

Here are 3 supremely powerful affirmations/prayers from Howard Wills. He recommends to say them 5 times in the morning, in the evening or more.
Also Howard recommends you call on whatever expression of Divinity is appropriate for you and closest to your heart…God, Great Spirit, Divine Mother, Infinite Light…
May we all continue to do this great work of forgiving each other and forgiving ourselves and loving each other, and loving ourselves and being at peace with each other and being at peace with ourselves. It’s the time of great cleansing~~~
All together now~~~
>>>Deep Universal Cleansing Affirmation<<<
“For me, My family, Our Entire Lineage
And All Humanity
Throughout All Time, Past, Present And Future
Let’s All Forgive Each Other, 
Forgive Ourselves
Forgive All People
And All People Forgive Us
Completely And Totally,
Now and Forever
Please And Thank You
Let’s All Love Each Other And
Love Ourselves
Be at Peace with Each Other
Be at Peace with Ourselves
Love Each Other And
Love Ourselves
Now and Forever
Please and Thank You
Thank You”
 >>>Ancestral Cleansing Affirmation<<<
“For me, My family, And Our Entire Lineage
 Throughout All Time, Past, Present And Future
To All People, We Forgive You, All of You
Please Forgive Us, All of You
Let’s All Forgive Ourselves, All of Us
Please And Thank you
Let’s All Love Each Other
And Love Ourselves
Be at Peace With Each Other
And Be At Peace With Ourselves
Now And Forever
Please And Thank  You
Thank You”
 >>>Universal Bounty Affirmation<<<
“For Me, My Family, Our Entire Lineage
And All of Humanity,
Throughout All Time,
Past, Present, And Future
Let’s All Open Our Minds, Hearts And Beings
To All Infinite Possibilities, Prosperity, And Love
Let All Things We Think, Say And Do
Be Filled With Infinite Possibilities, Prosperity And Love
Let Us Be Inspired And Guided Always
By Infinite Possibilities, Prosperity And Love
And Let Us All Celebrate And Appreciate Life
And All Infinite Possibilities, Prosperity And Love
Please and Thank You
Thank You.”
 ~The Howard Wills Prayers and Affirmations © 2012 All Rights Reserved




