

Here is brother Kaypacha with the weekly astrological download…
“The more I evolve the more I see,
It’s not just about moving on,
But saying and doing all I can,
To know that the learning is done.”
He says:
“With the 1st quarter Moon in Aquarius squaring Sun/Lilith/Mercury in Scorpio, and Mars moving there soon, this is sure a time to let go of the old and move toward a new future!
“Of course, there can be many different motivations for this as Scorpio also deals with death, loss, and conflict. Hence the need to look beneath the events to the deeper layers of meaning before exiting a situation.
“Is the motivation for moving on fear, anger, revenge, or escape? Or positively toward a new relationship, goal, job, vision? Oftentimes it is a combination and the ego can play games justifying our actions and hiding our soul intentions/challenges.
“So there is tremendous learning happening through all these changes that is of a soul nature and not ‘just’ about the events or outer appearances going on.
“Great advances and spectacular enlightening awareness can open up possibilities and potential pathways. These may be sudden and require taking some steps into the unfamiliar.
“Clarity as to the purpose and spirit intention can really help give us the ‘umph’ to do it! May breakthroughs abound for you!”
