “prepare” for. Whatever doesn’t resonate, leave behind. The most important thing is to find time to spend with yourself and listen to what your heart is telling you. Blessings!
Deborah says:
Sep 13, 2015
MM thank you so very much.1,001 Blessings to you
Cj says:
Sep 13, 2015
I am in a relation or on its edge with another and another that hasn’t worked and has worked. The new moon is on his venus. I hope something happens for him so the whole thing can move. I keep waiting for saturn to leave scorpio as people have found it so comfortable to work with each other and I hear that is to change for a different more personal needs. Its on part of spirit for me and I liked the movie of the hindu woman finding liberation in Amsterdam which I went to in 1979.
As for portals – I had the door of the plane of big car open as a window and close. Peak a boo. I quess I didn’t jump. I can relate to destructive emotions and jealous moments with us all involved. Instead of ragging out I found this personal interest to enjoi. This movie of reaching out from old expectations and living. Bless all.
Maria* says:
Sep 13, 2015
Now I understand this powerful vibrational shift! I thought it was just mi medicinal chocolate! Thank you for sharing this, and supporting the recreation of a vast sacred embrace to hold my transition!
Kayla says:
Sep 13, 2015
I would like some guidance on what type of Inner Work is best for this new moon + eclipse? All week, I’ve been feeling a pull to do deep inner work, but I am at a loss as to how I want to receive it (i.e. Coach, personal development book, single session with a healer, etc.).
Emily says:
Sep 13, 2015
Never before has a post been so relevant and speak to me so clearly. So much energy right now. So much to let go. So much to love and take care of. Blessings to all.
cecilia pertierra says:
Sep 13, 2015
Hi! its been a year since i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. i deal with it without medication, trying to rest an a lot of yoga, kriyas, chanting, meditation; etc today particularly im in intense pain, ive been feeling big movement at the plexus these ays, so much i thought i was going mad. i know theres a shift going on, and its always ascendent and for good; but its a little friggin. Thank you for your beautiful posts
May says:
Sep 13, 2015
Hi, Is this also the day ( Sept. 13, 2015 ) to write your, Letters to the Universe? I believe I read that the energy today is like that of being on steroids. Please answer if anyone knows… And, since it’s still daylight where I’m at, can I write my Letter to the Universe during sunlight hours?
Gladys says:
Sep 13, 2015
I am a Libra Sun…Leo Moon… & Capricorn Rising. I haven’t been in a relationship in many,many years However, I do have my eye on a Virgo Male and I am hoping this leads to a relationship/marriage. Also, have not been able to find a job in over 1 year. Would this, New Moon/Lunar Eclipse bring new positive beginnings for Libras in those areas?
Mariah Ambika says:
Sep 15, 2015
So helpful! And right on. I was feeling the fires of transformation big time Saturday night. It was as if I couldn’t do anything but cry and surrender.. I tried to resist ~ but with intentions and prayers I got through it. It was all about letting go. Still is . Thank you for the reflection. Also if you haven’t heard the town Middletown in California caught on fire that night.17,000 ppl evacuated from their homes. The amazing Harbin hot springs resort ~ and healing center burned as well as many many neighboring houses and buildings. All your prayers of love and healing to that area would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. Lots of love and light to you in this powerful transformational time. Bless!
Margarita says:
Sep 15, 2015
Kelley Rossano Rocks! I am glad you featured her insights on MysticMamma
Nyameko says:
Jan 28, 2016
Hi….I’ve been having this literally vibrating energy that happen involuntarily any time it choses…its not painful but is unusual and feels like I’m electrified…I would like some light be shed on this experiance…
Thank you!