


“As I grew to understand the gifts of the earth, I couldn’t understand how ‘love of country’ could omit recognition of the actual country itself.
“The only promise it requires is to a flag. What of the promises to each other and to the land?
“What would it be like to be raised on gratitude, to speak to the natural world as a member of the democracy of the species, to raise a pledge of interdependence?
“No declarations of political loyalty are required, just a response to a repeated question:
“Can we agree to be grateful for all that is given?’
“In the Thanksgiving address, I hear respect toward all our non-human relatives, not one political entity, but to all of life.
“What happens to nationalism, to political boundaries, when allegiance lies with winds and waters that know no boundaries, that cannot be bought or sold?
~Robin Wall Kimmerer from Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
(I *HIGHLY* recommend that you give yourself the gift of listening to the AUDIO version of this treasure of a book >>> Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants (Free for fist time Audible users)
I adore actual books and I’m usually not an audio book person, but Robin Wall Kimmerer narrates it herself! And to hear her share her wisdom in her own words is like tuning in to a healing stream of genuine elder earth wisdom in its purest form of direct storytelling! Such a gem, such a gift, so much gratitude for her offering.