

Here is Kaypacha’s astrology report for last week and this week. Last one of 2013 illuminating the energy in the air. Kaypacha says:
“In one way or another we are all getting shook up either with unfinished business that we were not even aware of or, on the other hand,miraculous new friends and pathways opening like the gates of heaven to our new future destiny. Both are unsettling the calm waters where we may have desired some stability, security, and peace. Hang in there remembering that the universe never gives you more than you can handle so now you know how much you have grown haha!”
Mantra for the week:
“When clearing the past to begin anew,
To my deepest self I must be true,
And not be passive or aggressive,
But resolve old issues with heartfelt compassion.”
I have it cued up to the key message but feel free to move cursor to beginning to listen to entire report!
Blessings to all!


PS: I seem to need to put a disclaimer up since this happens every time! The video is working fine! If for some reason you get a “video error” it could be the browser you are using. It also does not seem to work on ipads or iphones. 
