You might have heard about the potent Saturn and Neptune Square that is exact on November 26th and has been affecting us individually and collectively since the beginning of the year. Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights on the energy in motion…
First from always illuminating Sarah Varcas from her
“Welcome to the next major astrological event to shape our lives, ourselves and our world. Alignments such as this, between the slow moving outer planets, impact the very core of our being, catalyzing irrevocable change.“The previous such event – the much discussed Uranus/Pluto Square which dominated the heavens from June 2012 to March 2015 – up-ended many lives, bringing with it disruption and challenge the likes of which were unimaginable until we found ourselves in their midst!
“Since March of this year we’ve been taking stock, letting the dust settle and blinking in the clarity of new light. We may have wondered what on earth hit us, whilst in many (though not all) cases, being strangely grateful that it did.
“2012 feels like a distant memory and our present a whole other world from the one we occupied four years ago. Some may feel that’s change enough; we need rest and space now for things to ‘get back to normal’.
“In fact there is no ‘normal’ anymore. Uranus and Pluto saw to that by making all things new.
“Now Saturn and Neptune follow in their footsteps, raising the curtain on the next stage of becoming which recalibrates our being to accommodate the very absence of ‘normal’, alongside the joy ever present in surrender to both matter and spirit, in a world saturated with the impulse to evolve.
“Saturn and Neptune are not the most obvious of friends. Saturn seeks form and certainty. It provides the boundaries necessary for growth and recognizes the value of responsibility and restriction.
“Whilst it may thwart attempts to achieve our goals it does so when those goals won’t serve our growth.
“Saturn demands patience and humility, commitment and a willingness to endure when life refuses to unfold as we desire.
“It reminds us there is a timing for all things and imposing our own timetable upon that of an ever expanding universe will simply meet with resistance until we get back with the program and connected with the flow.
“Saturn looks out for our welfare by encouraging common sense and wisdom in equal measure. It sees where we desire to over-step ourselves without the necessary foundations in place; where we think we’ve finished with something when in fact we’re only half way through; and where we believe we don’t need to be humble when humility is the very key that will open doors to the future.
“We may not like what Saturn brings but the consequences of working with this mighty force of nature rather than against it are many, and once we accept that we don’t know better after all, life takes on a whole other hue!
“Neptune, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Formless and amorphous, it cannot be contained.
“Neptune embraces everything without condition or exception. It seeks unity: complete and utter oneness. The notion of separation is beyond anathema to this cosmic presence for it perceives all things as simply one big whole without image or identity.
“Neptune cannot be defined or restricted. It has no notion of me and you, self and other. For Neptune, time is a mirage, as is place and person. It brings us moments of complete peace and those of terrifying dissolution.
“When under Saturn’s thumb we may cry out for Neptune’s mercy to release the pressure, but when held within Neptune’s infinite and melting embrace we may yearn for Saturn’s pragmatism to remind us who we are and why we are here.
“Together these two planets provide the most polarized experiences of our lives – definition and dissolution. When they work together we’re in for some interesting times, discovering the common-ground between the extremes of form and formlessness, and how each polarity connects us with our divine nature that transcends both.
“When two planets square each other we must find a way to accommodate and live both. From those who are more Neptune oriented, seeking dissolution of identity and an experience of oneness in which edges are softened and all things merge – be this through spiritual practice, creativity, love, drugs or anything else that floats your boat – Saturn requires commitment to a more disciplined path, giving shape and form to our pursuit of Neptune’s embrace.
“If Neptune has become not liberation from identity, form and responsibility, but escape from it, Saturn will see about that!! There is no escape in Saturn’s world. The only way to ultimate truth is via the relative ones of identity, personality and ego maturity.
“If we’re trying to side-step the mundane to grab the bliss pre-emptively it will bring us down to earth with a bump, demanding we embody the path, live it in the material world with all its challenges and triumphs, demands and rewards.
“Saturn teaches that we cannot transcend a world with which we refuse to engage. In embracing the Saturnine path we come to know transcendence not as rising up and out of conditions, but journeying within them so deeply that they reveal their true nature as we live in their very midst.
“If, however, Saturn is more our style and we appreciate certainty and form, routine, responsibility and identity, Neptune bids us loosen our grip and see what happens; to soften around the edges and allow a little more uncertainty, a dash of doubt, in.
“Allow ourselves to wonder what if things are not as black and white as they at first appear? What if everything we believe is only a half truth and the opposite is equally true?
“Neptune releases judgement and duality, dissolving our polarized world as it does so. It knows no right or wrong, no blame or guilt. It simply reaches out with compassion and love, seeing all things as itself and itself as all things.
“It reminds us we are intricately and unavoidably connected with everything and everyone whether we like it or not, and poses the question, what do we intend to do about it?!
“We live in interesting times, requiring deep reflection on what it means to be human and what this planet needs of us to cross the great divide of ages and reach the Aquarian one.
“We are in the midst of that crossing now, with Neptune at the helm and Saturn checking the maps.
“Where they take us in the coming year is anyone’s guess. Neptune never was one to commit itself to a plan! But we can rest assured that wherever it is we’ll be blessed with the opportunity to see life inside out and back to front, changing our perception for evermore.
“The Saturn/Neptune square aligns exactly on the following dates (UT): 26th November 2015, 18th June 2016 & 10th September 2016.”
© Copyright 2015 ~Sarah Varcas. All Rights Reserved
And from the wonderfully insightful Divine Harmony:
“With Saturn square Neptune we have an aspect of tension between reality and dreams, formation and dissolution, pessimism and delusional idealism, practical manifestation and Divine inspiration, being in this world and not of it.
“Conventional astrology tells us this aspect can bring confusion, lethargy, depression and dullness. And yes this is true- but that is only half of the picture.
“Whenever planets square each other initially they face off and are not in harmony, but the whole point of tense aspects is to work with them in a way that finds a bridge between black and white, good and bad, this and that.
“The point is to get to a place where we can hold space for both/and- instead of polarizing in either direction.
“If we polarize towards Saturn we will feel heavy, depressed, limited and restricted by the realities life is throwing at us.
“If we polarize towards Neptune we will check out, turn to addictions, avoid dealing with reality and feel like a victim.
“Yet if we get these two seemingly opposite planets to work with each other- then we can anchor (Saturn) our dreams (Neptune) into reality (Saturn). Ultimately this aspect requires that we learn how to have one foot in both realities– material and spiritual- without disconnecting from either one in ways that are detrimental to our growth, wholeness and happiness.
“Another layer of the Saturn/Neptune square is revealed when we look at the signs both planets are inhabiting. Saturn is currently in Sagittarius and Neptune is in Pisces.
“These are the two signs that govern spirituality. Sagittarius governs spirituality from an external perspective. Sagittarius travels somewhere, takes a course and/or reads a book to mentally and spiritually expand.
“Pisces governs spirituality from an internal perspective. Pisces turns within, listens to dreams, meditates, reflects and pays attention to intuition in order to spiritually grow and expand.
“With the two signs of spirituality clashing with one another- another theme of the year is that of spiritual crisis with the potential for deeply grounded spiritual mastery over ourselves and our experience here on planet earth.
“A deep questioning of our path, direction, beliefs and what is True can arise this year. This can play out personally in our day to day lives, as well as collectively in the form of events or experiences that have us questioning what they mean.
“This kind of aspect reminds me of the dark night of the Soul- which sounds really scary, yet it is the only way to really shatter old beliefs and attitudes and open us up to the awareness/experience of something new…”
“…As you can see we are heading into a potent period of time where the search for personal and collective Truth as well as the ferreting out of personal and collective denial/illusion is at the forefront of our experience.
“A good mantra to keep in mind over the next two weeks is thus: ‘be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.’ This goes for yourself as well as others- and yet if you tend to be too Neptunian you also need to set clear and healthy boundaries in the name of Love. Being kind does not preclude taking care of yourself and your needs.
“If you do an honest self check in you should be able to get super clear on which side of the spectrum you tend to default to (Saturn or Neptune) and then your work over the next 2 weeks (and really the next year) is to master the other side, as the antidote to too much Saturn is Neptune and the antidote to too much Neptune is Saturn.
“With the square going on between the two we have an amazing opportunity to find a bridge to wholeness- within and without!”
© Copyright 2015 ~Divine Harmony. All Rights Reserved
The good news is that now that we know, we can use this knowledge to harmonize these polar energies that are active within and without, above and below. As our personal perceptions continue to expand so will our collective. It begins with us. So let’s find the middle way, become the bridge, embody, and keep our hearts open~
With Love~~~
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Renee says:
Nov 21, 2015
LOVING all your beautiful art, post after post Mystic Mamma
mm says:
Nov 22, 2015
Thank you so much Renee! ♥︎♥︎♥︎
axel walther says:
Nov 22, 2015
i love the float of the writings to a point i wanted to keep reading on and on as there rests so much hope in it ….thank you so much for sharing, OneLove
Persephone says:
Nov 22, 2015
Thank you for this. You have helped me better understand the two yods (Yod 1 apex: Neptune, 8th House, Scorpio and Yod 2 apex: Saturn, 1st House, Aries) in my natal chart way better than any book or article has previously. I needed that, THANK YOU.
Silvia says:
Nov 22, 2015
Well that explains a lot. Thank you. I’ve been waiting for your article.
Karin says:
Nov 22, 2015
Thank you so much …it explains (again) a lot!!
Hema says:
Nov 22, 2015
Thank you thank you thank you. Needed that clarity about the upcoming unknown.
The unknown can never be boxed, or prepared for but it can be surrendered to. Knowing that these times are uncertain we can carefully look at the parts of us that cling to certainty and see them to be unreal.
Maybe Uranus squaring Saturn is about finding a way deep within ourselves, an anchor, a practice, a mindset or even a unreserved surrender to the forever changing realities. Maybe Saturn within us commands a deep commitment to say yes to that and work with that.
Nothing is ever solid really, it only appears to be. All in the world of forms is ever changing. The challenge of the soul mastery is to ride these changes like a surfer on the waves. And we all know it takes practice and discipline to master the waves. It also takes commitment surrender in these times. That commitment is to nothing other than our freedom.
I don’t see these squares as opposing but as tense as in truth the way out is through. True liberation is not in renuncuating difficulties, but passing through them unstruck. Saturn is building up a commitment to our growth and development so we can pass through this world of changes , u known (Neptune) and really claim our true freedom. They are indeed both working together for liberation of all.
Holly Noel says:
Nov 22, 2015
I’m in awe how you channel the ‘bridge’ analogy. In my chart, I’m on the cusps of these houses with these planets. Saturn on cusp of 8th/ 9th Leo, and my Scorp Sun & Ascendant, pulling with them- NN & Merc on the cusp of 12th/1st Sag- with Neptune ruling Sag/1st. It is the midst of the most intense, powerful experiences I’ve ever had. Increasing daily. I have always called the cusps bridges. I see Saturn and Neptune meeting in the middle, shaking hands and then embrace to welcome in the new era. Balancing the bridge, creating a magic cord, a magic union of powers. Imagine on both sides of what would have been an opposition, being 4 houses and all cords ‘clamped’ together, United in mystical activation. This is the next step in activating the universal ‘web’.
M says:
Nov 22, 2015
THank you, thank you, thank you. This explains so much for me. With my sun at 6 degrees Scorpio and Saturn at 0 degrees Scorpio, I experienced my 2nd Saturn return mostly concurrent with the Uranus/Pluto squares. For several years leading up to and trying to prepare for my Saturn return, and all the way through it, my life was dominated by structured work — up to 18 hour days — until even walking my dogs felt like a chore. Over the summer, I started to break down, desperate for downtime. And then I was unexpectedly let go from my job at the end of August. I’ve focused on repairing my sadly neglected “nest,” but even that turned into forcing myself to just get 4 hours, and then 2 hours, and then just 1 “big” chore done daily, missing deadline after deadline that I gave myself. And then I gave up, and instead of applying for 4 crappy seasonal jobs as I was supposed to, I gave myself a day off. And then grudgingly did 1 application yesterday. And gave myself today off.
Overly-polarized to Saturn much? I’m so desperately in need of Neptune, of allowing myself to dream and finally, and at long last, take the time to find a creative, happy niche that uses my native talents instead of force-fitting my round self into a square hole. I’ve known this acutely for some time. Your offering helps me give myself the permission I need.
Emery says:
Nov 23, 2015
Yes! Thank you!
Which is it? It’s both and!
Inhale… exhale…
I’m excited for the continued and heightened need to find and maintain balance. This definitely helps with finding the focal point. My performance demands a lot of simultaneous focus and spaceout. This article has really helped me with the bridge from my outer to inner world in that regard. Lately I’ve been hearing and feeling the internal admonishment “Have the Vision… DO THE WORK!” The seeming opposites compliment each other so well! I’m so excited to cooperate! Thank you! And you and you and you…
Jennifer Peterman says:
Nov 23, 2015
Thank you so much for these insights! How wonderful that the first of these falls on Thanksgiving. I feel more prepared for my rituals and meditation. I’m ruled by Saturn and since he’s always with me, I gather I can incorporate and welcome Neptune in the form of my creative life. Very very excited for the New Year!
Sending love to all! ONWARD! <3
Shan says:
Nov 23, 2015
Love Love Love… <3 Exactly what i needed to know on time
MyMantra says:
Nov 23, 2015
Thank you and BEAUTIFUL art! <3 Love
Zoë says:
Nov 23, 2015
Beautiful piece of artwork Mystic Mamma. I’ve missed your words of support and guidance Sarah Varcas. Thank you all.
Paulette says:
Nov 23, 2015
The feature illustrations on this site are phenomenal.
SKYLAR A says:
Nov 23, 2015
matthew says:
Nov 24, 2015
Thank you do much, I feel so much more confidence to handle what’s coming. May light and illumination bless us all x
isabelle says:
Nov 25, 2015
A present Balance on this journey I appreciate you all at Mystic Mamma
from the divine wisdom of words Sarah to divine art with heart
Always a safe haven to see the many difference perspectives in the now HUGE HUGS thank you loveizx
Mady says:
Nov 25, 2015
Exquisite Manna Wisdom!
Density is why we signed up, unity is why we stay to seed love.
Attitude and angles with reflection and wisdom is how we evolve with Gaia.
May the rays of light wisdom shatter any dark with compassion to transcend it.
Humble, Sweet Love to all.
Infinite Smiles ~ In Lak’ech
La Rosa Luna says:
Nov 26, 2015
This is so overwhelmingly beautiful I am having brain explosions reading this. As an individual with very strong Saturn and Neptune influences in my chart, I feel like this is going to be an exciting challenge that I am more than up for. I love seeing time and again how nature, the universe, the stars! are in perfect harmony. to have balance means to have chaos, to come extent. the wisdom of Saturn and Neptune, ocean and stone, have the power to heal. The setting of foundations and the washing away of the foundations both work together to form a clearer understanding of the meaning or root of what it is that we desire and what it is we will and what it is that fate has to offer. I love this. I love, love love this!!!! thank you so much for your wonderful wisdom I can’t wait for Saturn in Cap in 2017, and I can’t wait for the full fledged new Aquarian age.
rzaok says:
Nov 27, 2015
شكر شكر شكر
Cynthia says:
Nov 29, 2015
Thank you for this. I feel like I can relax a little bit knowing that I’m not crazy, it’s just the universe shaking things up a bit. I’ve been feeling torn between material life and the state of spiritual being and had just decided to be gentle on myself then I read this and you helped me put everything in perspective. Thank you! I am so grateful for this site and for the light, love and revelation that flows through it. Thank you again!
sue says:
Nov 30, 2015
Thanks to all. As I don’t know if I am a Neptunian or Saturnian, I guess am in for a bit of a ride! But it’s nice to have a heads up and something to think about and to help keep things in perspective.
Obliged to you, Ma’am
Irene says:
Nov 30, 2015
Yes! Well then that’s what’s been going on, to a “T” ! heehee … Really I am both Thrilled and Relieved to read this page of Beautiful Wise Sharings :) !!
Thank You So Very Much :) !! For myself , so far , All feels Awesome! However I was real nervous and questioning how different I have been feeling viewing thinking and behaving these past months, although I have been increasingly Focused and feeling clearer than usual. Then these past few days I felt a Huge solidity between my life-dreams, and reality-practicalities. Really and Truly, this “tension” square is AweSome and I Needed It :) .
Thank You So Much for Sharing :) .
I have been reading these beautiful understandings at MysticMama since late September, I came online searching because I have been feeling so odd … and usually this means its an astrology thing … But, what you all share here is So Much More :) :) .
Christina says:
Dec 3, 2015
I have to say I get annoyed when people indicate that the U-P square ended at March 2015. That was the last exact square but they are still within orb and the recent world events show that. Its not like one major transit ends and another begins. They often blend into one another.
Niytah says:
Dec 24, 2015
I just want to say that was the most beautiful explanation of these planetary alignments I have read or heard. You have given me what I needed. Gratitude from Sun in Pisces with Capricorn Asc.
Peter EGAN says:
Dec 24, 2015
Please put me on your email list for updates.
Tamzin says:
Jun 13, 2016
A very excellent and clear collection of insights especially for the Neptunians and Saturnians amongst us. I am feeling the need to resolve these energies to a degree that feels beautifully painful – showing me the deeply transformational essence of this spiritual adjustment [Sun Pisces, north node Capricorn, transit Saturn in 7, Neptune in 9] For me the need to structure my compassion using the fundamental Saturnian imperatives of patient, wise, guidance in dealing with a significant Other has been a profound shift.