SATURNretrograde-mysticmamma.comIMAGE: NASA

Saturn is also going retrograde and since Saturn is the big teacher it’s worth tuning into how this is also playing a part in the dynamics occurring. Seems to be right in line with Mercury Retrograde  message and the theme of the month!
From astrologer Lynn Koiner:
“Saturn turning retrograde will slow down the normal rate of activity so that better methods and strategies can be developed. Saturn rules the physical and psychological supports, structures and armatures in our life. It produces the rules and regulations by which we guide our lives, our sense of responsibility, and our limitations.”
“It allows us to define boundaries for ourselves by saying NO! When Saturn is natally retrograde, this capacity does not function properly, making us insecure and unable to accurately assess what can realistically be expected in any situation. The most common flaw is the tendency to say YES when we should say NO, especially in activities and relationships ruled by Saturn’s house position.”
“During the period when Saturn is transiting retrograde, it is essential that we go back and assess and solidify commitments made, projects started and responsibilities undertaken in the past. This must be done before we can continue. Saturn transiting retrograde provides the opportunity to reassess what we have taken on, to finally say NO, to back out of a commitment and to improve the organization of a project.”
“While the process is going on, while you are working with what you have at hand, you should be warned against taking on any unnecessary responsibilities or long-range commitments. Only deal with issues from the past; do not take on new ones!”
“Saturn turning retrograde gives us the opportunity to go back and reorganize or renegotiate any activities or commitments that seem to be a source of frustration. If you merely persist under Saturn frustrations, the frustrations will merely persist! Weed out the source of frustration at this time. Remember, my definition for being responsible is in knowing how much you can do before you start to feel frustrated, trapped or confined – and drawing the line and saying NO before you reach that point!”
“It is essential that you do not start any new business activity while Saturn is retrograde!! You will only find that a lot of reorganizing has to be done before any successes can be made.” 
Copyright ©2013 Lynn Koiner All Rights Reserved.
From Molly Hall from
“Saturn is in a fixed water sign Scorpio, and this can portend a time of self discovery, with more inner show downs during the retrograde period. Don’t forget that Scorpio is a sign of emotional courage — this bodes well for profound healing, facing what we’ve been too afraid to face.”
“One way this can manifest is by becoming aware of these parts of the self that are in deep freeze. With Saturn so close to Neptune, for much of the retrograde, the arts and spiritual practices are tools for self-transformation. The gift there is the release, and more of the soul’s energy is with you, in the present. If you’ve felt that a part (or parts) of you are out of range somehow, this is a good time to gently coax them out of the shadows…”
Other Potentials for Saturn Retrograde (February 18 to July 8th):
  • Becoming unmeshed from a toxic relationship — disentangling finances, getting to roots of where they are hooked into your soul/psyche.
  • Dealing with repercussions from the past, a debt, a tax concern or shared responsibilities.
  • Looking at control, yours or anothers — unravel a situation that’s binding your energies.
  • Developing latent psychic gifts — for healing, creativity, building confidence.
  • Daring to explore the roots of dis-ease, instead of controlling the symptoms.”
Copyright ©2013 Molly Hall  All Rights Reserved.
 And from Sarah Varcas and her Astro-Awakenings :
“And the influence of Saturn is not to be taken lightly! Not known as ‘Lord of Karma’ for nothing (!), Saturn ensures we all meet face to face the consequences of who we are and how we live, thereby remaining motivated to conduct ourselves in the best and most positive ways possible.”
“Whilst Saturn has a poor reputation in many circles… in truth it acts like the heavenly equivalent of an umpire or referee, ensuring that the game of life is played fairly and with due consideration of the other players, the rules of the game and the dignity of life (the sport) itself. If you train hard, play the game well and accept the rap when you’ve broken the rules, Saturn will be forever your friend, ensuring that the reward of wisdom, insight and maturity is yours.”
Copyright ©2013 Sarah Varcas All Rights Reserved.
Ok, we’re listening.
Infinite blessings~