New Moon is here again bringing us new energy….new energetic winds blowing swiftly calling us to continue to raise our energy and our vibratory selves to new levels, to continue the ongoing shift we are all experiencing…
NEW MOONS are great times to begin anew. As the MOON transitions into a new cycle we can align with the power of New Beginnings and set out our intentions for the coming cycle…It is the time to plant the seeds of your deepest wishes, dreams and desires…
So this New Moon is in mind-expanding, freedom-loving *AQUARIUS*
Here’s a little excerpt from astrologer Dana Gerhardt you can read more here…
“Honor Aquarius this month by breaking out of your box. Awaken from the midwinter slumber of your limitations. Your inner genius is ready for a revolution. Aquarius is THE cycle to raise your energy. In fact that’s the best way to call in Aquarius: Liberate yourself! Is there someplace you’ve been feeling stuck? If you’re not living the life you want, Listen. What has your spirit been longing to do? No sign has a greater connection to the future than Aquarius. It rules progress, innovation and breakthroughs. But first you’ve got to clear out all the musty, droopy, angry, wimpy, static energy of the recent past.”
Here’s is what Astrologer Dipali Desai says about this New Moon:
“The tone of this New Moon in Aquarius activates our need for independence and freedom to step outside of the tightly knit conventions or traditions. This can be in the mind or literally in our physical lives….
This is a time, we may feel the urge to be drawn to groups or organizations (small/local or large/international) which help humanity in various ways. Each of us may feel more and more drawn to exploring this in our lives over the next several months….
Also happening during New Moon in Aquarius, transiting Saturn in Libra-retrograde makes a ‘trine’ aspect to the “trio” Sun/Moon and Mars in Aquarius. We must learn to patiently pursue our goals and be realistic about the steps for the long haul. We may feel highly inspired to whatever we commit to right now.
This is a good time to expand our social or friendship circles or share ideas with those who are open to hearing them. We may find that we are up to the challenge of trying out new ways meeting people to date or want to change-up our romantic life. It’s even possible some people may just fall in love with their best friend they have known all their life. It is even possible to be attracted to people that we normally would not take a second look at or those who are a bit eccentric or tech oriented. The New Moon in Aquarius suggests to dare to be different and be open to Life bringing unusual people into our world, whether it is for personal (romance), friendship or business.”
© Copyright 2001 – 2010 – Dipali Desai and www.
RITUAL ideas for this new MOON:
~Take a moment to think about an area of your life, a situation or a relationship in which you seek to find greater freedom. WRITE DOWN YOUR INTENTION and visualize yourself feeling that freedom.
~Another great RITUAL idea from Dana Gerhardt:
“The inner and outer spaces mirror each other. If your work has been uninspired, rearrange your office and throw out old papers. If family relationships are not as harmonious as you like, give your home a top-to-bottom cleaning.
A simple ritual for this New Moon is to become your own Water-bearing Angel. Fill an atomizer or spray bottle with energetically charged water. Charge the water by placing a crystal in it for at least 24 hours (before that, clean the crystal by soaking it in a bowl of salt or under the sun’s rays). If you’re familiar with Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work, you know that writing positive intentions on the water bottle (“grace,” “radiance,” “fertility,” “passion,” or “peace”) will further charge the water molecules. Dip a sprig of pine in the water to double its energetic potency. Pine is purifying–it smells clean too! On the day of the New Moon, visit all the rooms in your house and mist them with your ritual water. You should notice the difference instantly! Enjoy the newly charged air. Be alert. New inspirations may come pouring in.”
Embrace this new energy coming in! Here’s to being able to take a new approach right now. We can always begin again!