Posts tagged "mayan"

It’s time now to remember who we are~
"It's okay to trust. It's okay to love. It's time now to remember who we are. Today more than ever, we have to use our true gift, which is free choice and free will to choose the kind of world...

Find your Galactic Dreamspell (Mayan)
Dr. Jose Arguelles reinterpreted the Mayan cycles in a modern context and named it the Dreamspell Calendar. Think of it as an energetic map of the self offering a living language of symbols and mythology. To find your "Galactic Dreamspell...

*Sun Meditation*
“The properties of the Sun’s rays send codes and gifts into the receiver of the LIGHT. Look into the sun. Lift your face to its LIGHT. Illumine the entire span of your field with it’s rays. Allow your energy body...