

Final NEW MOON of the year comes around to offer us the space to pause and intentionally prepare to begin a New Year.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers.
First from CHAD WOODWARD from the Kosmic Mind:
“Modern society attempts to create the illusion that everything is under control.
“While that illusion certainly helps things run smoothly and ensures that everyone plays their role, it comes with a price. The price is immense repression of our primal nature and the subjugation of any reality or viewpoint which threatens the status quo.
“We’re all conditioned to see the world a certain way and to fear anything that puts into question our standard narratives.
“This New Moon in tropical Capricorn helps us to see the structures and routines in our lives through different eyes, which will help us to gain clarity about how we fit into the larger whole.”
“…this is a moment to step back, reflect, and take your time in considering your present options and decisions.
“Every New Moon is a collective moment of lower energy conducive for healing, rest, and meditation…”
“Mercury’s alignment with this New Moon further reinforces the need to slow down. That’s because Mercury is currently retrograde.
“This three-week process can sometimes feel frustrating. Life doesn’t readily yield to our plans and expectations. Things sometimes break down.
“Communication can be difficult. We may be more accident prone, sloppy, or clumsy. Before hastily moving forward with important matters, use this time to carefully review the details…”
“Occurring in the sign of Capricorn, this New Moon favors conscious solitude. With the busyness of the Holidays, this can be hard to attain. But even a brief moment of alone time will help you focus and clear your head.
“While Capricorn can incite ambition, hold off on impulsive or drastic actions. You have more time than you think. Capricorn prefers sustained effort and thoughtful strategy.
“With Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces sextile Mercury and the New Moon, you will uncover the energy you need only if you pause and take notice of your inner needs first.
“Consider the importance and value of inner journeying and self-reflection. And consider how much insight you already have within you.
“Before we enter the New Year, this lunation is a great way to gain perspective about the past year so that you can more effectively plan for your future.”
 © Copyright 2016 ~CHAD WOODWARD  All Rights Reserved


From PAT LILES from the Power
“Capricorn’s lessons are about showing up, taking responsibility, working within whatever limitations are present, pushing your limits, and treating the material world as the sacred manifestation it is meant to be.  
“As an earth sign, Capricorn is all about making it happen right here in their lives, for their loved ones, for the community they value…”
“Saturn, Lord of Time, Keeper of Karma, keeps them disciplined, motivated, determined. 
“The energy to get organized, make a plan, not get distracted, and go for it comes from Saturn. 
“So what can you do with this somewhat unfestive energy is take the time now to make two lists:  One for all the things you want to get rid of and one for all your goals and objectives for 2017. 
“Get detailed.  Use the Capricorn juice of this New Moon to get focused…”
“Saturn as ruler of the chart is exactly square Chiron at 21º Sag-Pisces.  Chiron has been pretty active lately, so it means some necessary healing work is taking place. 
“Have you had the feeling lately that some very old festering material is being drawn up to be dealt with and hopefully stop reappearing in new forms.  Well, your intuition is serving you well if that’s the case; you’re in good company. 
“The principle here is clear:  When the opportunity to draw down healing energy to a core wound presents itself, as is possible in this kind of aspect, dig deep.  This is where your power lies buried waiting to be excavated. 
“Sure, there’s a lot of vulnerability, surrender and loss of ego involved, but there is the treasure of being tested and found strong and capable on the other side.  Your maturity bank account will be increased. 
“We often see these lessons at the Saturn returns at 29 and 58 years old, but 35, 42, 49, 65, 72 etc. (also 7, 14, 21) have their calling cards of Saturn lessons…”
“Saturn is even trining Uranus, helping ease the shift in consciousness we’re knee deep in and take the heat off the Pluto/Uranus square at present…”
“If you are blessed with clear skies in early January, watch for the crescent Moon conjunct Venus late at night on New Year’s Day – so lovely.
“Also, the Quadrantids meteor shower on January 4 can be very spectacular.”
 © Copyright 2016 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved


From ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Capricorn indicates a time when we will need to settle into enjoying the role we were born to play, and allow ourselves refreshment and time to withdraw from the ordinary interactions of the world so we may find those who ‘speak our language.
“…This organizing, productive, purifying, and reflecting New Moon helping us to release ourselves from old inhibitions as we get a new look at old ‘laws’ occurs at 8 Capricorn…
“Capricorn takes the magnetism bound in Scorpio that was widely distributed in Sagittarius and shapes it into forms of personal power and expertise. This begins the new year of power through its conjunction with Pluto.
“…With this Lunation, we enter into a period where we need to enjoy being who we are, letting go of old inhibitions so we can be as natural as possible as we hear a call to renewal.
“Capricorn deals with claiming forms of personal power in the world, but only those forms which are in harmony with our ‘true and original nature,’ the innate innocence we are and have been since birth.
“Through what you enjoy that refreshes you in natural ways, you’ll find ways to generate power.”
© Copyright 2016 ROBERT WILKINSON


*NEW MOON* Blessings t0 all~~~


:::NEW MOON::: December 28th 2016 10:53pm PST ::: December 29th 2016 6:53am GMT :::  December 29th 5:53 PM AEDT

★ ★ ★  SHARING GUIDELINES  ★  ★  ★

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