Posts tagged "Gemini New Moon Astrology"
NEW  MOON + Lady Venus in GEMINI June 6th 2024~

NEW MOON + Lady Venus in GEMINI June 6th 2024~

with the light of VENUS influencing this lunation our focus is likely on our relationships...the line-up of planets in GEMINI is also magnifying our twin energies...
NEW MOON in Gemini + Grand Cross June 4th 2016~

NEW MOON in Gemini + Grand Cross June 4th 2016~

*NEW MOON* in GEMINI aligning with the mutable Grand Cross offers us a new threshold to cross over. We have the opportunity to reweave a new reality...
NEW MOON in Gemini June 16th 2015~

NEW MOON in Gemini June 16th 2015~

NEW MOON is here in Gemini featuring some strong Mars energy. We must exercise mindfulness with our words and our will, and harness our creative fires into taking positive steps toward a more aligned future!
NEW MOON in Gemini May 28th 2014~

NEW MOON in Gemini May 28th 2014~

The NEW MOON in Gemini brings us the gift of refining our perceptions. With Neptune the planet of illusions being a key player, we are reminded to see people and situations as they are and cut through the mirage of...