Posts tagged "source"

Something is calling you~
"Something is calling you from the quiet space inside
and from the vast universe all around.
Something is calling you to life.
Something is calling forth the stream inside you
and awakening you
to your connection with the source...

Life conspires to bless us~
"Life conspires to bless us with
an unrelenting Grace,
Who among us has not been touched
by this generous hand,
freeing us, one or
many layers at a time?"

Access the unbounded ocean of Being~
"The boundaries of the individual life are not restricted by the boundaries of the body, and not even to those of one's family or one's home; they extend far beyond that sphere to the limitless horizons of cosmic life...

Let love flow~
" overwhelming amount of love started flowing into me, filling up the dark hole that threatened to consume me.
I suddenly realized that what I was feeling was the love of the Earth, the love of Creation...

Observe how you feel~
“You can feel whether you are allowing your full connection to Source energy or not. In other words, the better you feel, the more you are allowing the connection; the worse you feel, the less you are allowing the connection....

We are all mystics by virtue of our birth~
"We are all mystics by virtue of our birth. We are meant for something more. All religions inform us of this truth, and their many forms of spirituality are ways for each one of us to nurture the awakening and...