“Traditionally, the Moontime is the sacred time of woman when she is honored as a Mother of the Creative Force. During this time she is allowed to release the old energy her body has carried and prepare for reconnection to the Earth Mother’s fertility that she will carry in the next Moon or month. Our Ancestors understood the importance of allowing each woman to have her Sacred Space during this time of reconnection, because women were the carriers of abundance and fertility…”
“As Grandmother Moon is the weaver of tides ( the water or blood of our Earth Mother) so a woman’s cycles follow the rhythm of that weaving. When women live together in a common space, their bodies begin to regulate their menses and all will eventually have their Moontime concurrently. This natural rhythm is one of the bonds of Sisterhood.”
“Women honor their sacred path when they acknowledge the intuitive knowing inherent in their receptive nature. In trusting the cycles of their bodies and allowing the feelings to emerge within them, women have been Seers and Oracles for their tribes for centuries.”
~Jamie Sams from Sacred Path Cards: The Discovery of Self Through Native Teachings
alexis kyriak says:
Apr 6, 2012
to ignore the reality of our imbeddednes in the earth, planets and elements is to be in pain. To rationally acknowledge and embrace that female connection is to build the soul of woman… make it stronger….to give it guiding strength…for all…..
nashe says:
Jul 3, 2012
Peace sis, I am going to link this beautifully written peace on my blog. I agree with all said on this post and want to bless other sisters with it …thank you .peace and love
Beth Jane says:
Apr 8, 2013
I took my yoni to the creek for this moon’s sacred space, kicked off my dacks and reveled with the nature spirits!
Natalie Young says:
Jun 3, 2018
Kristin says:
Jun 14, 2013
Mmmm…thank you for this reminder.
Shai says:
Jul 21, 2013
Great message! Thank you so much for sharing this.
Goya says:
Aug 20, 2013
Lately my body has been waiting for the exact day of the full moon for me to menstruate. I’m very surprised at how entuned our bodies are with the universe, and somehow I feel so much closer to God.
Melanie Swan says:
Nov 27, 2014
spot on, thank you.
seth says:
Jan 26, 2015
Sunkiss says:
Jun 6, 2015
:::Gratitude & LOVE:::
Turenne says:
Feb 17, 2016
Moontime… The sacred time of women… We indeed need to acknowledge with more acuity that those times are sacred and understand how to relate spiritually to the wave of sacred movement flowing through and out of our bodies. I am being attentive to my intuition and this beautiful sharing his even more guidance…
I’m taking note of releasing the old energy my body has carried and prepare for reconnection… Thank you!
Becci says:
Mar 9, 2016
Beautiful. Thank you so much for this. I have linked back from my latest blog post x
Jo says:
May 3, 2016
I have heard women who have gone through menopause still connect to the cycle of the moon. Is this true? And what signs are there as they must be far more subtle? I feel a sadness sometimes that I no longer bleed.
Liisa says:
Jul 1, 2016
Thank you. Can anybody say who made this photograph of the beautiful young indigenous woman/what is it called, the one above the text? I’ve been looking for it for so long. Kind thanks!
mm says:
Jul 1, 2016
Hi Liisa~ it’s ROLAND W. REED of an Objiwe woman in 1907.
Tring says:
Dec 28, 2016
I thought that my menopause was completed, almost a year since my last bleed. Today – the last of the waning moon – it has returned. Reading this makes so much sense. I have a tremendous amount of emotional clearing I have to do and this is manifesting itself in physical pain (shoulders – weight of burdens). I new instinctively that this new moon was extra significant for me, I have even cleared three days to create sacred alone time for myself. Now I understand that my body is allowing me to “release old energy that my body has carried and prepare for reconnection to Mother Earth’s fertility”. Fertility for me means emotional rebirth, spirituality, creating a new life for myself. Thank you for this beautiful insight.
Tammy Davis says:
Jan 27, 2017
Tring, thank you for YOUR beautiful insight. I stopped bleeding nearly three years ago and I was wondering where I would find my place in this important ceremony for feminine reconnection. You describe exactly what I was sensing but unable to articulate.
In Peace & Gratitude,
Alice says:
Sep 7, 2017
Women all over the world should all acknowledge and make more of the sacred moon times and slow down!
Modern life seems to pretend it never happens! Mystic mamma reconnects us to what is sacred and meaningfull.
Jo says:
Apr 8, 2018
Sisters… sending love to you all
Cathy says:
Oct 3, 2018
I was just speaking with a young friend about this and the book, The Wise Wound by Penelope Shuttle and Peter Redgrove. So many of the really good Goddess books are no longer in print. And they’re not publishing any new ones. Until now perhaps?
Oni Abeni says:
Dec 23, 2018
Divine Greetings,
I want to first and foremost, bless you for bringing such WARM LOVE and DIVINE LIGHT to the essence of Moontimes. Moontimes have always been sensitive and monumental moments for me since I began. I remember my first moontime I was 11 in the 7th grade in an old city, however, with a new mind and body (apparently) we (My Mother, sisters and I had recently relocated back to Arkansas. Now, in the house my Grandfather inherited to my Mother and her siblings. My Mother became wiling and available to manage the property at that time so we moved to a neighborhood that was full of surprises. To remember my moontimes is painful and pleasurable. In the beginning, it was interesting to say the least I remember we were in the den watching T.V. when I had to use the restroom and noticed I had red spots in my underwear. I kept it a secret for awhile in the restroom until they came looking for me… I was not fully aware of what it was or what was to come… it was pain. I would bleed heavily with clots for 7 days and fant from time to time, I remember my Mother having to check me out of school somedays because I would be so drained and tired during this time. It was 7 years later that I would come into the natural wisdom of Moontimes and transform my entire lifestyle to become a wiser wombman of Moontime moments. I became a vegan and embarked on a healthier eating and natural lifestyle. I began to see a change immediately. My moontimes became shorter I was down to 5 days by 2008 and down to 3 days by 2013. In the past, my moontimes were sporatic or unpredictable rather than arriving every 28 days (waning and waxing with the moon) as it was meant to do thus the term ‘moontime’. I became less sensitive to the ways of the world during this time and wanted to replenish and recuperate for energy and motion. I was giving life and a creative spirit during this time again as it was meant to give and bring. I became a mystical mamma… Mystic Mamma:) Thank Y.o.U. (Your Own Uniqueness) again for so much LOVE and LIGHT… My reason for sharing at this time is due to my notice of the time of the year, this year that I am experiencing my moontime… The Winter Soltice… I am figuratively and literally dying with the sun within AND out as well as rising again 3 days later NOW with Womb Wisdom and I GIVE MUCH THANKHS:) Bless it be… Mystic Mamma
Sharon Quigley says:
Mar 12, 2019
Sisters, the dark moon is the optimium time for the menstrual cycle to begin, (not the full moon) which means ovulation occurs 14 days later on the full moon, the ultimate time for your night time fertility ritual and for conception to occur, taking advantage of the energies of the full moon in creation of the new life .. you can see it happening everywhere in nature .. we are part of nature ..