Here is the download from some of my favorite astrologers on the web. With a few eclipses on the way and Gemini as the archetypal energy moving in things are  busy and rapidly changing so we must take time to tune in to the silence and listen to the voice within.
First from Simone Butler:
“The June 1 partial solar eclipse in jumpy Gemini (2:03 p.m. PDT) gets things going, followed by a total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 15 and another partial solar eclipse in Cancer on July 1. Eclipses are known for bringing abrupt change, especially when they hit sensitive points in your chart…”
“Does something in your life need dramatic improvement? Since eclipses break through stagnant patterns, now’s the time to align with the incoming energies and make a change. Gemini promotes rapid-fire learning. Though this mental air sign tends to be all over the place, a stabilizing trine from Saturn in Libra to the June 1 New Moon eclipse helps to ground our visions so they can take flight.”
“If we stay focused, we can ride these energies like a hawk navigating strong winds. However, because the Sun (masculine impulse) is eclipsed by the Moon (feminine intuition) at the June 1 New Moon, we may feel as if we’re flying blind. This sensation is intensified by Neptune (dreaminess) turning retrograde in square to Mercury (the mind) on June 2. We may doubt our direction or second-guess ourselves. Yet Saturn’s trine to the Sun and Moon says: Trust your intuition, take action and things will work out–even if unpredictably.”
From Dana Gerhardt:
“As we head into the next few turbulent weeks of eclipses, silence may be the smartest way to get Gemini on our side. Not a dull silence, but an expectant one, fueled by fresh curiosity. Sit quietly with whatever is true right now. Whether you’re happy, sad, harried, wounded, or somewhere in between, before you ride on the wings of Mercury toward something new, and you will, because that’s what we do in Gemini’s cycle, sanctify your experience of this New Moon with some quiet curiosity. Spend five or fifteen minutes to just be. Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds coming from the street beyond your door. Feel the air. Can you notice how it’s gently touching your skin? Tune into your body. Is there tightness anywhere? Numbness? Or are there pleasant sensations? Let your body communicate. It’s telling you exactly what’s going on in your life right now. Ah… how nice to be the one who is listening.”
Lastly from Dipali Desai:
“A sacred gateway of energy is opening up for those willing to tune in. The sacred gateway, signified by a Solar Eclipse is an opening, similar to fresh chapter in a journal or book. This doorway is for you to venture onto new adventures. To be open and curious to life. There is much to write or new things to read and understand. It can be interesting, energizing and exciting time, as this Solar Eclipse in Gemini brimming with new beginnings. We may just want to talk about things in life. Things that really matter and are of value, not just skimming the headlines and partaking in useless gossip. We must take a look around our lives and realize we must use our power to make proper healthy choices so we can create long-lasting happiness…”
“Saturn in Libra is making a harmonious aspect to the Sun and Moon in Gemini now.  Tangible manifestations, ability to produce and back up ideas are all possible. We may feel an ease of wanting to be responsible with how and what we say and backing up those words with concrete actions. Saturn in Libra offers a steadfast supportive energy to this Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Gemini. If you do have planets situated within 9-14 degrees in Airs signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – you may feel super good and possibly productive. We will enjoy variety in life now or engage in friendly conversations with interesting people. Things may happen quick and fast now and anything is possible. It may feel like a wild ride, life swirling, magic happening.”
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