Posts tagged "fire of transformation"

Life is a sacred journey~
"Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply...

Get into Balance~
"Once you are connected with the world---which means stopping the internal dialogue--- you start getting fed a whole new line of data. You're no longer in a cassette tape loop that's stuck on automatic...

Even in the struggle, you are loved~
"Even in the struggle, you are loved. You are being loved not in spite of the hardship, but through it. The thing you see as wrenching, intolerable, life's attack on you, is an expression of love..."

Shed skins in favor of more authentic forms~
"Although shedding is difficult for all of us, for a woman to shed what has falsely hidden her more authentic experience is a great liberation...