So we have been in quite an eclipse portal! The final 3rd is here. Eclipses usually come in pairs but we’ve had 3 this time around and I know we are all feeling the activation from the winds of change! This last one is also a SuperMoon as you will read below and it is sure to be felt.
Here are the Astral Insights from the most inspiring readers of the planetary bodies. First from the always wonderful astrologer Kelley Rosano:
“The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on May 24- 25 is one of the most powerful Full Moons of 2013. The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is the third of three eclipses in a row.  This eclipse also involves a SuperMoon, when the Moon is as close as it ever gets to the Earth, and it’s in a straight alignment with the Sun and Earth. The SuperMoon makes this Lunar Eclipse extra potent and important.”
“The Moon controls the oceans and tides.  Our bodies are more than sixty percent water.  You will feel this powerful Lunar Eclipse in your physical body and in the Earth below your feet. This Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse can feel like a soothing, healing balm on your aching wounds.  The Cosmic Mother Nurses her children back to full health and vitality. “
“The Phoenix rises from the ashes of the past.  You, too, can recreate yourself and make a fresh start.  You can experience a Brilliant Breakthrough.  That is this Full Moon’s message.”
“Sagittarius empowers you stay on your path. Even when the road twists and turns, you can feel vibrant, healthy, and strong.  How do you do this?  Keep your mind engaged and focused on inspired action.  Invest your energy in healing yourself and introducing innovations into your life wherever you are ready for expansion and fulfillment.”
“Pluto and Uranus make an exact square (challenge) on May 20.  Pluto and Uranus require you to make significant changes.  For instance, many people are experiencing job changes, long-term relationship completions, health issues, and/or financial problems.  Is it any wonder you might feel overwhelmed or fearful due to the changes happening to you?  You are trying to maintain your balance, keep your spirits up, stay positive, and move forward. This can be a daunting task.”
“Your current process (journey) is as important as your destination. Â You can choose to be positive and proactive, even while your growth is swift and painful. Â Attitude is everything. Â The more willing you are to do inner work and take full responsibility for your choices and behavior, the more you can turn obstacles into stepping-stones.”
“Experiencing a Brilliant Breakthrough may require that you raise your standards and upgrade your relationships. Â It is time to be in integrity and practice the Golden Rule, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…'”
“Pluto and Uranus are reminding you that it is time to release resistance.  Are you resisting the changes taking place in your life?  Choose your battles wisely.  Hang loose on making judgments about what is happening—you may not have a full understanding of unfolding events.  What seems to be negative on the surface could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.  It might also be a Brilliant Breakthrough that leads you to a better, more fulfilling life.”
“You may find yourself at the end of a relationship, a job lay-off, or a business closing. Â You can feel as though you are operating in crisis mode. Â Circumstances for those around you may also seem to be falling apart. Â In truth, you are in completion mode. Â These events are not always graceful, so go easy on yourself. Â You may feel less than a Self-master. Â You may feel more like a lost soul. Â Take comfort, for you are not alone. Â Everyone is experiencing these life-changing events.”
“This experience may even feel like a death of sorts. Â Each of us has our own timetable for this process…These stages seem most likely to manifest when 1) change is externally imposed, and 2) something of value is being lost or given up because of the change. Â During the breakdown phase, you may find yourself in denial and depression. Â You then move on to hope and acceptance. Â You can jump around quite a bit in the first few months after endings…There are no short cuts to growth. Â Please be patient with your process, and allow your life to unfold naturally.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Kelley Rosano All Rights Reserved
From the wise Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“We have almost arrived at a peak point where the energies will soon disperse. There is much to extract from the prominent issues arising in life, and as a student of life, it is wise to take really good notes for contemplation and to use later. We are at the final eclipse for this time period, which is the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 4° degrees on May 24/25th, 2013…”
“One theme that stands out now is the desire to feel optimistic about life, especially since there are major changes happening now. And this occurs by seeking the deeper meaning to whatever is going on in our lives.”
“The emotions and issues rising up around the time of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius may feel unstable and over the top. A good way to handle the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is: with great wisdom maintain a clear aim or intention.”
“Sagittarius is a fire element, and a mutable mode of expression. What motivates us? What adds to our passion for living a meaningful life? What fizzles our inner flame temporarily? And what do we need to do to continuously feel and feed the passion in every day life?”
“…There is a dynamic astrological configuration happening between the Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces…”
“As an example of this energy configuration and symbolism, someone says something it could target a very perhaps overly sensitive spot within you. Either it will generate more tension and conflict or it will give us the specific insight to help in the forgiving and healing process. It may challenge you to communicate your thoughts and feelings in a more coherent manner.”
“With 3 planets in Gemini plus the Sun, this emphasizes a stimulating time both in the mental level of the energetic field and intellectually. This suggests that the energy could produce a scattering of energy and influence with so much buzz within the mind. It may be easy to get lost in ‘he said she said or they said.’  Be sure to check the facts three times, pause to listen properly before you offer a reply or response. Stick to the full truth rather than embellishing.”
“Notice what is coming to full completion in your life now. What symbolic door are you closing? How will things end? The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius provides the perfect ground to let yourself move into this final phase of letting go. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by.”Â
© Copyright 2013 ~ Dipali Desai All Rights Reserved
Next some great insights from the wonderful Molly Hall from About/Â
“The May 25th lunar eclipse ends a month of release and coming down to Earth. The Scorpio and Taurus eclipses were a call to invest more in what nourishes, than what steals our vital energies. For some, it’s been full of sobering experiences or having bubbles burst.”
“That phenomenon of coming out of denial, ‘waking up’ to hidden truths, or meeting the shadow lightens the load. That’s the reward of taking the risk — it’s the enlightening process! We die to old realities, and enter new ones. The past can eventually feel like a lifetime ago. ‘I can’t believe I use to think that way,’ we say.”
“The release of old traumas and limiting beliefs frees up energy to get fired up about the future, to feel optimistic and aim for something higher. A Sagittarius Full Moon is divine timing, to elevate our thinking!”
“The release brings more of your soul into the now. This gives you the agility to act on what’s happening, and trust your instincts. A lot of change can happen in a short time!”
“Between the high solar activity (there’s a geomagnetic storm in-progress), and the waxing Uranus-Pluto square, the tension is great showing both inwardly and outwardly. These strong currents are surely stimulating — they get us moving! There’s a sense of urgency in the air. And yet, we can also feel agitated or scrambled by the big squeeze. It’s not always clear how best to direct it. My normally super high-energy husband said he feels tired, but extremely restless to be doing something.”
“…A Full Moon in Sagittarius now, with all that’s going on, energizes the mind. This attracts us to ideas and people that put things into an inspired frame, rather than one that’s demoralizing. This is the time to shift, to shake off the cobwebs, and scan the horizon for an idea whose time has come.”
“…Eclipses are often unsettling, and not the best time for major decisions. The fast currents in the air now, make it one for experimenting with perception. It’s time to crack open fixed thinking, and with curiosity, explore the variety of angles from which to see. This is a very fluid eclipse, with six mutable planets in play.”
“…It’s smart to suss things out beyond first impressions. Let a situation percolate, before drawing conclusions. What’s grasped at mercurial speed may not be the full story.”
“But my oh my, what a great time for artists and dreamers, to be in the zone, and see where it leads. Magical realism is the norm, as Neptune lures the spirited Full Moon energies toward enchantment and the otherworldly.”
“Socializing can mean short encounters that are odd, but meaningful. A brief encounter drops something in your mindstream that makes you look at something in a completely different way. It can be an optimistic time, as old realities dissolve and many feel askew. It’s a scene of creative chaos — the excitement comes from being on the edge of an adventure. Keep your eyes on what inspires you and feels authentic, while being light on your feet, able to adapt to the changes of our time.”Â
© Copyright 2013 ~ Molly Hall All Rights Reserved
Last but not least some great insights from the  from The Power First from Lena Stevens:
“It is difficult to predict what the fallout may be from what has been stirred up during this month but you can expect some big energy to be moving around. The potency of this time could trigger security issues, judgment and doubt. Hopefully you will have had synchronicity and signs during the month that will keep you focused positively on your newfound abilities to manifest. This full moon is a time to recommit to what you know in your heart to be true about what you want to manifest.”
“Keep in mind that every thought, intention, desire, doubt, emotion, reaction and action has been greatly magnified during this time. Most likely you have had to deal with an intensity level in your life that feels bigger than what you have had to deal with in the past. You are giving birth to a new self and the birth process is stretching you in ways that you have not experienced before. Think of yourself in training for the higher frequency and expensive energy emerging on the planet.”
“It is always important that you take some time and be in gratitude for your ability to step up to what life is giving you as well as to take a breath and a break from it all when you need balance. And take care of the body in some way as the body struggles with new energies it does not understand. You may be experiencing aches and pains you never had before. Work with water, drink lots of it, immerse yourself in it and make sure you are getting enough minerals.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Lena Stevens All Rights Reserved
And from the always insightful astrologer Pat Liles:
“We are completing a notable growth period provided by the three-eclipse container of the last month and fueled by the awakening of the solar flares. With 2012-13 the peak in the 11-year sunspot cycle, the sunspots, so rapid fire in 2012 have remained quiet all year until now. Currently, totally active! They held their fire until we needed some extra fuel for the growth we have experienced in the last eclipse month.”
“We’re being stretched, prodded, pressured and examined to see what we’re made of, and what we value enough to show up for. Windows like these help us destabilize, lose the familiar, and get out of our well-developed minds and get a glimpse of Spirit’s intention for our highest good. Our bodies don’t like it; resistance surfaces, but destabilization brings our best shot for regrouping, expanding and shepherding in the higher frequencies, quickened time, and greater balance our planet is now ready for.”
“At the same time, there is such effortless, easeful trine energy available here especially from the water signs-our emotional, receptive, fluid nature where we just tap in and intuitively understand what is going on from our deep knowingness. This trine water energy is part of our learning as well at this time – how to be fluid, receive, use our feminine powers of cooperation…”
“It’s a dance! A balancing of pressure and surrender and the Sun’s shift into Gemini is just the energy we need to lighten the dense quality of our physicality so more miraculous energies of the invisible world can be made manifest through each of us….”
“…Everything will be amplified during this eclipse period, so let’s consciously put forth our thoughts, prayers, intentions, and visualizations to activate the highest good for all and the best possible future.”
© Copyright 2013 ~ Pat Liles All Rights Reserved
Nadine OMINSKI says:
May 20, 2013
explains EVERYTHING! Thank you for the astral insights mystic mumma!!!
Adrienne says:
May 20, 2013
Urgh. Yes. Make it stop… But reassuring there is a light at the end of the tunnel…
Hopefully it’s not a train.
Also I am going through a painful breakup, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on the eclipse of may 10… So mixed blessings and emotions abound …
Emanate Presence says:
May 21, 2013
Peace to you.
mm says:
May 21, 2013
Surrounding you in healing LOVE mamma! Blessings to you and the little angel by your side! Hang in there â¤â¤â¤
MagicForestSarah says:
May 20, 2013
YES! soooo looking forward !!!! WATCH OUT IT SAYS march IN THE HEADLINE – for a second I thought I traveled back to the future….. ;) love & so much gratitude for mysticmammaaaaaaaa***
Dara says:
May 21, 2013
Love it! Thank you so much!
Chai Girl says:
May 21, 2013
love it so much. each time i read these, i get a whole new perspective. thank you.
Shann says:
May 21, 2013
This explains a lot. Thank you. I’m a Sag currently wrestling with a powerful inner critic.
susyc says:
May 21, 2013
Kelley Rosano’s resonates the most for me at this time. Thanks for posting!
Jenny says:
May 21, 2013
I have a question. My birthday is May 25. Does this mean I’m in for a powerful year ahead or should I be concerned? Thank you for this great info!
mm says:
May 22, 2013
@Jenny Happy Birthday! The year will be what you make of it…So make it the greatest yet! I’m not an astrologer but it’s a wonderful thing to get a reading for your birthday and I would recommend any of the astrologers I feature. Many blessings to you! â¤
Simone says:
May 21, 2013
Fabulously inspiring. Light and love!
Shadowwatcher says:
May 21, 2013
So helpful. Most people/articles seem to understand the pain & change & growth of this time but Kelly Rosano’s words especially about the TIME it takes to fully accept this new life & trying not to judge what’s even happening to us yet…
Thank You!
spring says:
May 21, 2013
WOW!! FANTASTIC STUFF here…Thank You so much for sharing. Namaste x
stephanie says:
May 21, 2013
thank you. so much insight. this 3rd eclipse was rough. closing the old me and stepping into the new. its so true in the craziest of ways. ive been thinking of how i was lately and how i unconsciously moved through life, but also moving towards this time, time moment, its all coalescing. i’m trying to keep the love flowing but i feel tender. just taking my time and observing myself, my judgements and others. insights are coming every day and i’m glad the nigredo cycle is chilling out for a bit. learning how to surf the flow
Laura says:
May 22, 2013
Thank you for the guidance and explanations. Truly grateful for your help and love .xxx
kavita advani says:
May 22, 2013
i am scorpio/sag cusp..nov 21st..i have been experiencing these changes and a klot of depression and ill health..i it because of this lunar eclipse?when will it end and how mucgh more do i need to cope with?
Openheart says:
May 22, 2013
As a double Libra,
I have been experiencing these changes quite intense. The following two eclipses have created significant change in my life to date. Everyone should really take the time preparing for this.
Thank you mystic mama for your spiritual advice.
inthemaking says:
May 22, 2013
Mystic mama, I have been “secretly” following all your astral insight posts since 2013 began…I have a question if you have wisdom to shed light on. this morning, I had a very vivid dream which I know was deeply informing me of soul messages. I was trying to get into my family’s house in a different way, trying to avoid being seen by this guy who was really clingy (recently I had to release a relationship where I had become really needy, I am healing deep co-dependent patterns) and it was night time, so the moonlight was the only source of light, and I went through a field, and I saw many huge black rats crawling on the field, and many of their carcasses were in the grass with pinkish meat still on their bones, and I noticed a black buffalo laying on the grass, and I backed away back to the fence and watched, as.the buffalo got up and moved to another area, and all of a sudden gave birth, and I clearly saw the placenta with the baby in it, and I was awake like lucid. but the scene was very calm, the buffalo was calm minding its own business and I just turned around to go back the other way, and on my path found 2 big gold coins, along with a few other gold objects. Prior to that, the same guy who was clingy had given me some crumpled up money, and I think its what made me feel obligated to let him be around me, but at the end of my dream I met him again, I am not sure if I gave back his money,but I woke up. (I have been doing a lot of healing work and deepening my understanding and remembering of the divine feminine, and am in a process of renewal, where in June I will begin priestess training, using Ariel Spillbury’s 13 moon oracle. And I wonder if the birth is significant of that) any insights into this dream?
Malena says:
May 22, 2013
I just wanted to say that I am on the same healing journey as you. I also just released a relationship where I was too needy and codependent. I am on my 3rd day on my own and doing okay. I thought we could stay in touch via personal email if you feel inclined. My email is
Much Love.
mm says:
May 23, 2013
@INTHEMAKING Thank you for sharing this powerful dream! I completely agree with @APHRODITE1610 and that it’s rich in symbolism and speaks deeply about transformation. Symbols are multivalent therefore trying to pin down their meaning is impossible, so oftentimes what they mean for each of us is what’s important. But for what it’s worth I’ll share what speaks to me… To begin with, I feel a deep significance of “trying to get into the house a different way.” As I see it, the house is an extension of the self. Expanding, growing out of what society/family might expect from you and “not wanting to be seen” could perhaps be concern with what your family/friends might think of your new self emerging… Also in a Dream book that I have, the home is said to be related to issues of independence and or dependency. So that could be another layer. The Moon light being your only source of light, could be the Divine Feminine guiding you in your life right now. As your path is unfolding before you it feels as you are walking in the darkness, but there is a light illuminating your way! Also the landscape you are walking in is all about transformation. Death being all around and yet the Buffalo is giving birth amongst it! How beautiful! The Buffalo symbolizes wisdom, the wisdom being born with in you as you are changing. Also the Buffalo is a sacred animal to Native Americans and she symbolizes prayer and abundance. The appearance of Buffalo was a sign that prayers were being heard. There is so much symbolism in the Buffalo alone, I would research more about it if you can. Great powerful medicine! Finding the coins again would be a sign of abundance and trusting in your own ability to provide for your self and not needing the “crumpled up money” from the guy. To me it sounds like a very life-affirming dream and your soul is speaking to you and sending you signs that you are on the right path right where you need to be. Blessings to you sister!
Aphrodite1610 says:
May 22, 2013
This is a profound dream. It is a turning point. You will remember this dream for years to come and it will guide you. Many people speak glibly of ‘transformation’ but this dream represents what it is truly about. It is multi-layered and contains transpersonal as well as personal meaning with such universal symbols – animals, birth, gold, money. I think it is an indication that whilst you are doing your own personal healing you are also entering a place where you can perform healing for the collective. This dream resonates strongly for me and I’m sure will do for others.Thank you for sharing this.
shailini says:
May 22, 2013
it was good to read bec i am going through many of these situations. I have been able to keep myself grounded although it is quite nerve wrecking sometimes. reading the astral predictions was very helpful . Thx
BernardCharles says:
May 22, 2013
I am new here and must say this all falls exactly in place. I need a real spiritual cleaning and meditative break through now! :)
Cynthia says:
May 22, 2013
I have been feeling strange for some time! Depression, working constantly on my house. Not sleeping having very vivid dreams constantly. Had a job interview, feel I need to go back to work, but am afraid of the kinds of people I will have to work with. I seem to get jobs that have a lot of negative people, cannot deal with that anymore. But, I feel I need to make sure that I am not in a compromising situation from not working and saving, my husband works, but I know never put all your “eggs in one basket” I am a pisces very emotional and connected to the earth – Trying to figure out what’s next for me – Thank you for this guideance! –
Deborah says:
May 22, 2013
I have been “hunted” at my job for the last year, all managers and superiors looking for a reason to fire me.
Today, I believe is the day they found their final key and there is nothing I can do or say to change it.
I have known I must leave his job for many months but have held on for some stubborn, perverse reason. The eclipses have seemed ordered to show me what I truly treasure, and is one, if I read your words correctly, is the one to “burn away” what does not serve me. Am I reading this right?
Marsha says:
May 23, 2013
I feel like you’ve written my biography! I’m a Sag.- & have been having a very challenging year both physically & emotionally. Chronic pain from back issues & moving thru the great loss of my mother/best friend’s death coupled w/ other big personal issues. Sunday I felt like I was falling & nearly hitting bottom. I’m looking for Hope & something to believe in. â¤
Leigh says:
May 23, 2013
I was just about to make a life changing mistake when I read this. It was the first thing I have read since recovering from surgery. There – the universe is reeling me back into balance again. Guess what? I am a Saggie. Thank you. xx
mm says:
May 23, 2013
Ta Chi Chu says:
May 23, 2013
After reading all your wonderful explanations and interpretations I am in awe! I feel very encouraged that there are so many compassionate and insightful people in our world now who are willing to express themselves from their deepest perspectives. This is the healing we can experience from this full moon in Mutable signs! My dream was about “while I was waiting to take a shower (the bathroom was occupied ), my very first lover showed up with his wife and came to the door but went back. I went out apologizing for not being more put together but he gave me a big kiss on the lips anyway. Then the scene shifted to watching a video of someone riding a horse but falling off at a high speed then getting trampled by stampeding buffalo and then elephants! I had to replay it to show someone and was horrified both times.” My advice to everyone is to breath deeply and slowly, avoid caffeine, smile more, and drink a cup of water every hour. I am a Capricorn with Aries Moon and am totally feeling this shift. Oh, and try to put psychic shield around you if you need to be around negative people and last but not least “Let Go and Let God”!
lynn says:
May 23, 2013
Reading this info about the lunar eclipse in Sag may hit me strongly! My Asc is 5 degrees Sag and I’m a 13 Gemini Sun with a 29 Virgo Moon!! With the eclipse sitting right on my Asc, I’m thinking the energies may be emotionally charged!! Wow
ren says:
May 23, 2013
Just ended a four year relationship with the father of my toddler. So this is right on. I love it, thank you.
VAN says:
May 24, 2013
Thanks for the round up MM! I always look forward to your posts.
Soma says:
May 24, 2013
Just what I needed to hear right now, trust my instincts and remember what I have forgotten, let go of my story’s I have given meaning to that do not exist.
Eva says:
May 24, 2013
I have a wisdom teeth extraction scheduled for tomorrow (may 25, 2013)
Should I reschedule?
Eva says:
May 24, 2013
Since it is Lunar Eclipse Full Moon does it mean you shouldn’t do any type of surgery at all?
Trish says:
May 24, 2013
Thank you . Very informative. It’s everything I have been feeling. It’s like I have been warped into a completely different reality!
Lei Lei says:
May 24, 2013
So much life change has happened over the past 12 months. Break up with my first and only love of 4 and a half years. Also, learning to heal co-dependancy and abandonment issues. Moved out on my own for the first time, to Maui from home in Montana! Big change! Definitely have been on an emotional roller coaster over the last year, especially this month and even more intensely this past week! I feel like my ego has such a tight grip on me, tighter than it has ever been before. So many feelings of fear, doubt, unworthiness, insecurity that are rising. Many negative thought patterns seem to be clouding my mind lately. And I am also struggling with my weight… so much change taking place! It’s difficult to cope with.
Kristine says:
May 24, 2013
Feel so blessed to have found your page. thank you so much for gathering these astral insights and all other wonderful amazingness on your site. it means a lot to me <3
Martina H. says:
May 24, 2013
Thank you… always inspiring!
Julie S. says:
May 24, 2013
Love the posts. and the community that gathers. X
Daniella says:
May 24, 2013
Wonderful. Thank you.
Angela says:
May 24, 2013
Beautiful, thank you!
Emily says:
May 24, 2013
I sometimes forget this magical website, but every single time I get guided to it, it’s SPOT ON. Thank you so much for collecting such potent insight to share with us. Sooooo helpful. Blessings!
dreamertoo says:
May 24, 2013
I don’t normally post comment here (or read them for that matter) but was drawn to “INTHEMAKING” and the susequent posts. I have been working in a dream circle with a shaman for the past 3 years and am about to start my own circle as she is leaving the area. I too felt a strong vibration around the statement about entering the house from a different place. HOUSE can also represent place of mind, so it could certainly correlate with the inner work and the release of co-dependency. I also see money (gold coins) as a representative of your own sense of value. the crumpled money was no longer good and the male is representative of that part of your self that no longer serves you, therefore has been released to reveal a place for greater self worth through your healing work. I have no more to say about Buffalo than what was spoken above, but agree with investigating this symbol and Buffalo medicine more thoroughly. Profound and transformative dream that yes, speaks to the collective as well. thank you for sharing this!! much love <3
Devamaya says:
May 24, 2013
love it! namo narayanaya
tonya says:
May 25, 2013
I would love to have more of an insight into why im just numb during this change and eclipse i work healing many people i am booked and have a sense of calm i see so many people in intense distress and i am not this concerns me im missing on shifting are there any healers who would do distancw trade with me? im scorpio 6 planets in sag 12th house neptune in 9th i should be stimulated what am i blocking help
SolsticeGal says:
May 25, 2013
Thank you Mystic Mamma for the community you provide here. Thank you to all who have shared. So many big changes. Exhilarating and discomforting at the same time. Now to practice surrender, letting them settle so the horizon can reveal the next leg of the journey. no short cut to growth, although growth change can happen quickly. The process must be experienced,lived through, died through, nurtured and lived again. It can feel exhausting,so rest is essential and joy and fire and dancing. Together in the dance, the ebb and flow. With gratitude and love, I honour each of you and what you bring to the circle.
Lisa says:
May 25, 2013
I too have been having a very mixed up time- every time I thought things were improving I get a big depressing push down….. I am trying really hard to ride the waves- but the ups and downs seem extreme….is this part of the influence- …x
Barbara says:
May 25, 2013
I am so feeling this and being in it to gain some clarity. The joy of being a triple Pisces on the cusp of Aquarius. This is indeed an amazing time. Blessings to us all as we hold the light. and definitely too Lisa, ride the waves! They’ll soon be smoother, but have fun for now. (A reminder to myself… )
Charles Duff Hartman Jr. says:
May 25, 2013
Thank you, Mystic Mama. I felt like I was going crazy. From Kelly’s first words, I know I’m not. Quite the contrary and reverse. Thank You!!!!!
Lucinda Riva says:
May 25, 2013
Thank you, Mystic Mama, for this site; I just found it!
To Barbara…I am a Triple Pisces as well, with my stellium spanning
the Twelfth House – from Mars (late Aquarius) conjunct Sun conjunct Moon (Pisces)
to Mercury conjunct Ascendant (later Pisces). This month of eclipses has
been transformative, all feels still topsy-turvy, but in a good way!!
Definitely new understandings arriving hourly!!
Danielle says:
May 25, 2013
Peace be with you all. Mystic Mama you are truly gifted. I needed to hear what you said as it affirmed my own resistance. I will practice manifestation, positive thoughts, embracing my journey, and listening to my soul talk.
Carlos says:
May 25, 2013
Thank you for sharing the astral insights, mystic mamma!
Infinite SuperMoon blessing to you as well… <3
Maria says:
May 25, 2013
Thank you for the interpretations and to those of you who offered personal stories that help me to feel less alone. Perception is a tricky thing. I almost ended a new relationship last week, but over the past few days, things have been steadily improving. As a gemini, I tend to make decisions with mercurial recklessness. Kelley Rosano’s words are soothing reminders to a fighting soul who is very tired: slow down and hang on more loosely. She writes,
“Choose your battles wisely. Hang loose on making judgments about what is happening—you may not have a full understanding of unfolding events. What seems to be negative on the surface could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. It might also be a Brilliant Breakthrough that leads you to a better, more fulfilling life.â€
Our past often gets in the way of helping us to believe the present may be much better than we have ever experienced.
Jag har bestämt mig | Ackisej says:
May 25, 2013
[…] gärna flummig (för det är jag (men inte pÃ¥ det drogrelaterade sättet!)) men när jag läste den här artikeln av en händelse i morse pÃ¥ en väns Facebookvägg sÃ¥ visste jag. Nu har jag bestämt mig. Jag har […]
Shane Wilson says:
May 25, 2013
Very insightful thank you very much
When Should I Cleanse? Talking Moon Cycles & Seasons… | Vidya Cleanse says:
Jun 3, 2013
[…] the Earth, Sun and Moon are all aligned.  We also have a lunar eclipse happening at 12:11am.  Lots of astral energy going on this weekend!  So be kind to yourself – the whole point of observing the moon days […]
Valerie says:
Jun 23, 2013
Thank you for the words of understanding. This is one of the hardest times of my life. My brother who is also my only sibling is in the last stage of a 3 year battle with cancer. It is a time where faith, hope, and love will help me in finding joy again. Lena your insights are truly inspiring. “gratitude for your ability to step up to what life is giving you”