“San Kalpa (sahn KAL-pah) is an ancient Sanskrit sutra that means: ‘My intentions have infinite organizing power.’ When you enter a meditative state and repeat this sutra, you strengthen the power of your intentions.”
“The Sutra is a mantra that has meaning. The mantra itself has no meaning. It’s just a vibration, a sound. It becomes a sutra when there’s an intention coded in the sound.”
“Imagine that the whole universe is a vast ocean of consciousness,and your intentions shoot out from within your heart and ripple across the vast ocean of consciousness.
(san kalpa)
“Imagine that your intention is orchestrating the infinite activity of the universe, counterbalancing the whole ecosystem.
(san kalpa)
“Imagine that every thought you have, every word you utter, every deed of yours brings some benefit to the world.”
(san kalpa)
~Deepak Chopra from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire