

Here is the energetic theme for May 2015 channeled by the insightful  Lena Stevens from The Power 
“We have had the theme of ‘alignment’ before at various times but this month’s focus is different as the main word to pay attention to is NEW.
“We have been shaken, rattled, taken apart, and sideswiped by the unexpected. We have had to accept change and embrace the unknown.
“The eclipses of March and April affected us on a very deep level, with core issues needing to be acknowledged, forgiven and cleared.
“We all agree that this is a new time with new possibilities and yet the clarity of what’s to come is just beyond our reach. We have glimpsed the potential of more power, but how do we integrate it into our lives?
“These times are amazing, unsettled, a bit overwhelming and confusing, scary but awesome at the same time, and full of new opportunities. What is needed now is integration and assimilation that will help create a new alignment serving as a new platform from which we can move forward.
“Because everything is different, NEW is the word to keep in mind. It would not serve to try and force things back to an old alignment. Don’t wait for things to ‘get back to normal’ because you may be waiting a long time.
“The key is to embrace what is new and different and allow the new and different to integrate into your life in some way. This may require really letting go of old expectations or the way you thought things should have been. Work with what you have rather than pining after what you don’t have.
“When there is a possibility for a new alignment there is tremendous potential for having things be very different in a positive way. This is your opportunity to dream bigger and to move beyond the limitations of what you always thought possible. This New Alignment will affect finances, relationships, creativity, the physical body, mental health, and success in projects, work, study and play.
“In order for this New Alignment to be of the highest vibration possible for you, it will be important that you do not indulge in negativity, regret, blame, Martyrdom, judgment, disappointment, or any attachment to past issues. This is truly an opportunity for a reset of inspiration, priorities, and optimism.
“For some of you the month will be challenging depending on how willing you are to forgive the past. For others of you it will feel like a relief from the upheavals of the past couple of months.
“The goal is to end up with a NEW ALIGNMENT where you feel more powerful, more inspired, more in love, more trusting, more relaxed, more confident, and physically, emotionally and mentally better than you have ever felt.
“Helpful hints:
Be around beauty as much as you can.
Laugh and be in humor as much as possible.
Use the discipline of gratitude to keep from wandering to the past, and sliding into negativity.
Eliminate negative people and environments.
Clean, clear and throw away whatever feels ‘old’.
Choose a practice you can do every day that will keep your focus on the NEW.
Allow new and wonderful things into your life.
Watch for synchronicity and pay attention to what shows up.
Clean up your diet and eliminate bad habits.
How the month shows up
“This is both an exciting and challenging month. It is always refreshing and inspiring to feel new energies coming in however it may be uncomfortable for those of you with a need for security. It just means that you will have to focus on aligning a new sense of security for yourself that includes a greater trust in things working out no matter what they look like or feel at the moment.
“We can’t stress enough the importance of a constant vigil around letting go of the old attachments and expectations. To the extent that you are still attached, you cannot make space for the New Alignment so necessary right now for moving forward.
“So forgive the past, whatever it is, and allow for the good things that are showing up in your life to take root in a new alignment.
“If your life has felt out of balance, this is also the month where you should revisit what balance means to you and where you fell out of balance. Not enough time for self? Not enough stimulation for growth? Not enough love? Too much stress? Too many obligations for other people? Not enough creativity?
“Whatever it is, spend a bit of time bringing your intentions into a new alignment so you can feel more balanced. You have a great opportunity to actually experience your life in a completely new way so focus on the new and pay attention to what is coming into your life.
“Every relationship has an opportunity to be realigned to a new frequency, to a new configuration, to a new balance. Look at each of your important relationships and see if and where they are misaligned. What needs adjustment? Where do you give your power away? What needs a better balance? Where are you spending too much energy, and where not enough? Where are your attachments and where do you have trouble letting go?
“This is a beautiful time for feeding the right relationships with love and beauty and bringing them into a New Alignment. If they are not right, it is a beautiful time to let them go.
“Relationships this month should provide you with an opportunity for inspiration, excitement, community, and higher centered experiences. Especially around community projects, anything that was only talked about but never accomplished has an opportunity to manifest this month as people open themselves up to new experiences and are inspired by collective projects.
“Of utmost importance is to bring your relationship with yourself into a new alignment by forgiving the past, neutralizing judgment and resistance and moving towards deep acceptance of who you are…”
“The body is having a rough time and has been for a while. This call to a New Alignment is confusing and ungrounded and can cause unnecessary anxiety and worry. The body is used to responding to mental thoughts and beliefs.
“Fear of the unknown, limiting beliefs, and mistrust of anything new throws the body into suspicion and creates symptoms such as aches and pains and retention of energy related to what it knows at least will keep it alive. Recently the body has had difficulty keeping up with all the changes and upgrades to a higher vibration. The body is often in resistance to change and will be the last to get with the program.
“If your body has been less than acceptably functional, have compassion for its struggle and let go of your expectations and judgment. Cut it some slack and nurture it as best you can.
This month you have the opportunity to bring the body online and to bring all pieces into a New Alignment. This will require patience, love, support, understanding and a deeper relationship with your body. Talk to it, appreciate it, honor it, have gratitude for it.
Without the body, you have no life on this planet. Commit to taking care of it and do something new this month for your body that honors that commitment.
“If you have recently gone through any unexpected physical crisis or condition that is challenging, you have an opportunity this month to reset, realign, rebalance and heal into a new state of well-being.
“Since a New Alignment includes a rebalance of electromagnetics within the body it is also helpful to increase your intake of minerals and make sure the water you are drinking is spring, charged, structured, or mineral water.
“This is an amazing month for projects. With the theme of New Alignment look for pieces to come together with synchronicity and ease around projects, partnerships and business endeavors. This is the time you have been waiting for.
“With the focus moving towards alignment rather than towards breaking apart, you can observe perfect chemistry coming together for cooperative efforts. Ideas that were only dreams will suddenly become viable in the physical. But you have to be ready.
“Readiness is being able to read the signs, trust the synchronicity and not drag your heels. If it feels easy, it is right and you should trust it. If it is a challenge where every door seems to close, it is not the right path.
Look at what is showing up in your life and allow it to align itself to you in a way that supports where you are going.
“You need not know all the details. You just have to trust.”
© Copyright 2015 ~ Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved

