“When we heal ourselves, others are healed. When we nurture our dreams, we give birth to the dreams of humankind. When we walk as loving aspects of the Earth Mother, we become the fertile, life-giving Mothers of the Creative Force.
“When we honor our bodies, our health, and our emotional needs, we make space for our dreams to come into being. When we speak the truth from our healed hearts, we allow life abundant to continue on our Mother Planet.
“As women, we are continually writing the history of the Legacy of Women. We cannot point a finger at men or each other without owning the pain of past generations who forgot how to give or teach human compassion.
“Our own family trees are filled with teaching situations and with tragic examples that may have blinded our own Ancestors to the values of truth as it is found in love. Now, the destiny of wholeness of the human race falls to the Sisterhood because all things are born of woman.
“When each woman honors her Self, more raw, creative energy is available to be used by the whole to effect changes in the way humankind reacts to life.
“When women are no longer lost, asking others to tell them what they should do or how they should live, there will be great changes in our world. This is not to say that the friendships and bonds of women are not to be used; on the contrary, the support of other women who have walked the same path is paramount.
“This kind of support is based on truth and delivered with caring-without projections or judging another. That kind of support is healthy and productive, when other women create a safe place in which to share personal thoughts and offer alternatives in a respectful way. The sisterhood always supports every woman who is willing to surmount her own challenges in order to grow.
“The Legacy of Woman does not have to include the former hurts that have set woman against woman, women against men, or caused women to destroy themselves through sabotage….there is no need to get involved with the high drama and pettiness that has kept us from achieving human harmony when we are busy working on becoming our personal visions.
“Self-esteem is reclaimed when the feminine principle of nurturing the Self is practiced, instead of expecting our sense of wholeness to come from our relationship to another person. When we care enough for ourselves to take the time we need to give to the Self, we will feel complete.
“In every instance, no matter how the situation presents itself, each individual is responsible for seeing her or his own hurt and for finding a way to heal it without making the other person responsible for that pain.
“This is the way of the feminine nurturing principle: going within, finding the problem, and remedying it through nurturing the self.”
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Jacquelyne Taylor says:
Oct 6, 2011
Love it.. thankyou, reminds me how much I enjoy Running with Wolves & may become one of my new ‘bibles’ I sure don’t read the one that cause so much strife these days..;-)
Melinda says:
Dec 10, 2011
Thank you so much….it is good to be reminded of all this from time to time.
Ele Nox says:
Jan 30, 2012
I am Grateful for such reminders~ such a service you provide with this site. thank you, thank you, thank you! <3 ~
Sarah says:
Feb 17, 2012
i don’t know who made this blog and post but seriously thank you. i have never been so connected and inspired by another blog. my heart is filled with happiness just knowing there are others experiencing this and sharing it with the world!! ahhh!
mm says:
Feb 18, 2012
It’s my pleasure and joy! So glad you are all enjoying, and feeling nurtured, inspired and empowered :) ♥♥♥
Ashley Patterson says:
May 25, 2012
Very Beautiful! Thank you!
sarah says:
May 28, 2012
I feel these things very strong, everyday of my life. I am grateful for the signs guiding me. This place is one.
JJ Leatherman (Jessica Joy) says:
Sep 8, 2012
Hi, LOVE your blog. I am a dancer and photographer, and would really love to know who made the image that you have featured here. thanks.
mm says:
Sep 8, 2012
Hi JJ~ Thank you so much ⤠I wish I knew who created this image… I always give the source if I know it! Unfortunately the internet has become a vast sea of unsourced material:( I try my best to find it if I am going to use it and continually look to update those that whose source are unknown. Unfortunately, I have not been able to trace this one, but it was so special and captured the feeling and essence of womanhood/sisterhood that I had to present it! Let me know if you come across the source elsewhere. All the best~~~
Lynn says:
Mar 9, 2013
fantastic…thanks for reminding me to remember!
Gina says:
Mar 9, 2013
Beautifully explained. Love your blog and am grateful for your creative, Light filled expressions in the world.
Ramona says:
Mar 10, 2013
So beautifully stated. The clarity this gives me is unparalleled… Thank you!
Mary says:
Mar 10, 2013
Perfect. x
Jan Engels-Smith says:
Mar 12, 2013
“In every instance, no matter how the situation presents itself, each individual is responsible for seeing her or his own hurt and for finding a way to heal it without making the other person responsible for that pain.”
Self responsibility leads to freedom. Freedom is a form of unconditional love and lack of judgment. When woman and men respect each other, hold high regard for the other and view each other from an unconditional place all of humanity can heal and can be free from the wounds of the past.
Woman’s movement – men’s movement have a competitive, blaming feel to me. I don’t endorse either.
I envision and work towards LOVE- when you LOVE you don’t project pain on another. When you love, hold joy as your primary vibration, you heal the world. Men, Women and all species on the planet.
karen says:
Sep 1, 2013
I am coming into my own “self”, and reading this has empowered me even more…have felt timid in embracing my power as a woman…but when I read beautiful posts like this, I know that I should honor myself and Mother Earth. Thank you, thank you for such a beautiful and much needed post!!!
Yanik says:
Sep 5, 2013
I discovered your blog a few days ago, but I already have so much gratitude for the words of wisdom you share in this space. Many heartfelt thanks. Sending positive thoughts and energy to you and to everyone.
Dee Brown says:
Sep 8, 2013
I am so grateful to have found your site .. what a joy to my soul! You know when you just cry because Spirit just spoke to you in the entirety of it’s Love and Wisdom … I was just blessed with that immensely joyful experience, thank you, thank you, thank you Mystic Mamma.
I have just raise my Red Tent Women’s Circle in Johannesburg, South Africa and I would be so Blessed and privileged to share the information found on your site. Of course acknowledging your site and sending Love & Blessings your way! In Service, Gratitude & Love, Dee
Amanda says:
Oct 7, 2013
thank you <3
Karen L. Barbee says:
Oct 19, 2013
Spoken from the heart and put into words beautifully. I’ve always know this, even as a child, not only did sense it, I watched it played out every day. Being extremely empathic and sensitive as a toddler was hell, I pickup every ones “stuff” and processed it. I lived in a truly male dominated adult world, women were third class. I had all the data, it’s taken a long time to sort through I knew women had lost much through the generations, men did too. We’ve all been dust bunnies. Many of us have already started to reclaim our true selves but there is much work to be done and there is always change. I thank Creator every day for my soul sisters, and any other soul connection I have in my life. I love my great and not so great family and friends, and am just as grateful for them but that doesn’t mean there’s a soul connection with every one of them, there is a difference…Thank you for sharing your Love and Light….P.S. Thank you Mystic Mamma
Virginia says:
Jan 30, 2014
I know this image! I’ve been trying to search for names, but I haven’t found anything thus far. The picture is of a 19th or early 20th century heiress who held women’s circles at her home, celebrating the goddess Diana. She was a revolutionary as both a woman and an aristocrat, empowering women and celebrating the sacred feminine. I found a book about her at a book fair years ago, but have lost the book or given it away. Thank you for reminding me of this with the photo that drew me in and then led me to these beautiful words.
Krissie says:
Mar 9, 2014
Much love to all of you mysitc mamma's!!!
Alex says:
Mar 17, 2014
thank you, thank you. x
Ashley Ramirez says:
Aug 1, 2015
Exactly what I needed to read! Best inspiration blog I have ever ready. Thank you for connecting with my soul.
Amy says:
Sep 30, 2015
this is so inspiring, and it gives me a type of hope that i have not felt in.a long time 😃 Thank you!
Holli says:
Oct 8, 2015
The way a woman responds to her own body will have ripple effects to the rest of the world around her.
When women return to the powerful creative force their own cycles teach them about life, death and rebirth – our families and communities will be healed.
Women’s wisdom of connection to herself, to the seasons and the moon’s cycle is not for her knowledge and power alone. No,no, no…it is to be shared with those that will listen – including Corporate America. When Corporate America returns to the wisdom of the cycles and Seasons – we will stop the crazy insane pace that is causing too much stress, trauma and chronic diseases just to produce some “thing”…and instead will realize that the best “things” in life are not the “things”.
Claudia says:
May 1, 2016
So perfect.
Lisa Saunders says:
Aug 12, 2016
The Kapacha report and the above piece has R E A L L Y helped me this week, so a big thank you! It is fresh and wise and a message straight to the heart. X
Samira Morrar says:
Dec 7, 2016
Beautiful. Falling in love with this website and what a clear channel it is. Rare to find.
Phoenix says:
Mar 30, 2017
Sweet sister, mother, grand mother…I am Phoenix. In Male form. I am also an ET WalkIn and very clear on my identity.
Been here Done that quite well enough to understand your perspective and others here. I speak into this / your circle with Re Memberance of the original Blue print of this beautiful planet and Her deep desire for the return of her children. That is why I and my partner Andromeda are here. Thank you for your clarity and cou rage…
Much Love to you and your circle…
Winona says:
Aug 5, 2017
Thank you! Felt nourished after reading this x
Bonnie says:
Feb 13, 2018
Your website has become nourishment for and an integral part of my spiritual journey back to myself as I emerge out of the distortion of patriarchal falsehoods. Recently Steve Bannon commented that the anti-Patriarchy movement will undo 10,000 years of culture. When I read that I laughed and wondered how he or anybody could think that could possibly be a bad thing considering all the terror and destruction the patriarchal lust for power and domination has unleashed upon humanity and our Mother Earth and in particular the female psyche which is still being degrading as inferior.
This is a place I come to as a warrior who knows the peace of being a spiritual being in a female body who believes in herself and in Her that we have been taught is not real. She is and She lives in all of us. Thank you for making that a living reality us.
Jen says:
Jun 16, 2022
📖🕯🔮💜🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑💜🍷🍒🍓🍎🍫💜🕯📚✒💌🎨🥁📿 the source and words of light to ignite the divine feminine truth that can often become lost in our daily routine. i am so grateful it is always a profound healing and illuminating moment when i share the moon cycle time with you all. thank you for your beautiful website and efforts to help keep our sacred woman mystic mamma journey going! all love and blessings! 💋💋💋💋💋💅