dearest hearts~
we have the “pink moon” FULL MOON rising in SCORPIO on 4.23.24…
the native peoples of north america named it a pink moon because of the pink moss phlox flowers that bloom during this time…
traditionally when the SUN is in TAURUS and the FULL MOON in SCORPIO has marked the commemoration of the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha…
TAURUS archetypally embodies the energies of LIFE in all its earthly blooming, while the energies of SCORPIO archetypally symbolize DEATH and REBIRTH…
there is a meaningful link here for they both teach us how to truly live…
in certain Buddhist sects, the awareness of death and of our mortality is part of the daily spiritual practice because through facing death, we are awakened to the sacredness of LIFE….
DEATH truly awakens us to LIFE… 
and it seems these current evolutionary energies are all working together to remind us of this….


 full download on my
+ here is the place where i love you+ 


what a transformative month this has been! i have been going deep into everything over in my Patreon community…
please join us if you feel called, so grateful for that space to share reflection on all the sentient streams beneath the surface of our lives…
let’s stay “close to the Soul of the Earth and the secret roots of all things…”
with all my heart!


the festival of Vesak, which is celebrated on different dates every year, is actually being celebrated in Asia next month on the Sagittarius Full Moon…
it appears that because the lunar calendar has shifted its sequence and is now in reverse order (meaning the Full Moon now comes before the New Moon when the Sun enters a new sign it now falls within the Gemini/Sagittarius axis…
traditionally Buddha was said to be born in the month of Taurus and in the past Vesak has aligned and been celebrated on the Scorpio Full Moon within the Taurus/Scorpio Axis….
symbolically these energies feels more aligned with the Buddha’s life and teachings on the cycles of samsara that move us between LIFE and DEATH…
in the west it is still on this axis but in Vedic it’s in May…  apologies for my mistake regarding the date of the festival of Vesak, hope we can still gleam the symbolism shared and reflect on his much needed teachings on compassion on this pink moon…