Here is brother Kaypacha’s Astrological Pele Report Report for this week starting October 8, 2014…
“As I discover just how different I am,
From so many other women and men,
Instead of hiding I need to come out,
Giving us all permission to run, jump, and shout.”
Kapacha says:
“Welcome to the eclipse season! These are tricky waters to navigate as the energy goes bonkers the next couple of weeks. You may find yourself vacillating between the extremes of rebelling (sometimes without a cause) and, fearing negative results, squelching your unique expression. Ruthless rebelling can cause upset and adverse reactions from others messing everything up and stuffing your feelings can cause nervous indigestion if not downright craziness!
“The trick here is to trust that yes, you are different and have a unique purpose/mission on this earth and you are not going nuts AND, with patience and keen awareness you will see when, where, and with whom it is ‘appropriate’ to share your unique identity.
“With the proper strategy great advances can be made and magic can become a very real part of your life. Not acting strategically can really set you back. One way or the other there will be few dull moments so stay awake and be prepared for the unexpected! Enjoy the process of BECOMiNG.”
Music by Adey:
Nikki Hayes says:
Oct 8, 2014
Thank you! I desperately needed this today. Your report is inspiring, as always.
adam XVI says:
Oct 8, 2014
Goddess Pele was my first deity growing up in Oahu and then in New Zealand…her inspirational energies helped me “come out” of my hiding and into the light of my own fire…Ki’ora & much Alofas to everyone. Blessed be.
Shannon says:
Oct 8, 2014
I was so ready for that insight…Im feel it is a step forward from the recent energies…Im ready to be
shaveta says:
Oct 9, 2014
“give people permission to be a little out there” luv!
ritahealinghands says:
Oct 9, 2014
Ready to come out as never before. Thank you
Love and Light
Doris says:
Oct 9, 2014
Thank You!
Light & Love
Seeking Zen again says:
Oct 9, 2014
What do I do now that the anger grabbed me and acted out through me? I’ve been isolated in a position and acted it out. Now, I’m embarrassed by my words and behaviour. It was a lesson, yet I feel like I ruined some key moments the last few days. I would love some love and support from you as I deal with this – I feel judged – not just by my own morality yet by people whom I have admired and was invited to spend time with. Gratefulness left and the extreme need to express the harsh truths that I have been experiencing alone grabbed a hold and tight because of how I kept quiet about it for some time. Please give me feedback. I would like to know how to fix it – how to create the balance you suggest.
Splendor says:
Oct 10, 2014
Hi , this happened to me many times in this life but the real ones around me always forgave me ( not many though but the real friends / close ones ).
I have been on this spiritual path for many years ( solid yoga background + numerous travels in Asia or South West Usa ) – i found myself during those years dealing with old repressed anger that bursted through many challenging situations ( and with people too ) but i came to realize that anger had to come out in some way ( release in some way ) but i didn’t like the way i expressed it – i was willing to find a better way anyhow . What i also realized later on is that any form of repressed emotions ( not only anger but frustration , denial ,undermining patterns , low Self Esteem )could lead myself to the same frustrating spot if not dealt consciously within when they arise . in 2012 , i bumped on a foundation for spiritual evolution called ” Openhand ” and they have a very insightfull approach with emotions , mind patterns , and much more . What they advise is not easy but effective : If any emotion / or tightness arises in certain situations , what we can do is be with it first ; not trying to put it away or numb it with any means – than soften within that emotion/tightness with all your willingness to feel it fully ( whatever it may be / tough or rough or ugly ) and Shine through with your Heart / Higher Self – releasing it if u like ( which is also called ” letting go ” ). The crucial part is to find out why your mind got angry in the first place ( what triggers the anger or the rage ). Our limited society does not advocate expressing emotions fully ( rather they try to distract us from such benevolent inner healthy process ) – i didn’t mean to express anger in the face of people who might be well responsible by awfull behavior like disrespect or cheating or whatever else . It’s that Openhand approach i learned slowly , bit by bit for 2years and a half that really makes a huge difference in dealing with emotions / mind patterns triggering the emotion ; i have never felt so capable , empowered , released at some point from older mind patterns when they arise . I can deal with it but in a much effective smart intelligent way ; it’s still in full progress of course .
One thing u can do is forgive yourself . Nobody else other than you can do that properly ; even as tough as it seems to be . Forgiveness is a powerfull way to release yourself from what happened – maybe u might find also that u need to send appologizes as well to some people – if they can’t forgive you , they seem not to be worth being with you anymore . ( i expererienced numerous cases like this too ). Your Guardian Angel has allready forgiven you so to speak ; that’s clear . That’s half the work done to help u release any attachement your mind would cling on for what happened . Your mind has surely build up many thoughts about the gravity of what u have done ( maybe it is so ) but that’s how mind operates anyway somehow after the event took place . I encounter numerous people not willing to forgive what others did to them but that keep them in a past negative loop within – no release can happen from that ressitence ( or limiting beleif system ) but i keep listening to them knowing they can free themselves if they really want to . After forgiveness can be acheived within , u can promise yourself to be more watchfull ( higher awareness Presence ) and find a smoother way to deal with arising emotions ; because they will surely arise again- than i am sure about . Even high masters still have to express and fully process emotions – they just know how to do it smoothly without hurting anyone . That’s the higher levels of Soul embodiment; that’s possible for us too , i beleive . Please check out the Openhand Foundation , u might find great inspirational insights ( articles ) that will help tremendously your own Path . I hope it helps , Love .
Meghan says:
Oct 9, 2014
I needed to read this. Thank you.
megan hutch says:
Oct 12, 2014
best mantra in forever, and the rest is even better. cant wait to run into you sometime and just hug yr tail off.