Posts tagged "new life"
Remember the other world in this world~

Remember the other world in this world~

"You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged..."
You are a full participant~

You are a full participant~

"Be aware that what you're experiencing is not simply death or an ending. You'll see that it's a process of creation in which you are a full participant...
Expand your horizons~

Expand your horizons~

"Expand your horizons. Move beyond the normal and mediocre to the extraordinary. Be daring. Ride the waves of life with enthusiasm, passion, and freedom in your heart. Open your arms wide and receive the opportunities that life is presenting...
Expand into a new form~

Expand into a new form~

"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its...