“Wouldn’t it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself
so deeply that you would do just about anything
if you knew it would make you happy?
This is precisely how much life loves you
and wants you to nurture yourself.
The deeper you love yourself,
the more the universe will affirm your worth.
Then you can enjoy a lifelong love affair
that brings you the richest fulfillment
from inside out.”
~Alan Cohen
Coty says:
Aug 3, 2012
I dont think being inlove with yourself is healthy. Neither is self loathing. Idk maybe I should try falling inlove with myself and see if the universe will “affirm my worth.” But also if I loved myself above others I wouldnt be here right now.
Nicholle says:
Aug 17, 2012
cant give what ya dont have;) xoxo
athena says:
Aug 27, 2012
self love is the most important kind. all love eminates and radiates from self love. the world cannot be healed if each individual is in pain and holding onto situations, circumstances and blocks that have been created by the illusion of separation. we are all one energy and accepting this comes from accepting and loving who you already are and have always been beneath the facade of negative karma.
MichLynn says:
Oct 14, 2012
Right on! <3
sequoia says:
Nov 13, 2012
When you cultivate the love for self, there is a acceptance for all that you are, physically, mentally , emotionally, which reflects out to others in your perception on how you “perceive” the world, the people , events and situations. We are really tuning our selfs from the inside out to the essence of creation which is really beyond a name, its what brings us into the present moment , when we love we are in the present moment, with out fears, worry , doubt, ect and its where spirit is align too. This love for “self” starts to slowly de-solve our “self” ( ego) and unify into the oneness that is in the essence of all life. This is a vibration, it has many names, such as consciousness, & love and when we are in this presents we remember the essence of all life is the core of our being.. Imagine w universe where everyone was supported to love them selfs , follow there heart, and really live there purpose, as we all have? Its a gift to you and all those around you to accept and love your self.. May you remember .. your essence .. Namaste
michell says:
Jun 2, 2013
every thing in life start in the quality of how i love my self ,love youreself dont be in love whith yourself narcissisim its not about love ..
Maz says:
Feb 2, 2014
I feel most in love with myself when I’m healthy and exercising every day and eating the right foods in the right quantity.