You are awakening to the truth of who you really Are~
“There are comparable aspects of each of you, waiting patiently, in worlds you now visit only in your dreams. These aspects of self, ultimately, will encompass the collective of your linear experience, as you continue to merge in Oneness with all the fragmented aspects of who you know yourself to be.
“It is these aspects of your consciousness that reach out to you in dream-state and in the depths of your meditations. It is these angels who have come to remind you who you really are, in the moments you are most apt to forget.
“These aspects of your own Self, who nudge you into subtle levels of heightened awareness, are here to remind you of who you really Are. At times, they merge their energies with yours and give you a momentary glimpse of a reality you have perhaps only begun to imagine not as a physical vision, but as a feeling.
“This is the reason so many of you have begun to experience exalted moments of Divine connectedness, sometimes quite unexpectedly.
“This what is actually happening when you begin to feel your energies shift and an exquisite sense of joy fills you, only fleetingly, during moments of prayer, or deep contemplation, or within the sanctity of nature, or the embrace of silence and solitude. This what you are feeling when you know you have been touched by something indescribably beautiful sacred and you know you have not imagined it.
“These momentary glimpses into the nature of the higher realms are experiential gifts to you who are awakening to the truth of who you Are.
“For, what you have come to these times to experience is not merely an intellectual grasp of the nature of the process. It is not simply a collection of metaphysical concepts around which you can attempt to wrap your mind.
“What there is to have is the taste of it, the profound feeling of it, the incredible magnificent experience of it the experience of knowing you have been touched by Divinity that is a signpost on the road to Oneness.”
~Rasha from Oneness
Tags: awake, awakened consciousness, awakening, awareness, connectedness, consciousness, divine connectedness, divine love, divine mystery, divine nature, expanding awareness, experiential truth, experiential wisdom, higher realms, interconnectedness, joy, mystic mama, mystic mumma, mystical mamma, mysticmamma,, oneness, rasha, shift, truth, union, wisdom
Elke says:
Nov 28, 2012
Dear MM,
Thank You so much for sharing.
It happens, It Is.
Much Love,
MysticalAngel says:
Nov 28, 2012
Thank you for sharing! I am in the process of experiencing and this is comforting. Many Blessings!
Kat says:
Nov 29, 2012
That girl in the picture..I do that, too! Look inward, and reach for the sky : )
Ukeh ochang says:
Dec 6, 2012
Think the best
elisa coronado says:
May 29, 2013
I thank u first of all for making me feel welcome to earth .. I thought I was coronado .. Cortez
janis says:
Aug 29, 2013
Thank you, this post is long I apologize for this, but I do wish to share.
This speaks to me hugely, this is a knowing I have experienced for many years. Not ever understanding HOW to put this into words. I have had a loving voice be with me through troubled times, then other times just driving,or sitting. The voice comes to me, caresses me and says remember it is always about the love. this is what happened on a trip to a friends wedding, I had a conversation the night before with a friend about money and the meaning of life. Then this happened the next day. I had to stop my car because I get all tingly and I know that there is a presences I must pay attention to. I got out of my car everything around me was electrified. Colors sparking like I was on drugs. But I was not. No drugs for decades. the voice is touching me holding me. I am crying, incredible joy is filling me. then the voice say’s remember it is not about the money, it is about the love.
This sort of thing (opening) happens less often now. I feel more whole with it. Instead of the voice outside of me, it is in me.
I also see a cobalt blue spot when I am open, I know they are one. I think this energy came to me when I was a little girl for protection. I was being raised in a seriously unhealthy environment (religious/ritual in nature) It was a seriously abusive place of many people. A presence came to me one night in the form of a ghost, scared the hell out of me I was 8?. But I think that is when all of this started. He/she just stared at me with an intense energy and look, then was gone with a really loud gong sound. I have healed much. I do feel very whole, very loved.
I have huge gratitude for my life and what has happened to me both good and bad, for all of it is a big gift now. I know the ghost, my blue spot, and the energy I get are all part of me. I understand the blue spot is an opening to this place you speak of in the article.
Thank you for creating this site, thank you for allowing me to share, I do not speak of it much because so many think I am off my rocker. I do not care about this, however I would like to share more these days. Reading your sites, I feel it is time for me to speak as often as I can. It is scarey, I will pick my times with care, and will stay in my heart always.
I know my past is a large part of why I am on this earth, to give and teach love. To share this wisdom that comes to me so readily. My hope is you or your articles will help guide me and nudge me along.
I am filled with gratitude, and crying now too.
Blessing to you for following your path, may we all.
Metta blessings, Janis
nattolie says:
Nov 20, 2014
So so beautiful Janis.. thank you. I only found your site today and it feels authentic, true and heart centered. I see this blue spot and for me it always
comes into my awareness affirming “truth” like an exclamation mark. I also don’t talk about this, but your sharing is meaningful to me and reassuring. Love and Blessings to All. Yes. It is ALL about the love- I needed that message too!