The clearing continues with this Uranus Square Pluto being activated on May 20th 2013. This configuration is happening 7 times between 2012-2015 and this is the 3rd! So what’s the short of it? Uranus and Pluto are the great cosmic awakeners who are activating to expand our consciousness and help us move into new realities and ways of being. On a personal level, we get an opportunity to see ourselves from a new perspective and expand. Whatever is coming up right now, that’s what we have to look at. So observe what is surfacing. Truly it is a gift. We need to be be honest, communicate and stay in our integrity and authenticity. Then come the breakthroughs! 
Here are the Astral Insights from the most insightful readers of the planetary bodies.
First the wonderful Molly Hall from About/ Astrology discusses the arching impact of Uranus and Pluto:
“The astrologer Dane Rudhyar called the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) Ambassadors of the Galaxy. They incite and invite us to go beyond the known. They awaken consciousness and alter how we see ourselves as creators through time.
“The square of Uranus to Pluto is sure to radically alter how we move and manifest, as spirits in a body. This is an exciting time to reinvent ourselves, and see what we’re made of, what’s possible.”
“A square is urgent, and with Uranus and Pluto, we have two of the great cosmic awakeners of soul force. The potential here is to rediscover who we are, and awaken powers that have been suppressed or dormant. Pluto’s method is elimination, excavation, clearing out, and if the world seems covered in shadow, it’s rising to be faced, confronted, transformed.”
“As the old is cracked open, new fertile landscapes are created that weren’t there before. Raw energies are released, that are the fuel for the next move. A sense of mission comes from what’s been overcome, and this augurs a new chapter. There are many ways that Pluto and Uranus divinely work toward breaking through!”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Molly Hall All Rights Reserved
From the always insightful Cathy Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
“ Three is the number of process, and with this 3rd out of 7 squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, it is time to awaken and stretch our muscles.   This square can be a game changer.”
“The first 2 squares brought up the issues; now this 3rd square demands action…The Cosmic Story offers us a chance to build our individual vision of life in the midst of cultural transformation.”
“The Sabian symbol for Uranus at 12* Aries is: A triangle-shaped flight of wild geese.  This symbol urges us to believe in Cosmic Order.  There is a bigger story going on than our old collective story, and when we can see the image of that new story clearly, we can live it.”  
“The Sabian symbol for Pluto at 12* Capricorn is: An illustrated lecture on natural science reveals little-known aspects of life.  This is a call to explore all aspects of life, especially our right-brain, feminine consciousness, which can show us the natural laws of life.”
“Together, these symbols challenge us to step outside-the-box and into our destiny—our life’s purpose.  Explore and believe.  Challenge and change. Imagine and manifest…”
“Uranus in Aries is the great Awakener.  This energy fertilizes our consciousness like lightning fertilizes the fields in Springtime.  I’ve been suggesting that we use this Uranus energy to find our archetypal ‘soul-identity’, rather than an unconscious Aries ‘ego-identity’.”
” Uranus awakens consciousness, so we think outside-the-box, understand our emotions and transform them into conscious feelings, access the imaginal realms where creation begins and listen in the silence after the thunder for Spirit to speak to us…”
“Pluto’s energy in Capricorn is behind all the dirty little secrets that are coming to light about our government and it’s collusion with our banks and corporations. The American Supreme Court just ruled in favor of Monsanto holding our food system hostage with their GMO seeds.  The US Congress won’t pass a gun control law despite the slaughter of innocents.  The US government is spying on its own citizens in the name of security.  Corporate profits are at an all-time high—and so is poverty.   The old patriarchal center will not hold any longer—people all around the world have been educated and know that our freedom and our future is in jeopardy.”
“Uranus gives us the energy to rise up what is new and necessary for life in those places Pluto tears down, that are decayed and rotten.   One way we can help the process is to step out of our patriarchal mindset—our 3D reality—and imagine and create our own vision of the future with our community.”
“If we spend time every day imagining what kind of life we want to share with others here on Earth, we can bring that new vision into our collective reality.  Of course, then we have to find ways to implement it.  That means we have to engage in our communities and help solve problems…”
“…The proper use of the Creative Imagination is so important right now. We use imagination to keep our intentions for the future viable.  An image is an energy conductor.  So when you visualize the life you want to live–see it and feel it, don’t just think it.  We each have something to give to our world. See it, believe it and live it.  That’s how change happens.
“When you see evil in the world and you get upset, find that tiny space of darkness within you and bring it into the light.  Each time we redeem the darkness within us, we bring more light to the world.  It’s time for us to embrace the dark and see our own shadows.  Once we accept these rejected parts of ourselves, we can find ways to use that shadow energy for the good of life, rather than the repression of life.
“Be clear about what you want—know what you value.  Then use your imagination coupled with your will to stand up for your values, not just in your personal life but also for our collective life.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Cathy Pagano. All Rights Reserved
*UPDATE* Here is a new gem addition from the wonderful Sarah Varcas and her Astro-Awakenings: 
“Just as we think everything’s falling into place… wham! Something side-swipes us, sending us reeling and throwing us off kilter once again. At this point in the process, having been living directly under the influence of these energies for nearly a year now, we may well be wondering what more they can throw at us?!”
“But take heart, there’s method in their apparent madness and what may feel like a malevolent bad joke on the part of the universe is actually anything but when these two cosmic giants get together to weave their magic, dark though it may feel at times.”
“Essentially, all they want for us is freedom. Not the comfy, polite freedom of material security and some attractive lifestyle choices, but the bone-shattering, heart-rending, in-your-face freedom of knowing that we are each part of the creative, divine force at the heart of the universe. We are creation itself in action and process, evolving with every thought, feeling and deed. We’re not here to play safe. We’re here to live a life that is fully alive, not riddled with compromise and denial. We’re here to engage one hundred and ten percent with the energy that courses through our veins, through our minds and hearts, through our spirits, and use it consciously for the highest possible good.“ 
“This is the freedom that Uranus & Pluto want for us. They began sowing its seeds when they were conjunct in the 1960’s and now it’s incumbent upon us to do our part to bring the harvest to fruition. In many ways it’s a tall order, what with the collective ego being such a powerful force in the world these days, dictating choices to us motivated largely by fear, the desire for predictability and maintenance of the status quo.”
“But the status quo cannot be maintained at a time like this, no matter how hard we try. It will not work, because something far more important is taking place. We are shifting into a time of conscious evolution when we can choose the direction we move in and the transformations taking place. We can influence them with our every thought, feeling and deed. And for increasing numbers of people around the world, their thoughts and feelings are pushing and pushing them away from the status quo, into a whole new reality. One in which the power of authenticity and truth out-lives the need to be accepted and secure.”
“This is the process we are in, and each time we experience one of those ‘side-swipes’ I mentioned earlier, it’s another wake-up call from the cosmos that complacency is not an option. No matter how much progress we may have made, there is still so much more to be done and we need to stay alert and on our toes, ready to jump as soon as the instruction to do so is given!”
“At the time of this particular square, and for the intervening time until the next one (1st November 2013), these swipes may become more frequent, but stress not, because this is a good thing (yes, really!). This is our chance to demonstrate how steadfast in our commitment we really are. No matter what happens, we just get up again, dust ourselves off and have another go. This is how the universe teaches us endurance and gives us spiritual back-bone….”
“So at this time of the third Uranus/Pluto square I see challenges and rewards a plenty, one following the other following the other. None of them are the last word or the final scene. And each, in its own way, propels us forward into greater freedom, bound by fewer restraints and constrictions in our lives.” 
© Copyright 2013 ~Sarah Varcas All Rights Reserved
“With so much energy going on, it is important to do the things that help us feel grounded. So whatever that is for you, take time to do it! Blessings!