After an intense two weeks of deep awareness and letting go of old patterns since the last Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio,  we arrive at this Solar Eclipse and powerful New Moon in Taurus, ready to shed it off and begin again!  We have gathered deep insight and now strengthened from our experience, we can ground  down and take time to seed our intentions and let out our soul call!  Here are the Astral Insights for this cosmic window opening for us…
First from the wonderful Cathy Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
“Eclipses mark times of cosmic redirection and energy shifts…Something we’ve imagined and dreamed about begins to manifest at a solar eclipse.”
“This Taurus solar eclipse on May 9-10th marks a new beginning, an especially fertile new beginning as it takes place in the astrological sign of manifestation.  Taurus is the most earthy of earth signs, marking a season of fertility and growth, of beauty and sensuality.   It is the energy of building and making, of new possibilities and passions. “
“Solar eclipses mark the end of a 19-year cycle relating to the activities relevant to each astrological sign.  A Taurus solar eclipse brings up issues of self-worth and values.  Since this eclipse is near the South Node of the Moon, we might have to examine old value systems that no longer serve our lives.  Do you honor the talents you have? Do you know what values stand at the center of your life?  Take time to dig deep in the soils of Taurus and weed out any old negative behavior patterns entrenched there.  Prepare the soil for new growth.”
“When we know our own worth, we can also access to the archetypal realm of Beauty, Desire and Fertility which is ruled by Venus/Aphrodite.   Know what you value in this precious life we have, because why build something you don’t value?  …Plant the seed of that new desire during this potent New Moon.”
“Venus/Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Wisdom, Sexuality and Wholeness rules Taurus.  Just hours before the solar eclipse, Venus leaves her home in Taurus and moves into Gemini, the sign of the Mind….”
“What beliefs about your feminine Self need to die so that a new vision of Feminine Spirit can arise and live through you?”
“…It can be a time of healing, when you realize that your loneliness and isolation was an incubation, a time of preparation.  Be willing to ‘lose your familiar self for the promise of a greater, more encompassing reality’ where you can use your feminine gifts to change the world.”
“Transmutation occurs from the inside out.  Let the light of your inner feminine Being shine into the world in conscious and conscientious ways.  ‘Transmutation forces us to serve who we are becoming, beyond who we’ve been: ‘trans (beyond) mutate (change)’. Become intimate with yourself, so that you can be intimate with others.”
“This Venus-ruled solar eclipse asks us to look to the future: ‘personal power results from mastering the illusion of our fear through open-heartedness.’  When we open to our original blessings, we discover that the feminine values of Love, Wisdom and Beauty can help us through the darkest times.  Stop doing for a while and let your being shine through.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Cathy Pagano. All Rights Reserved
From the ever wise Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“It is time to slow down and expand the senses to take in life right now. It’s like being in a garden in the Springtime, exploring, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting the sweetness of the aliveness of life through the garden and the senses. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus is at 19° 54′ degrees on May 9th, 2013.”
“What is incredibly beautiful about this phase is there an extra emphasis on the qualities and themes of Taurus since there are a group of planets: Sun/Moon, Mercury, and Mars. Asteroid Pallas Athena is also a part of this meeting and brings the symbolic qualities of ‘strategy and organizing’ to the array of planetary energy.”
“If you are looking to design, build and put into application a project or plan, this scrumptious earthy energy could assist you from start to finish. Allow your feet to touch the Earth and feel how healing it can be.”
“Taurus is an earth sign, fixed mode of expression. This symbolizes the perfect timing to be a ‘builder of beauty and form.’  It is also possible to use this bright fresh energy to speak your truth with love and strength. Singing may be a wonderful outlet for this energy. “
“The earth element is a vital part of manifesting. It is wise to cherish the organic timing of things and look into yourself and life to see how well you work with the earth element. For those who don’t like organizing or being patient, this energy can be a new beginning for you to appreciate and cultivate a new habit which honors everything about the element of earth and the qualities of the sign of Taurus.”
“Deeply appreciate the beauty of the physical world, the wonders, joys and even the challenges.  New Moon in Taurus symbolizes seeing the beauty and harmony within all of life. It’s like fresh organic soil in the garden, ready to welcome new seeds and nourish plants already planted. Recognize and appreciate this within yourself. Check in to see how worthy you feel and do you value yourself enough?”
Solar Eclipse symbolism suggests a ‘super-charged’ energy and it unfolds over a six to twelve month phase in stages. When you combine New Moon which symbolizes fresh starts and the super-charge of the Solar Eclipse, you have a pretty amazing energy that is very grounded. The time is ripe for you to remove obstacles in your path which prevent abundance from flowing in.”
“…As an Archetype, Taurus symbolizes willpower, fertility and persistence. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus is magnificent opportunity to align with Divine Will in a fresh new way. Use the creative artistic energy within Taurus to help materialize beauty and harmony in the physical world. Be conscious of balancing and equally nurturing the physical world as well as the Spiritual (non-physical) world.
Slow down to savor each experience for what it is, celebrate the harmony and beauty within all.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
From the insightful Sarah Varcas from her Astro-Awakenings:
“If you are nurturing a dream, aspiring to realize a goal or just really needing to make a change in your life, no matter how daunting any of this may appear, now is the time to decide… is this really what you want? And if it is, go for it! Because whatever we invest our energy in now will be shot through with the earthy and unshakeable energy of Taurus, giving it backbone and firm foundations. Of course, we want to make sure those firm foundations are supporting something we are eager to embrace in the coming years, so it’s up to us to ensure we’re living our lives in a way that will promote positive development and insight, rather than merely re-enhancing old patterns of habitual behavior we no longer need and which do little but hold us back and keep us stuck in the past….”
“The asteroid Pallas Athene is closely aligned with this eclipse, adding her down-to-earth but none the less innovative wisdom into the mix. She reminds us that whatever we need to know, be or create is already inside us just bursting to come forth. She urges us to dig deep, bring together everything within: all our paradoxes and apparent opposites, our darkest shadows and brightest potential, our inner feminine and masculine, our inner mother and father, child and elder. Bring it all together into an eclipse moment of creation and innovation.”
“Remember that a solar eclipse always occurs at a New Moon, and as such functions in some ways like a super-charged New Moon. So we need to find every bit of fuel and fertiliser inside us, which basically means energy in all its forms (thoughts, emotions, instincts, intuition, physicality) and invest it now in this moment of intense creativity. The seeds that we plant in our lives at a solar eclipse, and especially at this solar eclipse, will grow strong and vibrant.”
“…We need to remain as conscious as we can and not get sucked into old patterns of identification with suffering, with victim consciousness or with the drama of trauma and chaos. As far as is possible we need to hold our centre, stand firm and allow whatever occurs to penetrate us to our deepest core and speak its wisdom to us. A word of warning: we may not want to hear this particular piece of wisdom right away, but the least we can do is write it down and come back to it later, because we can rest assured it is central to our lives and how we live them from this moment on.”
“The eclipse also speaks about timing and communication, with Mercury conjunct the South Node. When we’re all under-going so much change inside of ourselves it can be difficult to stay in congruent contact with our external world and all the people we share it with. It may feel like we’re shifting so rapidly that what we thought and believed yesterday is no longer of any importance, and likewise how we feel today will have faded far into the distance by tomorrow, so how do we connect with others in any meaningful way?”
“The answer lies not in what we say but in our quality of being. The more we can let go of the need to identify with a certain position, belief or world-view, the more we can detach from forging an identity which needs bolstering by those around us. Thus the freer we become to be truly present with another person and able to ‘shoot the breeze’ no matter what and who they are! And nothing can be more congruent than just being who we are – life in conscious form, connected to all other life – no matter what the situation or circumstance.”
“Throughout this month we will have opportunities to do this, to try out being nothing and no one and therefore everything and everyone. It’s all part of the eclipse fun and the cosmic challenge we’re being set: how do we pursue our hopes and dreams whilst detaching from identity and ego? This solar eclipse poses this question in the knowledge that by the time the lunar eclipse of 24th/25th May occurs we will have had plenty of opportunity to contemplate it and come up with an answer.”
“But whatever answer begins to resonate within you as you read the question, remember this: the answer is only the beginning. By the end of this month we may have journeyed so far that even that may sound like old news! The bottom line is, we must be prepared to be a new person in each moment. The more we can do that, the greater we will benefit from the eclipse energies which will resonate around us for several weeks to come.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Sarah Varcas. All Rights Reserved
 UPDATE> from astrologer Pat Liles from The Power Path:
“These are rarified times with new, higher frequency energies available to our planet now that we are moving past the end of a number of major time cycles and moving into uncharted territory. Eclipse periods always feel more intensified because of the precise alignment of the Sun, Moon and Earth, but these times are absolutely untethered in terms of velocity! One can feel that multiple frequencies are available at any one time and this is reflected in the Moon chart…”
“There is an underlying feeling of chaos, confusion, and insecurity with the darker parts of our psyche shaking loose. It’s an on-going practice, and we find ourselves shifting between the old denser ways of behaving and thinking, and yet learning to let go, to trust Spirit and our hearts and accepting what is presenting itself in the moment.”
“When eclipses align with the South Node as these three do, it’s a time for letting go of the past, for forgiveness, for realigning our self worth, for drawing clear boundaries, and for learning to manifest through the quantum field that connects us to all that is. Taurus/Scorpio teaches us to clarify what we truly value, love and what has worth for us and when that is clear in our hearts unequivocally, the universe lines up powerfully to provide it and to help us let go of what stands in the way.”
“The feminine influences of the asteroids are very active before and after this eclipse chart. Ceres, the Mother Goddess, is directly activating the third exact square of Pluto and Uranus on May 20th pointing to the release of that powerful force for societal change coming through our embracing of the Feminine principles in all aspects of our being. Are lessons of receiving, self love, inclusion, or support seeking your attention?”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Pat Liles. All Rights Reserved
And from Molly Hall  from About/Astrology:
“This is a lunation to shift energies away from things that suck (your energy), to what nourishes. The crown of stars in Taurus massages the kind of grounded self-worth that guides you to making wise choices. You can turn energy away from dead ends and surviving day to day. Slowly the shift can be made, toward a life rhythm that is a closed loop, feeding itself, instead of a leaking one. By valuing and conserving your life energy, you can grow and flourish…”
“Taurus is ruled by Venus. the planet of flourishing, creative expression and love. And Venus is just out of Taurus her own sign, at this lunation. There is, with Venus at that zero degree Gemini, the longing to share beauty with others. We begin, with Venus in Gemini, to broadcast these grounded ideas, out to our friend circle and the marketplace.”
“So a theme at this lunation is cultivating what’s beautiful about you, and coming up with ways to share it. The Taurus vibe, in its opposition to Saturn Scorpio, asks each of us to look at giving and receiving. Are you giving yourself away?”
“The more you disengage from soul sucking people and activities, the more you free up to invest in your own life. Now is the time! Be bold and generous in your letting go!”
“Venus relates to well-being and the feminine – the archetypal energy of receptivity, and the instinct of interdependence. What’s powerful now is acting (when the timing is right for you), with awareness of the ripping fabric of society.”
“Something new is being woven, and this brings very real new possibilities….What’s most powerful now is an engaged presence, regardless of what you’re doing.”
“The New Moon pops out ideas about creating a solid base for your ability to be that engaged presence. In some ways this is about soul retrieval, a shamanic kind of art that happens when we claim more of our energy – for our own life. This is about drawing back from what’s toxic, to seek more fertile ground to stand on.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Molly Hall. All Rights Reserved
May we use this supportive energy to the fullest!
NEW MOON blessings!