Here is brother Kaypacha with the collective astrological energy for the week…
“Life is like an obstacle course,
That’s never really done,
Until I come to loving that,
It’s only just begun!”
He says:
“Yup, it is so much about attitude, yes? One person says, ‘Dang, another mountain to climb.’ The other person says, ‘Wow! Look at that mountain! Let’s go climb!’
“Truly, as mentioned in the report, we are emerging out of a chaotic, emotional time, and may feel like the beat up soldier on the battlefield, but hang in there! You’ll make it! You can do it! There is amazing Life to come!
“Indeed, this building of a new paradigm is not happening on a blank slate/chalk board. As healers and teachers, and supporters of the great awakening, we will undoubtedly come face to face with powerful established folks entrenched in patriarchal ways.
“It’s time to buck up, get up, and meet the old with the new, showing the beauty and power of the open heart. This requires being soft and hard, sensitive and tough, and triumphing over victim consciousness with unconditional self love. Go for it!”
In the report he says:
“Dance the dance! It’s crazy, It’s wild and it’s intense but it’s intensely beautiful! And so there’s also these grand moments.
“This is a polarized Reality and the lower down you can go the higher up you can go. Expand your capacity for feeling.”
Patricia says:
Mar 30, 2016
Here we are & here I go into the fire of my hurt, disappointment & pain. I’ve always been a risk taker rising to my challenges. Loss & depression are the hardest. Chaos is not comfortable but, we only have now, this moment. I choose love, life movement and welcome this coming change. I love this new opportunity for life to manifest and can’t wait to see & learn from what comes up next. Thank you, Kaypacha. Namaste`
amber says:
Apr 1, 2016
C_smiles says:
Mar 31, 2016
Feeling is so hard to do sometimes, I want to feel like the kids having fun in gymnastics class, where the challenges were fondly looked upon! Onward and upward
Is says:
Mar 31, 2016
Kaypacha <3
Thank you so much!
Cristin says:
Mar 31, 2016
You are just so fantastic and lovable Kaypacha. These weekly videos keep me going sometimes. I really needed the attitude adjustment this wee, and from what you said I think I can make that shift! Thank you so much you amazing human.
dottie says:
Mar 31, 2016
Oh my goddess… so good!! also…I think I am in love <3 xo :)
peace and love
C. says:
Mar 31, 2016
So true. So touching.
I got hurt in the obstacle course just before the lunar eclipse. It was a long distance relationship, possibly a twin flame one in which we needed to learn unconditional love. We still love each other and miss one another like but the obstacles… Ah, the obstacles. Ah, the situtation.
Thanks for this Kaypacha. It really hurts but I know that it is all about expanding and love.
E says:
Mar 31, 2016
I really feel your insights lately have touched on what seems to be going on in the collective, politically & emotionally speaking, right now. I really appreciate that. I feel we are on the brink of a big shift and we have to jump in to it whole heartedly with our brothers and sisters to be a part of it and create some much needed change in our world. Get in the obstacle course, educate ourselves, be a part of something bigger, breath in to what you want to see change. Thanks Kaypacha!
Nic says:
Mar 31, 2016
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve definitely been in the dugout for the past few months
….this week’s Pele Report makes me want to get up to bat!
Thanks for refreshing me with renewed purpose. Batter up!
Thanks Kaypacha!
Amanie canine says:
Apr 2, 2016
So well said
Mar says:
Apr 1, 2016
Thank you for the pep talk Kaypacha:)
jessica says:
Apr 2, 2016
Hello moderators, please where did the thermometer go where we can fast forward or go back? Something in the interface….
Thank you so much for this gift!!!
mm says:
Apr 3, 2016
Fixed it! Thanks for letting me know :)
lynnette says:
Apr 3, 2016
Thank you so much you are a gem! You make me laugh, you make me smile, you make me say f*king yay! thanks for your mantras and love
Jen says:
Apr 3, 2016
16:35..Lol…OMG, Thank you! You rock!! Boot camp baby!!! lol…crazy I’m laughing right now cause life has NOT been very laughable…but it’s getting to the point where this shit is just waaayyy too serious…and it is funny, throughout all the river of tears. The coyote is laughing in the corner.
Manisha says:
Apr 4, 2016
Fantastic as alway. Lots of love kaypacha.
Thank you!
coco says:
Apr 5, 2016
SO MUCH LOVE. You are such a joyous light! AND AMEN to so much of this!! Im overwhelmed with the call to duty. THANK YOU