First, one probably great to do anyway, back up your computer work! Here’s what the experts are saying…
First from astrologer Julie Simmons:
“The overall general theme of Mercury retrograde is about reflection. It offers us a time to be more reflective about life on planet earth, to contemplate and to create order by eliminating things that block our clarity. Therefore it is generally a good time to write, edit meditate, retreat and organize.”
Next from the wonderful Dipali Desai from her Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“Here we are nearing the end of the year 2011, what a perfect time to review the previous ten months and all that it contained before we start a new year. Mercury in Sagittarius at 20 degrees shifts into Retrograde phase on November 24th, 2011. Mercury’s got the tunes playing ‘re-vamp, re-vise, re-do, re-cycle, re-connect.’  What’s interesting to note is that this Mercury retrograde is re-shifting things between two potent Eclipses. A  Solar Eclipse (symbolizing new chapter) on Nov. 25th and Lunar Eclipse on Dec. 10th (symbolizing and ending of a chapter).”
“Listen more and speak less.”
“It helps to remember to slow down to really listen and pay attention in conversation with someone. One gift we can give to another or ourselves is to be attentive and listen. A person wants to be heard and then transformation and heal can happen swiftly. We will get our chance to speak our truth, if we allow ourselves to remain aware in an expanded state of mind and then flow with the energy. The space for us to say what we need to will present itself.”
“We must remember we are in a dialogue with another and not using another as a venting punching bag, metaphorically speaking. With Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, we may tend to blurt, impulsively input, stand on a soap-box and spout our opinions. This may not be the best way to create a space where dialogue happens. Set a clear intention before communicating with another during this phase.”

Copyright 2011-2012 Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved

Lastly from  This and That Astrology Blog:
“Our greatest advantage lies in the fact, that at this time period, it is affording us some quiet time to reflect, reinvent and reinvigorate our souls and to who we are.  This interlude allows us to experience, improvise and to look beyond our familiarities to see new vistas and challenges.  At the same time as we continue our journey, we need to impress into our consciousness, the need to pay attention to details and to articulate our desires and goals.  While we work through this period and as Mercury goes direct, the Sabian Symbol reveals that confidence and ability is gained through trial and error. “