Here are the astral insights for this NEW MOON/SOLAR ECLIPSE in >>>SCORPIO<<< We are being called to rise like the phoenix, out of the fires of transformation, and take flight.
We have been diving in the depths, with our eagle-vision seeing the scope, and now like the snake, we shed our former skins…
Time to trust our inner knowing. Time to feel our inner Presence. Time to spread our wings angels~~~
First from the wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“Overview: ‘Revealing how you feel is not a weakness, but rather, an incredible strength and gift you offer to self and others.’ Â There is a layer of brightness and brilliance added to the New Moon in Scorpio as we have a Solar Eclipse happening as well. Solar Eclipses happen only during a New Moon phase. Think of this New Moon as super-energized and helpful to propel you into a new way of emotional expression.”
 “In India, we celebrate the ‘Diwali’ or the Festival of Lights. Diwali represents ‘rows of lighted lamps’ but also it represents a time of lighting up millions of lights or lamps (individual awareness) to dispel the darkness and ignorance, and expand the radiance (Consciousness) of wisdom and love as Soul or Atma.”
“This is one of the many ‘Festival of Lights’ celebrated around the world. You can sense how powerful this New Moon/Solar Eclipse will be this year 2012. This is a good time to help dispel ignorance and become more conscious.”
“The Sun and Moon unite in the sign of Scorpio. The astrological sign of Scorpio is a water element (feelings) and is a fixed mode of energy (driven and concentrated). This symbolizes a strength in conscious expression of how deeply we feel and to trust in the higher Divine order of life.”
“Some people feel expressing feelings or emotions is a sign of weakness. When done with a sense of empowerment, it is strength being expressed. As human beings, one of the greatest gifts given is the gift of feeling.”
“Feel it, don’t analyze it. This is a strong theme during the New Moon in Scorpio. So often, the urge is to analyze, compartmentalize and intellectualize. But not during this new moon phase. Feel the urge, the desire and powerful feelings. Feel the urge to deeply connect and to relinquish control. It can be blissful when you are feeling real trust and intimacy from the heart. Here you are empowered.”
“The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio heralds a time of new beginnings and incredibly powerful opportunities available to all for a fresh start in life. One that includes trust and empowerment and conscious alignment with Soul.“
“…It is possible to experience greater willingness and desire to breakthrough old patterns and fears. This can feel so good inside and it is the start of or deepening ‘trust’ within you.”
“The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is a time of powerful renewal, shedding away and metamorphosis. A greater truth will be uncovered and the strength to accept what is revealed is possible. It may be easier than you think to shed patterns or habits now.”
“With the fixed mode of energy inherent in Scorpio we are likely to want to ‘follow-through’ and use the otherwise stubbornness be put to good use. There may be a strong emotional desire to experience new things, engage in healthier patterns as well as be able to trust self even more than before.”
“There may be a deep urge to open up to your partner and expose a new part of yourself to increase intimacy on other levels beyond physical sex. The ‘all or nothing’ energy is used constructively here to help you accomplish something that empowers you more.”
© Copyright 2012 Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
From the always insightful astrologer Kelly Rosano:
“Scorpio requires us to go deep within self, and take full responsibility for our own healing. We want to forgive ourselves and practice self-acceptance to be liberated. Â We have to make a commitment to our heath, well-being and vitality. This will empower us to be strong, present and move forward.”
“…We cannot move forward into a positive and fruitful life from a fearful place. For instance, harboring negativity, pessimistic thoughts, and/or behavior sabotages our happiness and success. How we think and feel creates our reality.  We can create our reality unconsciously (fear based). Or, we can choose to be “conscious creators.â€
“We need to bring light (conscious awareness) to the dark (unconscious motivations). Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac. Scorpios analytical mind, strong intuition, reasoning powers, perception, long-range planning ability, magnetism and energy are ingredients for our success.” Â
“…The New Moon Eclipse is also a SuperMoon– when the Moon is at perigee (closest to the Earth) and syzygy (in line with the Sun and Earth), intensifying gravitational pull on the oceans, the ground we walk on, our bodies, heart and mind.”
“We are receiving the new codes being downloaded from Prime Creator for the creation of the new heart-centered human being. Â We are required to release the past that no longer serves us….”
“Through the end of the year, we want to practice Extreme Self Care: exercise daily, eat healthy, drink clean water, sleep tons, play, dream, create and laugh a lot! We need to sleep as much as possible during our cycle of transformation. We process the most karmic residue, readjust and realign into higher vibration when we are sleeping.”
“Sleep repairs, rejuvenates and restores our body, mind and spirit. For instance, this is why we can wake up tired after sleeping eight hours. We were working all night on other dimensions, levels of being.  Such as healing our past and creating our playful future.”
“Scorpio New Moon Mantras:
Let’s get to the bottom of things.
 I Am the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the past.
I Am the innocent child born again.â€
© Copyright 2012 Kelly Rosano. All Rights Reserved
From Cathy Lynn Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
“Next Tuesday’s Scorpio New Moon is a solar eclipse, marking an ending and a new beginning for us all.  As you may have noticed, cosmic law dictates that we renew ourselves at different times, for change is the only constant in our marvelous Universe.” Â
“We renew ourselves each month at the new Moon…This is the time to let go of those things, projects, hopes and even people that no longer serve our life’s purpose.  We have to learn to die, to clear a space within us, so new life can come to us again next Spring…”
“There is still the wonderful water trine (a blessing) between Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio and Ceres in Cancer.  Both Neptune (Nov. 10) and Chiron (Nov. 14) are ending their 5-month retrograde period, intensifying our desire to heal our collective wounds and dream a new dream for humanity.  They are aided in this by Saturn’s determination to dig into our psyches and face what’s there.”
 “The Great Mother Ceres holds us in her arms and whispers her love for us, for we are the children of Mother Earth. When we know we are loved, we accept who we are.  Love yourselves as you release your old emotional wounds.”
“Mercury is retrograde and will move back into Scorpio hours after this eclipse. Mercury will take Sagittarius’ light and shine it into the dark places we need to heal. Scorpio’s ruler, Mars, is moving over the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, blessing us with the desire to transform these feelings and fly free.”
“…Are you ready to face yourself? The Sun and Moon in Scorpio say you are.”
“So open the door and embrace your humanity.  Let yourself feel all those feelings you’ve been afraid to acknowledge. Use Mercury retrograde to name the feelings.  Use Jupiter and Venus to accept and love them. Use Neptune and Chiron’s healing energies to open you to the Collective Unconscious and show you Spirit’s gracious love which forgives you.”
“Let the Mother Goddess Ceres hold you secure in her embrace.   From this cosmic standpoint, listen to those feelings and understand what they say about you.  Give them meaning.  And when you are done acknowledging them, LET THEM GO!  Pull the plug and drain out that dark pool.   And let new feelings flow through you.  Don’t try to understand them yet.  Just be refreshed by them.”Â
© Copyright 2012 Cathy Lynn Pagano. All Rights Reserved
From intuitive Irma Kaye Sawyer:Â
“Beloveds, it is noteworthy to point out that the powerful energies of November will serve as a “bridge†to continue to anchor in the higher, loving vibrations that are being anchored on your planet in preparation for the greater fullness and expansion that is to occur in the month of December.”
“This moment in your world is a great window into change and an opportunity to further drop illusions and systems of control on an inward level.”
“Since the inner strongly reflects in the outer world, this is also a powerful way to impact the group vision and collective consciousness, and to infuse it with an energetic of Truth and Freedom.”
 “It is important to note that you cannot ‘miss the boat’ with these energies as they as already here for you to connect with in a steady stream, and they do not have an expiration date. You do this through thought, feeling and focused intention. – The Akashic Wisdom Keepers, 11.9.12”
“…This is definitely a ‘Reality Selection’ moment, and to embrace the wisdom teachings and higher facets of truth that we hold dear to our hearts.
“All New Moons are an opportunity to begin again and to start a new cycle, and this one is no exception. For this one we also have the Solar Eclipse shining both light and shadow energies that may need to be “eclipsed†out of our lives to make room for the new.”
“Do keep in mind that since we have a double dose of Scorpio energies in the 8th house… power and depth of insight are the name of the game. It is a very good time to meditate, do movement work or yoga, or enjoy some tantric practice with your partner.”
“It is also a good time to avoid control trips and power struggles of all kinds. These energies will be impacting people in different ways….It is important to remember that there IS a divine consciousness at work here, and in moments where we are feeling lost or confused, it’s best to just let it take the wheel.”
“…Love one another, and help others rise to the higher levels simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and is the greatest healing energy. – The Keepers, 11.9.12”
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2011-2012
Update >>> Lastly some Diwali love from Elaine Kalantarian and her Blue Moon Astrology:
“For those of us east of the International Dateline, the eclipse coincides with the Hindu festival Diwali. Translated as ‘rows of lighted lamps,’ the five-day festival celebrates the end of the business year and honors Lakshimi, the goddess of wealth. Small earthenware oil lamps are lit to help the goddess find her way to homes and places of business for blessings of abundance.” Â
“Lovely, mandala-like Rangoli designs, like the one shown here, are also drawn to welcome Lakshimi.Six-petaled lotuses, pointed stars, sun wheels, and hexagons are some of the traditional designs. Diwali is a “festival of lights,” celebrating the forces of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance, very much in keeping with Scorpio’s transmutative process of shining light into darkness — the Phoenix rising from the ashes.”Â
© 2012 Elaine Kalantarian, All Rights Reserved
Peace and many Blessings~~~~
(PS: To share please use icons below to share link rather than copying/pasting full report into your FB pages and websites. Thank you!)
Hoyden Musings says:
Nov 10, 2012
I am going through some intense internal changes right now, and I very much feel what these three authors are writing about. I am 32 and I am finally ending my time as a child and letting my parents have dominion over me. I currently live in close proximity to them, but I have an offer in on a new home and will hopefully be moving soon. I am trying hard to let my heart guide me, but it is so easy to fall back into fearful, stuck thoughts. The last new moon was very transformative for me and I am very interested in seeing what happens with this “supermoon/eclipse”.
mm says:
Nov 11, 2012
thank you for sharing~~~sending you >>>LOVE & LIGHT<<< â¤â¤â¤
Crisniss says:
Nov 10, 2012
Very beautiful! Thank u once again OM~
Sarah says:
Nov 10, 2012
I am feeling these changes intensly. My birthday is Nov. 13th and my dreams and the last couple of weeks have been very powerful. I totaled my car two nights ago, and I’m sick for the first time in over a year. I can’t even begin to describe the emotional and mental and physcial detox I’m feeling right now. I am ready to accept the changes and do what I need to do for myself. I am ready to release my fears and let go of what no longer serves my higher purpose. LOVE&LIGHT
mm says:
Nov 11, 2012
wishing so much LOVE and *light* to you sister~~~~~ take good care of yourself â¤
vivien 51 says:
Nov 13, 2012
IT IS TOO, MY B.DAY ON THE 15TH.. AM HOPING NOT TO CRASH MY CAR.:):). OH.. BUT MY HEART IS JOYOUS AND OPENNED TO ALL… my senses are sharp.. and amhumble and grateful to step into anotheryear of new me.. and welcomed transformation.. all of it..sending a hug, my best loving, celebrating energy to you..
mm says:
Nov 14, 2012
Birthday Blessings to you both â¤â¤
susie says:
Nov 12, 2012
I love this and it resonates
P. says:
Nov 13, 2012
I’ve been going through a dark time this past week and have been experiencing the re-emergence of a lot of old pains. But despite the tendency to feel pulled down and stuck, I had the abstract feeling that soon the time of the Phoenix will come, and I will rise up again. It gives me faith to read that sentiment echoed here.
Priscilla says:
Nov 13, 2012
I have just returned from a trip to Egypt where I put down my analytical tools and FELT my way through the temples and tombs. It was absolutely amazing on so many levels, and had an effect on more levels than I have a comprehension of. This post has brought me more understanding and affirmation that FEELING is definitely the way to go! Thank you.
laura markmann says:
Nov 13, 2012
thanks Liz for sharing this beautiful!!!
CLaurenzano says:
Nov 13, 2012
Mama M, Loved this insight. Thank you…
Hope you are very well. Much love to the family.
Julie says:
Nov 13, 2012
Is it possible that the advice you offer over the ‘light in a dark place’ could take you back to an issue that has still not been resolved despite years and years of obstinacy,turmoil and hurt.
I had closed myself down and never been able to forgive and move on. I have received some news over the last 24 hours that has totally made me rethink everything. It has made me realise other people’s vulnerabilities and how I took them on as mine when I should have lived my own life.
I hope I am not being impulsive but I feel as though I can rectify the situation before the inevitable happens and that person dies. I do however have to go back and redress the issues. This will probably be hell but I have to do this before I can move on with my life and be happy with myself.
I would just appreciate your thoughts. The last time this happened for me was about 12 years ago in May 2000. It feels big to me and I know I am going to be shook to the core!
Julie says:
Nov 13, 2012
Just reread Hoydn Musing’s post and my issues are over parental issues too. There is something authorative in all of this – I moved away and hid my head in the sand but as said above, I need to build the strength to stand up and redress these issues.
mm says:
Nov 14, 2012
Sending you love and strength. It is never to late to open the heart to forgive…it is the key to freedom. Trust your inner knowing. Walk through the doors that open before you. Blessings to you~~~~â¤â¤â¤
Christopher says:
Nov 14, 2012
Very lovely, insightful and timed as a kiss of light from Lakshimi herself,I thank you and send Blessings of love, light; joy and devotion for you, your work, family, friends,all you hold dear, have yet to hold dear and come to love,
Jai Maa
mm says:
Nov 14, 2012
Deepest gratitude brother~~~ Jai Maa :)
Kandi says:
Nov 14, 2012
Amazingly beautiful and very helpful insights! As well as the strong validation of all the intense energy I and others have been feeling! Thank you thank you!
Julie says:
Nov 14, 2012
Thank you for your blessings and thoughts. I had a really long sleep again and woke up with a headache. That is shifting now. I am drinking lemon tea and eating eggs at the moment. I am conciously detoxifying. Looking at the situation – a lot is coming to light. I am thinking about Lakshimi and am going to research – I have worked with Hecate before (I don’t work with her a lot, psychologically I relate to Artemis more). I was very apprehensive of the darker side initially but this facet of the goddess certainly shifts and clears the path so to speak!I know that this is necessary in my present circumstances.
Errin says:
Nov 14, 2012
I’m going such a dark time right now..financially, emotionally, and physically. I’m even about to be evicted from my apartment in a few days, if I don’t come up with amount that is due, and I hope my prayers can before my landlord evicts me. I feel i’m at such a crossroads in life. I just need break. I cannot do this on my own anymore. I need a good, long, cry. I’m trying my hardest to be strong and to remind myself this is all happening for a reason…but when will all this strife ever end???
Terri says:
Nov 14, 2012
I send you much love and comfort in the knowledge that your angels need you to ask them again for help. It is my understanding that if we do not ask for exactly what we want or need, they are unable to step in to help. It is your choice to ask or not.
A good cry is very refreshing. Do it and do it well! After the cry a good sleep would benefit you. Angels work with you during your sleep. When you open your swollen eyes, the world just might look completely different to you, answers may arrive, prayers answered plus; you have cleared the way for good things to now enter your life, after cleaning out all the riff-raff.
Hang on sister. Hang on. Your in such good company. So many of us are ready to go, ready to start the party and have been for a very long time.
My prayers are with you at this difficult time, I hope you feel the warmth of a very big hug.
mm says:
Nov 14, 2012
Yes beautiful, thank you Terri! I agree hang in there Errin our prayers are with you â¤â¤â¤
Alicia says:
Nov 14, 2012
Both my daughters and I are Scorpios. My daughter born on 11/10/84 and me on 11/17/56. We do not live together. We were talking this morning and I stated that yesterday morning nausea and light-headedness had come over me like a wave and lasted all morning and I felt like a weight was on me. She said the same thing happened to her. Later in the day yesterday, I abruptly came down with what was like mild cold symptoms. So did my daughter. I had read somewhere this morning that these symptoms were related to the eclipse yesterday 11/13/12. Any insight into this? My daughter has also been going through some catharsis with her emotions lately. Actually, it’s been a rough year for her. I also have to say I am very “earth sensitive.”
mm says:
Nov 14, 2012
Yes, it was a very intense eclipse yesterday and many of us were physically feeling it on many levels. The best we can do is be present with what is arising and take good care of ourselves by getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, and getting some physical body movement going to let the chi flow and the emotions express and move through us… â¤
Alicia says:
Nov 14, 2012
Thank you! I didn’t want to think I was crazy! But I will do these things and tell my daughter too!
Julie says:
Nov 14, 2012
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter too Alicia. I occasionally ask for help from my mum and other female relatives who have passed over but I know are still with me. Every time I just simply ask for what I need (even if I don’t know what form it needs to take I just talk and explain my problem). The help comes to me – it does – every single time.
Yesterday, I did a little genealogy which I haven’t done for a while which I was strangely attracted to doing again. I was at the stage where I was going beyond the census records and into the parish records. I don’t know how it happened but I got a lead into a particular set of parish records online and I was exactly in the right church and confirmed my great grandmother’s baptism. I really could not do that again if I tried. It is over 200 miles away and I couldn’t even name the town where they were located. The funny thing about it, is a home became available in exactly the same town as the parish was barely a few miles away. Talk about a homecoming!
This eclipse is very deep and very powerful and it really didn’t surprise me that the female side of my mother’s family came through. My battles have always been on the patriarchal side!
Rebecca says:
Nov 14, 2012
my 50th birthday is tomorrow, the 15th. I have been feeling very introspective, emotional and generally out of sorts. I thought it was because it was a “big” birthday, but had a feeling it was more, remembered the eclipse and googled it. I found this site – amazing. It all makes sense now, thank you.
Suzanne McRae says:
Nov 15, 2012
I really enjoyed reading your article and will include your website in my Bloglovin’ Reader for future blog posts reading.
Patty Thompson says:
Nov 18, 2012
I really enjoyed reading this, it was so refreshing, I do intend on letting go of so many things and embrasing new!
Thank You