William Heath Robinson



Here is brother Kaypacha with the Astrology Report for this week of July 15th, 2015.
“I love you,
I’m sorry,
Please forgive me,
Thank you.”
Kaypacha says:
“…practicing Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian healing mantra I have used for this week. However, anytime some ‘problems,’ as in difficult emotions arise between yourself and the world (which is bound to happen with these aspects!), you can sing, chant, or simply say this mantra aloud or to yourself for instant healing. It really is amazing and I hope try it out!
“The astrology of this week is still around emotional connections and the influence of past relationships (going all the back to mom and dad and previous lives) on current feelings, needs, fears, and desires.
“This New Moon in Cancer feels like we are collectively preparing to give birth to a new ‘Us’ and are feeling the contractions.
“An insecure time when we all feel great changes are at hand but there is a huge ‘not knowing’ of just what lies ahead. 
“What I feel is so valuable right now is releasing the the past to allow for a better, more liberated future and that is what the mantra is all about.”
 (Here are links Kaypacha mentioned in case you are interested: Ho’oponopono here. To just listen to the mantra with some theta binaural beats check out this link.)

