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Mercury Retrograde is a time of deepening. In Pisces, we can access the realms beneath the skin, that speak to us directly from the vast sea of consciousness.
We can use our feeling sense to navigate the surface waters of life and move into a more willing surrender to the totality of experience.
We can allow ourselves to feel held as we continue to let our hearts open and feel, unfurling layers of understanding.
Allowing the magic, poetry and dreaminess of Pisces to unlock the gates that bring us into union.
Here are the ASTRAL INSIGHTS from Mercury Retrograde expert ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“All retrogrades show us that sometimes it is more important to be inwardly oriented than outer-directed.
“These are times when our previous activities ‘echo back’ information about what we’ve already experienced during the previous phase when the planet was direct in motion before it slowed down…
“When retrograde, Mercury, the ‘Guide of Souls,’ challenges us to cultivate our personal understanding of our ‘fellowship with the Eternal, explore our deeper issues and useful but overlooked details in what’s being discussed or asserted, take an unusual view, and allow ourselves to be led by the future implications of what’s happening.
“It’s a time when we truly get a new look at many things and come to a different understanding of how the various affairs of our inner and outer life are coordinated, or need to be.
“We can get different perspectives and insights into prior events, messages, and signals, and can fill in important gaps in our understanding.
“Sometimes it may seem like it’s one step forward, two to the side, one step back, one to the other side, then two steps forward, but often we find that we are offered entirely new and crucial perspectives and knowledge that can help us when it’s time to move forward again after the retrograde is past…
“While Mercury is retrograde, take the time to re-trace ground covered in recent weeks, get new information and interpretations of old ideas and perceptions, and find new points of view.
“It’s a great time for picking up things that have been on hold, or which have progressed in bursts of activity followed by fallow periods.
“It’s a natural time to research, review, rehearse, and re-do whatever needs a new approach in our lives…
“As this retrograde begins in the second decan of Pisces, it deals with the emotional and social levels of life..
“We’ll certainly get a different look at how we have dealt with ghosts from the past, or karmic events requiring us to do ‘closure rituals’ these past 3+ years.
“Many will get a new understanding of their lives wherever they have Pisces in their charts, with a need to take a vast compassionate or empathetic view of what is to be left behind as we prepare for our ‘graduation into a new realm of being.’
“Mercury retrograde in Pisces is extremely empathic, so be alert to passing vague or confused feeling states, since you may be picking up on something in the atmosphere which needs cleaning up and/or closure…
“As this retrograde is taking place only hours after Mars enters Capricorn, it makes a very favorable quintile with that planet, as well as waxing semisquares to both Saturn and Pluto.
“This offers high specialization and development of personal gifts for those willing to take responsibility and claim their power…
“Remember, because of the RX quality, it may a) take a roundabout way to get there, b) require a delay before we understand what these things are about, or c) we’ll see how we’ve begun parts of our Pisces and Aquarius training and preparation, and now have to connect the dots or renew something we neglected.”
© Copyright 2020 Robert Wilkinson


SARAH VARCAS for her Astro-Awakeings.co.uk says:
“There’s always much talk (and a fair amount of hype!) when Mercury turns retrograde, most of it pretty negative and doom laden. People roll their eyes and brace themselves for a few weeks of chaos and confusion as they anticipate the trickster aspect of Mercury messing with their lives.
“And yes, it is true that these happenings occur more readily during Mercury’s retrograde phase, but the essence of the trick played upon us is that they’re not negative events, but moments designed to stop us in our tracks and wake us up.
“Many years ago I worked with an Ericksonian hypnotherapist who used the technique of unexpected mispronunciation (often of their name) to pull people up short and take them by surprise, inducing a moment where their ‘everyday’ consciousness was interrupted and a brief state was born into which he could then insert a hypnotic suggestion. Retrograde Mercury acts in much the same way.
“It suddenly presents us with the unexpected in the context of everyday life, lifting us out of the semi-conscious state in which we often pass our time. At that moment a new suggestion can be made by the cosmos. Seeds for the growth of a different perspective can be planted.
“If, however, we respond to this moment by frantically trying to return to the ordered world we thought we knew, a moment of creation and awakening can be lost forever.
“The time of Mercury retrograde is always a time of truth, even when communications seem disrupted and misunderstandings are rife, because misunderstandings themselves are part of the truth of being human.
“When Mercury is retrograde we’re given a chance to address them and correct the course of events, rather than sweeping them under the carpet, ready to trip us up another day.
“Indeed, whatever Mercury retrograde brings to us, the best reflection is always, ‘What truth does this reveal to me and why have I needed it revealed in this way at this time?’.
“The answers to these questions may be very enlightening indeed…
“So no matter what you may have heard about how it’s nothing but a pain, causing disruption to our plans, throwing our communications awry and generally chucking a spanner into the works of our lives, the passage of Mercury retrograde is actually a gift from the heavens which gives us an opportunity to reflect, take stock, review, and correct mistakes we may previously have made in the rush and whirl of everyday life.
“It’s how we receive and use this gift that matters.”
© Copyright 2020 Sarah Varcas
Yes, yes, “it’s how we receive and use this gift that matters.”
With all my heart!


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