“As I grew to understand the gifts of the earth, I couldn’t understand how ‘love of country’ could omit recognition of the actual country itself.
“The only promise it requires is to a flag. What of the promises to each other and to the land?
“What would it be like to be raised on gratitude, to speak to the natural world as a member of the democracy of the species, to raise a pledge of interdependence?
“No declarations of political loyalty are required, just a response to a repeated question:
“Can we agree to be grateful for all that is given?’
“In the Thanksgiving address, I hear respect toward all our non-human relatives, not one political entity, but to all of life.
“What happens to nationalism, to political boundaries, when allegiance lies with winds and waters that know no boundaries, that cannot be bought or sold?
~Robin Wall Kimmerer from Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
(I *HIGHLY* recommend that you give yourself the gift of listening to the AUDIO version of this treasure of a book >>> Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
(Free for fist time Audible users)
I adore actual books and I’m usually not an audio book person, but Robin Wall Kimmerer narrates it herself! And to hear her share her wisdom in her own words is like tuning in to a healing stream of genuine elder earth wisdom in its purest form of direct storytelling! Such a gem, such a gift, so much gratitude for her offering.
Tamara says:
Jun 21, 2017
In gratitude, Namaste.
Tyrus says:
Jun 22, 2017
Thank u – will do
Carol says:
Jun 23, 2017
I’m thrilled you quoted Dr Wall Kimmerer! She is a gifted word artist and so much more. Braiding Sweetgrass is my favorite book; it’s become my sacred text. I highly recommend it!
BJ Brown says:
Jun 23, 2017
This is beautiful. Thank you. Will respectfully share.
Jennifer says:
Jun 26, 2017
Just ordered up the Audible version of the book. Excited to give it a listen! Thank you.
Dee says:
Jul 9, 2017
Beautiful….listened to the free sample…awesome…and for the firs time I felt and I wondered…as I grew up in the Dutch countryside….how would a person perceive life as he or she did not grew up amongst the other species on this planet…as i picked today the first dark volumeous dripping red mulberrys, their juice spilling all over my hands and arms
Ashley Sea says:
Jul 17, 2017
Matthew says:
Sep 5, 2017
I wish I could be around this all the time it’s so soothing to read then reality sets in and blows it right out of the water I truly love you for letting be here and feel the love flags mean nothing to me. Just your souls God bless you. Amen
Someone to Write my Essay says:
Oct 7, 2017
I love real books and I’m typically not a book recording individual, but rather Robin Wall Kimmerer describes it herself! Also, to hear her offer her shrewdness in her own words resembles tuning in to a mending stream of veritable senior earth insight in its purest type of direct narrating! Such a diamond, such a blessing, such a great amount of appreciation for her advertising.
mm says:
Oct 10, 2017
Agreed! I adore actual books too but this is one is so special and adds a whole nother level in the tradition of storytelling directly from the source!
Emma says:
Dec 21, 2017
This audio book is incredible! I can’t thank you enough for bringing Robin and her beautiful book and narration to my attention. Such poignant and important messages for the times we are now living in. I just finished reading a book called Debt, The first 5000 years, a book so thoroughly researched and written, but missing two crucial perspectives – the indigenous and the female. Listening to Robin’s words after reading that is a gift and it feels so obvious that all our answers are in nature and mother earth is the ultimate divine goddess. In immense gratitude, Emma
Michelle says:
Apr 26, 2018
I’ll have to buy the book. I tried the audio—my first audio book—and couldn’t get into it.
London meditation says:
Jul 15, 2019
Thank you for sharing. Namaste.
Elizabeth says:
Jul 24, 2019
Wow! Beautiful words. I hear them calling me. Calling me to a place I really belong. Feels like I am being called Home reading them. Thank you very much. With Heart felt gratitude.
Jane says:
Oct 7, 2020
So you know how to be pledge interdependency in 3 kinds – The organizational theorist James Thompson identified three types of task interdependence that can be used to design your team: pooled, sequential, and reciprocal. In pooled interdependence, the team accomplishes its tasks simply by combining everyone’s separate efforts.