Posts tagged "inner light"

What we seek is here~
"...what new form we seek in this darkness, our hands feeling these walls, here wet, here damp, here crumbling away; our hands searching for signs..."

Live your light with courage~
"First and foremost, live your light. Live that light inside of yourself with courage. Don't live in the closet---live it. Speak what you know...

Turn on the Light~
"We are all light bulbs, if bliss starts growing inside you, it's like a light; it affects the environment. If you go into a room where someone's been having a big argument, it's not so pleasant. You can feel...

Become the Sun~
"With a turned-on consciousness, you will have the radiant fire of the Sun, a bright mind, a warm heart, an active body, and a fiery spirit. Full of the life radiance of the Sun, become the Sun in your own...

Connect with your inner body~
"The more consciousness you direct into the inner body, the higher its vibrational frequency becomes, much like a light that grows brighter as you turn up the dimmer switch and so increase the flow of electricity....

The realization of all this newness is unfolding…
The paths that lie before us are ones where no one has treaded before...
where there is fresh snow and open horizons.
do not be afraid,
do not hesitate.
time to look for the eagle and read the signs of the wind...
time to have...