My, my, this is shaping up to be a pretty intense FULL MOON and the energy we are swimming seems to be directly tied to KARMA. Yes, I can sense you sigh, but hold true and stay steady my friends, we will get by…
I’ve been reading what some of the best mappers of the planetary forces have to say and I’m bringing to you what seems to resonate…
Here’s a very well written breakdown of the energy many of us are dealing with right now from Karen @ Ravenesquetarot.com
“It is the end of the Full Moon year and at 19 degrees Pisces, this lunar phase will be focused on the reality of your present boundaries, and your dreams. Forming a square with the Gemini South Node and the Sagittarius North Node, this cycle promises to be laced with karmic possibility as you continue to remain challenged with energy from the past.”
“When the Nodes are in any form of aspect, the energy in general is clouded by confusion and insecurity. One can describe the Gemini and Sagittarius Nodes in aspect as an enhanced expression of Mercury in retrograde meets Pluto turning direct, in that you are faced with memories that do far more than just irritate. With the Virgo Sun in quincunx to Black Moon Lilith, you are peeved at previous injustices and are quite riled regards any form of bullying, or exclusive type of behaviour. For some, it will be a time for heavy self assessment on tolerance levels, and what defines being a ‘good’ person.”
“Neptune, the ruler of the New Moon, sits at 28 degrees Aquarius and is in quincunx to Venus in Virgo. This is a difficult aspect due to the fact that you will feel lost regards knowing when to compromise, and when to give in to another’s expectations.”
“You are going to be challenged regards your own behaviour in how you choose to defend your boundaries. Are you going to be the martyr, the victim, or the ultimate hypocrite? Or will you choose to reap the benefits of the last few months hardships which revealed what was best for you, and rise above this past echo? You feel pressured to conform, yet you feel just as pressured to rebel. Discussions with others need to be carefully considered events as a lack of delicacy and tact can complicate relations. Do your best to keep the criticisms to a minimum and be thoughtful when broaching sensitive themes…”
She goes on…
“…much of this cycle is encouragement to get over the surface emotional concern and to turn your focus towards the bigger picture. Obviously, issues that involve nature are strong inspiration this cycle, from recycling, the self-sufficient garden, to major political decisions that affect the global community. But these larger themes also bleed into the personal level, with you resurrecting forgotten talents, or relationships, and by your making far more serious life decisions in general.”
“You will find yourself longing to spend your time with individuals who really ‘get’ you, and will struggle midst the company of those who do not. What really matters to you regards your role in the big, wide world is right under the spotlight, and you will crave the support of like-minded others. However, this leaves you prone to empty words and promises, as you enter new and unfamiliar territory. This is why compromise, being realistic and openly embracing the flaws within those who are sincere about you, is a major lesson that this cycle brings. You may not need to change life as much as you ‘think’ you do and perhaps you simply need to alter your train of thought.”
“In conjunction to the Full Moon is asteroid Poseidon…On the personal level, you can also expect to be shaken as you face a deep, emotional reality. Actual information, in the form of a confession and the like, can be revealed in a situation where you have some level of emotional investment, or you wake up to new insight regards your present emotional attachments. When considering the role of Poseidon and Gaea in a more positive light, you can appreciate that you are creating your new earth, as you heal and improve the base structure of your present intentions. Poseidon was also the God who would tend over colonization, so his energy is also encouragement to watch over the details and to consider the long term possibility of the options before you.”
“This Full Moon in Pisces is cathartic in its efforts in forcing you to see where you are letting yourself down. Of course, not everything ‘negative’ is yours to own, but you are in control of how you take action after the harsher intensity. Pisces and the 12th House is your hidden matter, energy that you work very hard to protect and when it is exposed, you feel vulnerable. Each and every time the 12th House or Neptune is in focus, you are forced to strip off another layer of self and it is then up to you to decide what layer of protection you choose to replace what was lost.”
“Take time when dealing with issues as they unravel and take a step back when passion is going to dictate. It is time to be quieter and more objective, as you move beneath the surface noise and reconnect with your true karmic intention.”
Content © Ravenesque TarotÂ
More insight from the always wonderful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“We have the opportunity transform victim-hood and being taken advantage of into healthy way to offer help and service in life. Take a deeper look at where you are ignoring the facts and details and then feel as if you were taken advantage of. You have the power to change this by awareness and choice.”
“Especially during a full moon phase of the lunar cycle, there may be emotional issues or long time suffering that comes up that is in need of healing and understanding. Be gentle and tender with yourself or another. Peace will be restored after you forgive and move forward. With transiting Mercury/Jupiter aspect happening also, we have the positive frame of mind to expand our way of perceiving to include the bigger picture of what’s going on and make realistic changes.”
“Transiting Mars in Cancer ‘Sextile’ Venus in Virgo and this symbolism suggests perfect opportunities we need to take action on how we feel and be of practical help to our loved ones, including ourselves. We could use this energy to fine tune our methods of relating, taking action and the balance of giving/receiving.”
© Copyright 2011 Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
From Robert Wilkinson and his insightful blog Aquarius Papers:
“This Full Moon will bring us the rewards of work we’ve done up to now! It’s a harvest time, with lots of great activity gathering what we need that we’ll be able to use in practical ways in the very near future….”
“A brief overview: the period ruled by this Full Moon will educate us through our actions, where our practical efforts will bring us rewards through and with our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters. This will be an incredibly efficient time, and endings, past and present, will be seen in the light of the wisdom of what and why those things had to end. In this sense, since anything that has to end is no longer true for us, then we can find a deeper wisdom and compassion about why that is so..”
“Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “nature’s prodigality” revealed through our “genius for multiplying the facilities of modern life,” and finding “expectancies which will interest enlightened individuals.” Here we see “experience is on the move in a civilized society, since everyone (is) encouraged to heed (their) visions and claim increasing rewards for the skill (we) develop.”
“He goes on to say that “Self goes out very courageously to meet its world, and as a result finds it has brought a cosmos to its doorstep” He offers the keyword VARIETY, and states that when operating positively, the degree is “an exceptional capacity for creating a greater promise and producing expanded dividends in every area of human activity.”
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
From April Elliot Kent:
Which is more important: results, or process? At this Full Moon, the Sun in Virgo argues for efficiency and results. But across the zodiacal wheel, the fully illuminated Moon in the opposite sign, Pisces, makes the case for enjoying the process of life. For dancing with the leaves and having an absolutely wonderful time…
“There are moments when the soul demands that we cease our labors and pause a bit. These are moments made for perching on the porch steps in the gathering twilight under the harvest moon, bidding farewell to another summer. In the magical instant between dusk and dark, it’s possible to glimpse an enchanting Oz where we’re free from the demands of daily life.”
“Instead of wringing productivity from the last hours of light, why not pause your labors and celebrate the bounty of what’s already been harvested? Since the Virgo New Moon two short weeks ago, you’ve probably done enough work for an entire month. Your bushel baskets are already full to overflowing, and the winsome Full Moon is beckoning.”
© 2011 April Elliott Kent All Rights Reserved
Sasha says:
Sep 10, 2011
Absolutely amazing…..you called mr from A-Z on this one!! Thank you I look forward to the coming changes.
Robert Wallace says:
Sep 10, 2011
Wow…thats some heavy stuff…very interesting…aloha…mahalo…