“Just remember that anytime you have a negative emotion, you are, in that moment not letting it in. You are not in the receiving mode. And do you know, your not being in the receiving mode is the only thing that ever keeps you from anything you desire?
‘Wow!’ Annette exclaimed, ‘that’s big!’
“Yes it is, Annette. It can be of value to pay attention to those wonderful signals that negative emotion offers.
“In other words, when you feel negative emotion, just stop and slowly say to yourself, ‘I’m doing it now. Right now, I’m doing that thing that I sometimes do that keeps me from receiving the things I desire.’
“Then laugh, and reach for thoughts that put you more in the receiving mode.”
Esther and Jerry Hicks from Sara, Book 3: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
Doris says:
May 26, 2015
So simple and beautiful…. I love the sweet wisdom of this message. Thank you Esther & Jerry & Abraham and Mystic Mama.
Brandi says:
May 26, 2015
Thank you! xox
Mae says:
May 26, 2015
So beautiful… from now on, i will tell those words to myself, thank you!
SMM says:
May 26, 2015
Wow… I really love this and SO needed to hear it! Thank you!
kinungu brian says:
Aug 1, 2016
True my Friend
kinungu brian says:
Aug 1, 2016
Kruel Intentions says:
May 27, 2015
I have to agree with Doris. So simple, so beautiful. Really needed this.
Thank you!
brian says:
Jun 2, 2015
MsFrancie says:
Jun 3, 2015
Right up my alley… Thank you for sharing these words. <3
Hannah says:
Jun 4, 2015
Thank you!
Lisa Guse says:
Jun 9, 2015
I am a lone star where I live. Believing in what I feel to be the only real way of thinking has left me an outcast. It’s ok, I am a deep feeler who says what she means and I am honest to my true beliefs. I thank the stars above for you that I found you through social media. Which I also have a love hate relationship with.
Tracy says:
Jun 11, 2015
I love this so much! Once you start using this muscle it’s amazing the power that it has!!!
Liz says:
Jun 13, 2015
Can you share some good mantras/thoughts to say that will put me in receiving mode? I’m struggling now with so many things and this could be helpful. I love your site and use it as a resource and touchstone often. Please keep sharing this amazing stuff! THANK YOU!!! xo
katheryn says:
Jun 20, 2015
you’re not your
Demi Fox says:
Jul 4, 2015
Profound! Such a wonderful reminder of how to receive.
mia loser says:
Aug 21, 2015
im glad it works for some people…I desire nothing so I will stay low so no one can bring me down any more cause im already there.
Brandon says:
Sep 13, 2015
this just made my smile :)
Brandon says:
Sep 13, 2015
*me lol
bushra says:
Feb 23, 2016
Negative emotions are in my experience based on fear and fear blocks energy. I find experiencing fear as a thing and not as an emotion helping me to get red of this negative emotions and connect to my ‘observant self’ and see things objectively as they are.
Mayra says:
Mar 15, 2016
This is so true. That way of us communicating with our brain and soul can be transformed if we can only be aware of our thoughts. They mean so much to us and we do not pay attention. Changing a negstive thought for a positive one can take some time but with determination and a little passion, we can turn something bad into something great. Is worth it!!!
Jaqs says:
Mar 22, 2016
YOu know I find this very sweet and well meaning….I love thie emphasis on receiving…but quite simplistic. Negative emotions have a purpose in our psyches…and our bodies. They are telling us about our boundaries, about our values, about our needs and our personal power. They cannot be just dismissed and replaced with laughter…especially if you are facing trauma…they need to be held, nurtured, given regard…”Oh why am I feeling that…? Oh that’s why.. because my emotions are full of intelligence….across the whole spectrum” Don’t dwell in the negatives but allow them to help you see where love wasnt or isnt feel it fully and bring love to it and then move into the space of receiving…. Otherwise this is just spiritual bypass…and not helpful…my humble opinion
KOFORD says:
May 6, 2016
Agree with your wisdom here.mthank you.
Mariavi says:
Feb 8, 2020
Was thinking the same thing as I read it. Thank you, I usually don’t comment but I care for this website. I don’t think it is useful at all that spiritual “wisdom” allows the phrase “negative emotions” still in their language. Also weird of mystic mamma, because I follow her posts and didn’t think it was the kind of web that would go to the new age simplistic appproach…”get rid of the negative so you can receive what you desire”. Too bad because many people follow. What we desire is so complex and what our soul desires even more. Who is to say that rage is a negative emotion? Talking cruelty to oneself, obsessive thoughts and other manipulations of the mind of course, we want to get rid of those. But every emotion is us, and who we are as humans, denying a part of that is denying our wholeness and it seems like a naive shortcut to “happy living”. I write this with respect for who wrote it and the good intention to share it, mine is justanother opinion, but I think we need to be very careful and responsible with the information we share. Thanks
NBugg says:
Mar 29, 2016
Got teary eyed. Thank you.
Tara says:
Sep 6, 2016
Annett says:
May 29, 2018
I’m Annett =) thank you so much.