NEW MOON SuperMoon in Aquarius January 20th 2015~
January 20th we welcome the first *NEW MOON* of 2015 in Aquarius! The collective energy it brings is one that calls for a visionary outlook, courage in the face of the unknown and a willingness to persevere as we step boldly and consciously into the new.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the always awesome KELLEY ROSANO:
“This is your first SuperMoon in 2015. A SuperMoon means that the Moon is closest to the Earth and in direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth at the time of the New Moon. This makes it super potent…”
“The Aquarius Super Moon is at zero degrees. This energy represents new beginnings. You are getting a fresh start wherever Aquarius lands in your natal birth chart. You can expect the unexpected. You may take risks that surprise others who know you.
“All things are possible for you now when you trust your instincts. Lead by your intuition. Liberate your mind first and your freedom will follow…”
“The New Moon in Aquarius reminds you that you are the Star of your life. You are the Sun center of your universe. If your life is hard, look inside yourself and make the needed changes.
“Coach yourself. Be honest. Where are you giving your power away? What are doing that sabotages your success? The change you want to see in the world begins with you. Change your mind. You change your life. See your challenges from a different perspective. See your challenges as opportunities for growth.
“…The New Moon is lighting up a new path way for you. Perhaps it was there all along and now your eyes are opened….”
“The Aquarian New Moon message: today is the first day of your life. The past is history. The future is a mystery. The present is the gift. All power is in the choices you make today.
“Be a force for good in the world. Be a conduit for Joy. Keep your ego on a short leash. Live from your soul. This is your creative power. You are a master creator. You are co-creating with Source daily.
“Use the New Moon to create a new life. Don’t wait on other people. Take action today…”
“These SuperMoons strengthen the impact for change. This is setting the tone for the New Year. Pause, breathe and digest what is happening with you. This is the year to empower yourself. Do what makes you feel powerful. Get out of your own way.
“Move out of your comfort zone. Make bold beginnings. This energy is encouraging you to have a fresh start. Be innovative. Don’t allow the negative ego to hold back your dreams. Get creative. If a door closes on you, then open a window. Climb out. Move on a new life path. Listen to your intuition. Your intuition is your inner knowledge.
“Allow your Star, your Higher Self to guide you to your tribe. Stir your pot. Sudden unexpected opportunities can come to you from out of the blue. Your hopes and wishes realized. Your dreams come true. Don’t get ready. Be ready. In this way, you will seize the new potentials that are emerging in your life.
“…Pay attention to the messages you receive at the New Moon and the end of January. They may hold keys to your success this year. Read between the lines. Speak less and listen more. Listen to what is not being said. Listen.”
© Copyright 2015 ~KELLEY ROSANO. All Rights Reserved
From astrologer CHAD WOODWARD from Kosmic Mind:
“As this New Moon commences, Mars and Neptune are separating from a conjunction in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius. This presents the challenge to persevere in the face of the unknown, in the face of fear.
“Aquarius needs to shake things up, and our hesitancy to do so now is completely justified. What if we upset things? What if we offend other people in the process?
“In order to find our place in the world and the universe, we have to take some risks. It isn’t always easy, but the rewards are worth the challenges. To be true to ourselves sometimes requires that we make other people or even ourselves uncomfortable. There is no getting around that fact.
“We are creatures of comfort and we like predictable routines. But those routines so often cause stagnation and prevent us from moving forward…”
“The Aquarian double current is the twofold pathway to wisdom and understanding. There is a way upward and downward, and both paths are essential for soul growth and maturation. Whatever we choose in life, we’ll learn from it and ultimately grow.
“To the ego, there is a right way and a wrong way, or a more or less ideal way to go. But to the soul, all experiences provide us with lessons and all choices lead us eventually to wholeness.
“There is a very personal, paradigmatic shift approaching for each of us with this lunation. Can we defy our fears to see what’s behind the veil of our illusions? Can we trust the universe enough to provide us with the experiences most needed to further our evolutionary growth?
“Only time will tell, but the more receptive we are now, and the more willing we are to accept the unthinkable, the less painful or shocking it will be.”
© Copyright 2015 ~CHAD WOODWARD. All Rights Reserved
From the wonderful DIVINE HARMONY:
“There are two rulers of this New Moon- the ancient ruler of Aquarius which is Saturn and the contemporary ruler of Aquarius which Uranus…”
“Uranus on the South Node represents our ability to radically and suddenly break free from the past, but it also shows our addictions to impulsivity, restlessness and even conflict as a means to deal with situations that are calling for more grace, harmony, compromise and collaboration (the North Node is in Libra, after all!).
“With the contemporary ruler of this New Moon on the South Node- we need to be very aware of our past before we set intentions about what we want to call in and grow into in the future. Our past informs our present- we cannot escape it and we cannot deny it. To do so would be to ignore all that brought you to today.
“There is a reckoning going on right now and we each are being asked to pay the dues required for past karmic actions, choices and relationships.
“We have an opportunity to choose something different now– but it is BECAUSE of our past and our awareness of where we perhaps went down a wrong road that we are able to see more clearly today and choose more wisely.”
“…With Mercury in the same sign as the New Moon coming to a grinding halt- set to go Retrograde the next day (January 21st), we again get another image of going over the past before we can truly move into the future.
“Mercury Retrograde is a time to rethink, review and revise the past. It is not a recommended time to move forward, sign on the dotted line or initiate new things. FIRST we need to deal with the past and complete it. THEN we can move on and move forward.
“This New Moon almost reminds me of a turnstile. We are moving away from one thing and moving towards another- but the New Moon itself is that space in between where we moving through the turnstile, but not quite through it just yet.
“Turnstiles are interesting because once you fully get through them they block you from reentering the place you just came through.
“And that is the most potent potential of this New Moon. Major new beginnings, predicated by major endings / cleansings / completions. And once we fully get through that turnstile- there is no looking back.
“So think wisely, act consciously, and set masterful intentions with this New Moon!
“And keep one eye on the future, while another eye stays fully aware of your past so you don’t repeat it and get stuck in it. You don’t want to miss out on the radical shifts available to you now because you were too busy looking at what you were leaving behind, do you? :) “
© Copyright 2015 ~DIVINE HARMONY. All Rights Reserved
From DIPALI DESAI and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Going beyond the hype of manifesting what the egoic mind desires according to its agenda, set a clear intention under the New Moon phase of the quality you wish to experience and embody in your daily life and behaviors from a higher perspective.
“Astrology provides the practical wisdom to work in harmony with natural rhythms and cycles rather than resist it or overly focus on materialistic things. Any intention you set, be sure to align with the theme of Aquarius…”
“Here is an easy example: ‘I AM innovative and welcome change on all levels.’
“As a Soul, expressing through your human form, you are innovative and at ease with change and transformation. Accept this higher truth, and you are closer to experiencing this ease in reality.”
© Copyright 2015 ~DIPALI DESAI. All Rights Reserved
*NEW MOON* Blessings + LOVE to all!
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Tags: *NEW MOON* of 2015 in Aquarius, Aquarius New Moon January 20th 2015, Aquarius NEW MOON Message, ART: MYSTIC MAMMA, CHAD WOODWARD, co-creating with Source, cosmic insights, dipali desai, DIVINE HARMONY, empower yourself, Kelley Rosano, Liberate your mind first, Lunar Astrology Report, Lunar Insights, Lunar Wisdom, MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights, MYSTIC MAMMA New Moon Gatherings, new moon astrology, NEW MOON Gatherings Resource, New Moon Medicine, NEW MOON SuperMoon in Aquarius January 20th 2015, Speak less and listen more, Sun enters Aquarius on January 20 2015, SuperMoon in Aquarius January 20th 2015
Laura Birr says:
Jan 18, 2015
Thank you so much. I am going to some affirmations on Tuesday and master my emotions or at least intention to try to. Thanks for your insights! Blessings
enuflove says:
Jan 18, 2015
Wow! Really loving this! I know there is a lot of energy and movement…
Shifts happening or about to…and much has been about being prepared.
I hope I am. :-) but I have to say I am rather hopeful. I recently
Decided my word of the year is surrender, and it has brought me so
Much peace and joy. Sure muck may happen..but I’m surrendering and
Letting the universe handle it all. It has to be better than what I’ve
Managed the last several years! Lol. I’m kinda excited to see what
This year brings. The Dance…a step or two forward…one back
A couple to the side…rock back…a couple forward. Before I know it
I’ll be in the flow around the floor having a good ole time. Thanks for
The article. It’ll be a great year!
Geraldine Lewis says:
Jan 18, 2015
Thank you all for all your living words loving words of wisdom.. Aho
Emily ferry Woodard says:
Jan 18, 2015
Thank you for those words of guidance, some life changes happening and coming up for me over the next few weeks. It’s nice to be aware of the Aquarians new moon and it’s powerful energy for chance and rebirth, staying connected to the wisdom of this time feels exciting :)
Ema Lee says:
Jan 18, 2015
SO beautiful!
bonnie says:
Jan 18, 2015
i am so completely new to astrology and still trying to figure it out, absorb and process. all i know is i am going to go with my intuition and i am listening to what will be strenghts for me and everything seems to be ringing true. stepping out of fear from the past two years and am finally creating my wellness business. today i am looking at an office and will be signing the paperwork today or tuesday. setting my intentions for the next six months working with the words of wisdom coming from the Lights of the world (aham -yinz) and my own insights. thank you thank you thank you. i feel like i have been validated. from my heart to your heart- namaste
Faith Thomas says:
Jan 18, 2015
As our consciousness becomes clearer our intentions are more and more aligned with the divine. This allows us to manifest our lives so smoothly and cleanly. We are not coming from a state of resistance, we are surrendering to abundance, success and well-being. Thanks for sharing this wisdom through the lovely hub of Mystic Mama!
Gina says:
Jan 18, 2015
This message it is definitely life changing for better.
It makes you feel so refreshed.
It makes you feel encouraged.
It makes you feel motivated.
It is the most important and beautiful thing I have ever read.
Thank you
Momma Morris says:
Jan 18, 2015
Hopefully I will go into labor!!!
mm says:
Jan 20, 2015
Trust in divine timing Momma! Your baby will come when they are ready! Blessings to you!
Catherine says:
Jan 18, 2015
Thank u for your words of wisdom i am going to surender to the universe . i lived in fear for the past three years . But now i feel this change in me .Thank u
Atourina says:
Jan 18, 2015
Thank you for this wonderful culmination of information MM! Although I am so ready to live more in alignment with my bigger dreams there is still that comfortable side that wants to stay where I am, knowing its not serving me anymore. I feel so supported by this new moon and ready to jump the cliff of the unknown.
Sophie says:
Jan 19, 2015
Thank you!
Monica says:
Jan 19, 2015
This is such a timely post. I’ve been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and my surgery is this Wednesday; a little past the New Moon. Let me tell you, one gets so much more perspective when faced with your own mortality and when being diagnosed so quick and so-out-of the blue. Thank you for sharing this. I will keep my mind and intentions open.
Elizabeth says:
Jan 19, 2015
Hi Monica, sending healing energy and courage on your day:)’
Carly says:
Jan 19, 2015
Sending love and healing and grace.
mm says:
Jan 20, 2015
Our hearts and prayers are with you Monica! Holding you in light and love~~~
Monica says:
Jan 20, 2015
Thank you all ;)
Michelle says:
Jan 21, 2015
Hi Monica- Sending you love, light, and courage as you face this battle — which I pray, and believe, you’ll be victorious over.
nel taylor says:
Jan 19, 2015
Awesome; I am holding a mooncircle tonight for the dark moon; this is beautiful insightful wisdom to share with my women.
Love and Light
Nel (white owl)
Monique says:
Jan 19, 2015
My birthday is Wed the 21st. Will this have a greater impact on me?
UseToBelieve says:
Jan 19, 2015
Same words, different lunar cycle.
Gerald grass says:
Jan 19, 2015
Change is constant, I welcome another day to get it Right” thank you for your Work <3
farnaz says:
Jan 19, 2015
Tanx so much. Be usefull. I have a big chalenge with myself and it makes me upset. Hope thats right for me. My birthday is 3rd may and I have challenge with myself every moment.
sheshe says:
Jan 19, 2015
Excited to see how the power in this new moon will positively affect my life in regards to my preferred career and mentality. Should I do anything else to prepare?
shobha says:
Jan 19, 2015
Waiting for god to take me to wonderful provinces never thought of and dreamt of, dear father I’m ur little child embrace me love me never ever leave me
Raine says:
Jan 19, 2015
I am always in awe of how incredibly accurate these insights are in relation to my existence. I trust the universe fully but i must admit that it is very comforting to constantly get a nod from the universe in verbal form ;)
John says:
Jan 20, 2015
Tomorrow is a big day
Sue says:
Jan 20, 2015
My birthday is Jan. 21!!! I feel a great year in the making. Any words of wisdom. I have had some health issues but am now doing great. Any words of insight would be appreciated.
Bill says:
Jan 20, 2015
What if my rising and moon are in aqaurius what to expect
mm says:
Jan 20, 2015
Thank you all for your comments and your sharing! ♥︎♥︎♥︎
marie says:
Jan 20, 2015
I have been led to your wise words by a good friend. Your words are really insightful and quite inspirational, thank you all.
Donna says:
Jan 20, 2015
I am infinitely grateful for all the beings and energy that made it possible for me to read these words. They are priceless wisdom and motivation. I appreciate them so much. Thank you.
Maria says:
Jan 20, 2015
I am a bit new to all this but i feel the “pull” to learn more. I just got diagnosed with a brain tumor and i still don’t know if it’s cancerous. I’ve been in a roller-coaster relationship that has me heart broken. I have this intense feeling to do deep meditation this Wed. At this moment I don’t know what my future holds. Hoping for a new opportunity for new beginnings. Thank you for your post :-) gives me hope.
M says:
Jan 20, 2015
I was sent this link by my twin flame.
So kind in wanting to help me let go of the past and embrace the future.
The past was let go a long time ago for if I am sad I am sad in the moment and sad for a future that will keep us apart.
Very soon she will feel the joy of motherhood and that experiance is the one experiance that will stand above all others.
The new moon will light her path.
B says:
Jan 20, 2015
So the child isn’t yours?
That must really hurt that you couldn’t join with your twin in parenthood with your love joining in one new person to be welcomed into this world.
The universe is strange and can make strange choices for you.
Am so sorry you found your twin only for her to fall pregnant to someone else.
Love and blessings and may the new moon give you the strength to look within yourself to move on
M says:
Jan 20, 2015
Thank you for your words.
It’s Karma. It’s all cool. And as said above:
“There is a reckoning going on right now and we each are being asked to pay the dues required for past karmic actions, choices and relationships.”
I’ve paid mine
Brecka Burton says:
Jan 20, 2015
Thank you for this information.I look forward to all of this amazing energy.
Fran says:
Jan 20, 2015
Thanks from the root of my heart <3 It's a very nurturing and helpful insight <3
hammami says:
Jan 20, 2015
If your life is hard love is god ……………
Susan says:
Jan 20, 2015
This is my absolute FAVORITE place for New and Full Moon info! Thanks for being so awesome!
alex says:
Jan 20, 2015
wow, the first week of the new year my husband and i found out we would both be out of a job by april. that immediately brought with it some much needed changes in our life together, and over the past two weeks we have truly learned the meaning of change and surrendering to the coming tides. i’m an aquarius with aries moon, he is a gemni with leo. we finally feel free and ready to begin fresh again. thank you MM for always providing insights that lift soul and spirit <3
Marie says:
Jan 20, 2015
THIS is so spot on… After 4 years of a very hard eating disorder which almost cost me my life, and now 1,5 year into recovery, my body and I are definitely experiencing a reckoning! And each day I have to connect with my soul when going for the things I wanna do in life – it’s one step at a time…. while dealing with the past. But I’m looking forward, and ready to enter the turnstile :) (Such a great reference!)
Thanks for these posts, they makes me go AHA each and every time, and makes me calm down and connect with spirit and the univers.
Doris says:
Jan 20, 2015
Thank you so much. Gives me hope and strength. BB
Karen P. says:
Jan 20, 2015
LOVE, LOVE your messages. A question though…what does this all mean if you have nothing in Aquarius?
Nadine Lee says:
Jan 21, 2015
thank you this is so perfect. The part about setting clear intention of the quality you wish to experience & embody in your daily life & behaviours from a higher perspective is KEY!. I have been dreaming this into daily prayers/practice- how do i want to FEEL? vs….what i WANT which just feels like an egoic desire from the MIND vs my body & soul higher wisdom. Thank you for this reminder xx
Abigail says:
Jan 21, 2015
This was a WONDERFUL post, thank you for putting this together with all the major highlights. I appreciate the work!
qqqq says:
Jan 21, 2015
only Divine Harmony article has an astrological approach of this New Moon, the rest are dilettante with BS words, I bet they copy the same BS from one New Moon to the other..Jeez, poor astrology….
mm says:
Jan 21, 2015
If you are interested in reading about all the astrological details, you can click on each of the astrologers links and you can read more. These are chosen passages from larger articles that go deeper into that. These Astral Insights focus and present the overall message and guidance that these astrologers are interpreting.
Nina says:
Jan 21, 2015
Would you recommend making amends with someone and if so how could the outcome be since we haven’t spoken in 2years
Better Wellbeing says:
Jan 22, 2015
A wonderfully written guide to following the stars and planet for improving our overall outlook. I’m excited to be in a place of positive change. Thanks!
Aaron Simonson says:
Jan 22, 2015
Thankyou very much , from an evolving aquarian , long time learning , more grateful and able as I continue the work . Info and encoragement and insight like this is v useful . Aaron