“To be human being is an honor,
and we offer thanksgiving for all the gifts of life.
Mother Earth, we thank you for giving us everything we need.
“Thank you, deep blue waters around Mother Earth,
for you are the force that takes thirst away from all living things.
We give thanks to green grasses that feel so good against our bare feet, for the cool beauty you bring to Mother Earth’s floor.
“Thank you, good foods from Mother Earth,
our life sustainers, for making us happy when we are hungry.
Fruits and berries, we thank you for your color and sweetness.
We are all thankful to good medicine herbs, for healing us when we are sick…
“All the trees in the world, we are thankful for the shade and warmth you give us…
“We give thanks to you, gentle Four Winds,  for bringing clean air for us to breathe from four directions.
“Thank you Grandfather Thunder Beings for bringing rains to help all living things grow.
Elder Brother Sun, we send thanks for shining your light and warming Mother Earth…
“Spirit Protectors of our past and present, we thank you for showing us ways to live in peace and harmony with one another.
“And most of all, thank you, Great Spirit, for giving us all these wonderful gifts…”
~Chief Jake Swamp from Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message

