Posts tagged "environment"

Wisdom of the Elders calling for a fundamental shift in consciousness~
"Our elders tell us that we have to do more than save what is left of our traditional homelands. We need to contribute to an overall change of that human-kind can begin to initiate strategies which will preserve and...

Sacred world is surrounding us~
"'Spirituality' as we conceive it, is the apprehension of the sacred, the holy, the divine. In our modern world we see matter and spirit as antithetical, but our myths reveal a different understanding. They describe a world permeated by spirit......

Woman and Earth are inseparable~
"Earth consciousness, woman consciousness; these two go together. Both play a stupendous role in the spirituality of humans as well as in the structure of civilizations....

Turn on the Light~
"We are all light bulbs, if bliss starts growing inside you, it's like a light; it affects the environment. If you go into a room where someone's been having a big argument, it's not so pleasant. You can feel...

We have healing energy~
" If the universe is vast and mysterious, we are vast and mysterious. If it contains innumerable creative energies, we contain innumerable creative energies. If it has healing energies, we also have healing energies....

Dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth~
"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone...

Call forth the sacredness of the Earth~
"There is a partnership, a communion between you and the land, between the land and you. This runs deep beneath the streets, deep beneath the buildings, deep throughout and beneath the seas. The earth is sacred....