Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrological download…
“There’s something new about to begin,
Not quite sure what it is,
But my fear, I know, has got to go,
To more fully move into my bliss!”
He says:
“Yup! The new beginning is coming and we can get a glimpse of it these days, and our role in it! Venus and Mars traveling so close together for another week or so and then gradually separating as she turns to visit her own inner/underworld for renewal once again.
“Let’s take advantage of the insights offered these days through the eclipses, this conjunction, and Lilith, emerging from her own 10 month sojourn through the underworld o Scorpio.
“Time to dream some dreams that may take years to manifest, but let’s face it, every tree begins with a seed! End of Illusions naturally lead to profound revelations which can in turn lead to magnificent manifestations! Let’s go for the gold! Injoy!”
