“Spirit always reveals itself in a manner that we are most comfortable with. What I do know is that our spirit flows through our veins, secrets in our organs, permeates our glands, and carries us on the breath of life. There is no part of a human being that is not engulfed by higher Spirit.”
“…It is through experience without words, through felt concepts, that we shift in consciousness-that knowledge becomes an informed state of being…There is no knowledge in being that interprets Spirit apart from its expression, and as Spirit expresses itself, we come to know it. It is that part of ourselves that discerns between love and fear. It is the balance that enables us to understand that there is growth at all times. It is the purpose of our evolution.”
~Maria Yraceburu from Prayers and Meditations of the Quero Apache
Jacqueline says:
Mar 18, 2013
I heard that Maria Yraceburu is a fraud.. Actually Quero is a south american tribe and nothing to do with Apache ….
mm says:
Mar 18, 2013
Hi Jacqueline~ Thank you for your comment. I don’t know too much about her but I have this book as well as Prophetic Voices and her prayers and connection to Spirit and the natural world have moved me deeply. I can’t speak for who she is, but only can assert that her words resonate of truth and deep experiential wisdom. This book is all prayers and blessings and it speaks from the heart. It is truly such a beautiful work, I would recommend checking it out.
Steve O says:
Mar 18, 2013
hello to all,
Your website and the work you are doing here has assisted me and countless others on how to permit our spirits to lead us.
I find your work, invaluable to humans
mm says:
Mar 18, 2013
Dear Steve~ Thank you so much for your words it makes me so happy and grateful to hear! Infinite blessings to you~ MM
Akal says:
Mar 19, 2013
And for that I thank you, echoing Steve words.
Vanessa Ray says:
Mar 26, 2013
It’s so crazy how life works. Last year, I went to a little shop in Santa Monica called Beau + Aero. I’m a lover of art and things with a story, and that store really spoke to me. Long story short, I started following the lovely owner {Baelyn} on Instagram, and through her suggestions, I discovered this life changing and affirming place. Thank you, a million times over for all that you do here. Much love to you sweet M!
mm says:
Mar 26, 2013
Baelyn is one of my dearest sisters! ⤠Thank you for your words…infinite blessings! â¤
Anna says:
Apr 19, 2013
i agree with spirit here and i thank you for your effort in sharing these written words and quotes… i send blessings to all non-believers and comments of negative vibrations for those who leave them are at least here searching for healing….. akua guide i and i, jah bless the human race
eac says:
Jan 23, 2015
Maria Yraceburu is definitely and fraud and is well known to be a fraud by the Native Communities in the US. She appropriates what she wants and uses it without respect to the cultures she steals from. She uses it to make money and dupe people. If you have any integrity about what you post, it would be wise to research what you post and who you post. Anyone worth their salt would not post something from someone because they sound good to you while fraudulently claiming native american heritage and doing further damage by appropriations and lies. All you have to do is google her name followed by the word fraud and you will find many NDN sites that disclaim her.
mm says:
Jan 25, 2015
Dear EAC~ I have looked into these so called “claims” and I asked the council of a very respected and prominent Native Grandmother about this and her take was that those sites and forums seem to have have hateful information about many people. To me what stands to be true is that we must extend more tolerance and less judgment of other’s paths and beliefs. Like I said before I read her book of prayers and her words reflect the same Spirit within each of us that reaches out to Great Spirit and to Mother Earth. We are all children of the Earth and in my heart I don’t believe any one culture has ownership over our sacred connection to Mother Earth or a right to claim, deny or stand in judgement of another and their connection to Source. Again, I don’t know much about her, and I am not vouching for her, I am only sharing the resonance of her words that moved me. I am not here to claim or disclaim anybody, but only to try and inspire a reverence for our Mother Earth and create a space of inclusivity, mindfulness and love.
Joe Montoya says:
Oct 2, 2019
I’d like to share that I am Apache and I have known Maria since childhood. She has always been a leader in spiritual grounding. She has helped me and others on countless occasions, and I find it interesting that people who vary rarely stand for anything can point their fingers with negation at those who do. Thank you Donna.